Farnborough College of Technology Minibus
In June Farnborough Lions Club received a request from Farnborough College of Technology's Foundation Studies and Entry Level Department for assistance to raise raise funds towards the purchase a minibus for their special needs students. They were only too happy to help, but as the project was so large we asked their friends in the nearby Lions Clubs of Aldershot, Fleet, Hart, Hook & Odiham and Yateley & District if they would like to help.
In the true Lions spirit these clubs gave outstanding support enabling the funds to be raised very quickly for the minibus purchase with the help also of student parents .
At Farnborough Lions Autumn Quiz Night Programme Manager for the Foundation Studies Department, Liz Wilson thanked the Lions Clubs and quiz night contestants for their generous support by explaining how the minibus is used to help the students develop their employability skills, independence and confidence. She also showed a short video which illustrates the tremendous benefit the minibus has made to the students..
To play this video click on the image below and to view full screen by click on the open square button near the bottom right corner. It starts at the Quiz Night with the short introduction by Liz Wilson and then continues with the video made by the students. Altogether it runs for just over 4 minutes and is well worth watching until the end.