Acting DG Blog 23/24
See my 24/25 Blog
Sunday, 30th June
Never again!!!! Dosed up to the eyeballs as really suffering. Constant food on the three planes which I really didn't want. Still we arrived on time back at Heathrow, our suitcases were some of the first off and our taxi driver was waiting. By 20.00 hours we'd arrived home and straight to bed for me.
Saturday, 29th June
Now starts the long slog home. Unfortunately not feeling too well. Took suitcases to the station only to discover that the train lines were closed due to work taking place on them - felt like being back home. Lovely guy in the information centre told us no need to get a taxi as if we could get to Haymarket on the tram then there were free buses to the airport. Got the the airport for flight back to Melbourne. Arrived at 18.30 and had to hang around until 2.50 Sunday for flight to Singapore.
Friday, 28th June
Walked to the Botanical Gardens - in my element with the incredible trees! Had a tour of the Opera House - Clive in his element!!! In the afternoon I decided I needed more culture so visited the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Thursday, 27th June
Great to have nothing to get up for! Caught the ferry to Manly and spent the morning walking along the beach and nature reserve.
Wednesday, 26th June
Up early to get the shuttle bus to Melbourne airport to catch a plane to Sydney. One hour flight and then took the train to the centre of Sydney to stay in the Intercontinental Hotel for a few nights. Had lunch by the harbour and then walked to the Opera House bumping into a Nepalese Lion. Couldn't get near the Opera House as an open air concert going on. Went to the Botanical Gardens meeting some Chinese Lions and having photos taken with them. Saw massive flying bats and white crane like birds. Walked back to the hotel to chill.
Tuesday, 25th June
Very emotional morning when I got sworn in as District Governor. Peter videoed it. After the end of convention our District Governors, Council Chair, Icelandic District Governors and Dieter, Belgium District Governor and all our partners went and had a lunch together.
Monday, 24th June
Morning off visiting the Botanical Gardens and war memorial.
Two seminars in the afternoon. New ways to increase service impact - useful information about the portal which I will investigate when I get home. Then new Voices - we need to make our clubs relevant for all and ensure everyone has a voice.
Two receptions in the evening - Dutch and Belgium both hosted by our DG group 18 members. Then on to our reception where we were introduced to our guests.
Sunday, 23rd June
Opening ceremony was very moving. Seeing all the flags of the country being recognised makes you realise what a wonderful organisation we are which can unite all.
After a quick lunch of pizza went to a seminar where there was a discussion on advocacy. We need to tell our stories to the world. Time and time again I heard the phrase "we are the best kept secret!" As Lions it is our duty to be proud of what we do, however small, and tell the world.
German reception in the evening followed by Scandinavian reception hosted by our Icelandic friends from DG training.
Saturday, 22nd June
Parade of Nations. Wonderful experience. Lots of flag waving. On way back was chatting to a lovely Lion from Christchurch Lions in New Zealand. She lived in Bournemouth Street and I told her about Bournemouth and Christchurch Lions. Gave her my pin and she gave me her banner.
In evening went to concert. Singer who sang First Nation songs. Just up my street. Then Elton John Tribute. Didn't know Elton spoke with an Australian accent!!!
Friday, 21st June
Convention started in earnest with lots of plenary sessions. Keynote speaker at end of day was inspirational. Janine Shepherd spoke on 'Never Tell Me Never'. All about loving the hills and building resilience.
Evening DGE banquet and a chance to wear our white jackets for the first time although I was a rebel and wore a cream evening jacket!
Thursday, 20th June
It's 4.00 am and we're wide awake.
Yesterday was such an incredible experience. Fiona was so proud of what Australia is doing for conservation. The woman who decided to do something to protect the amazing penguins put them first. The area was prime real estate with about 20 large houses on the site. She asked the owners to leave and now there are no houses - just penguin burrows. Talk about respecting your environment.
Breakfast in the hotel then walked to Queen Victoria Market. Clive enjoyed going round the food hall. I did not. Had to hold my breath and avert my eyes from meat and fish. Wandered round the other market and yes they do sell hats with corks.
Back to hotel to pick up our cases which we dragged to Crown Metropol. Room not ready so grabbed some lunch and registered at 14.30. Walked along south bank to Federation Square. Visited Koorie Heritage Trust where we bumped into Fiona, our guide from yesterday. Back to hotel stopping for coffee on the way.
Dinner in bar near hotel then walked over to Conference Centre. It is huge!!!
Wednesday, 19th June
Went on a tour to Phillip Island to see the koalas and Little Blue penguins (they really have blue feathers).
Stopped at Cowes for lunch!
Then drove to Koala Sanctuary. We were privileged to see a koala walking as they spend most of their time asleep.
Our guide, Fiona, was excellent and gave us the heads up on how to get the best out of the trip.
Little blue penguins are amazing. They have high velocity poop and wait for each other when they emerge from the sea. They dig their own burrows on land. The area where the penguins live has been designated a conservation area. The people who lived there had to move and no human is allowed in over night.
Guess who followed us back to the hotel?!?
Tuesday, 18th June
Not a bad night's sleep. After breakfast went into the tourist information wearing our red Lions' jackets. The staff were wearing identical ones so guess we might be mistaken for them when out and about! Very friendly staff greeted us and one of them, who had emigrated from Scotland, gave us maps etc.
Wandered across the Yarra River and found the conference centre and Crown Metropole Hotel. Coffee then wandered back to our hotel stopping to book a trip to Phillip Island for tomorrow.
Did our own walking tour of The Lanes and Arcades. Had lunch in small cafe.
Bumped into DGE Kevin as we were getting on the free tram.
Indian meal tonight down a little alley near the hotel. Then had a walk to Federation Square. I love seeing cities lit up at night.
Sunday, 16th June
Up at 5.00 am. Clive picked a good hotel right next to Terminal 3. Dropped off cases and had last English breakfast for two weeks.
Flight took off at 9.20. First stop Dubai, second stop Singapore. Arrived in Melbourne at 21.00 Monday, Watched Barbie, Wonka and The Apartment and three of Simon Reeve's Wilderness. About one hours sleep for whole of flight. Walked to hotel in Little Collins Street.
Saturday, 15th June
Morning spent doing housework and packing. Taxi to hotel at Heathrow in preparation for tomorrow's flight to Melbourne.
Tuesday, 11th June
Managed to go on the u3a walk ably led by Clive - we had done a recce a couple of weeks ago. Lots of inclines but amazing views. Couldn't resist taking a photo of this tree when we were having a drink in the local pub - I think it was watching us!
Monday, 10th June
Drove to Stubbington to attend Fareham Lions' meeting. A small club with a big heart. Their second PSA event is on Saturday and they have over 460 men being tested.
Sunday, 9th June
Up early, made packed lunch then Clive and I set off for the second District Fun Day to be held at Marwell. Judith Goodchild had taken over the lead role from me and did a wonderful job. To begin with I was incognito and having a great time engaging with all the guests. I had to show some who were afraid of a big Lion that I wasn't real! It was absolutely brilliant to see the faces of the guests as they arrived. Luckily the weather was not too hot but I was ably assisted by our Health and Safety Officer, Brian Donovan, who kept me plied with water. Stayed at the front gate until midday and then went to the Hall to have my lunch and catch up with other Lions. After lunch I went hunting for Clive (the official photographer!) and found him by the tiger enclosure - the tiger was having a dip in the pond. We walked around the park stopping to look at the meerkats (one on sentry duty), the penguins (waiting for their food), the hippos (wallowing in the water) and the snow leopards. The weather stayed fine for us (last year it was boiling hot and then we had a torrential downpour and the roads became flooded) and because it was not too hot lots of the animals came out. I think every Lion I saw and all the guests had big smiles on their faces. Lions serving at their best. Can't wait for next year's Fun Day!
Thursday, 6th June
Coffee with a couple of ex-Lions in the afternoon then back home for two zoom meetings - Incoming Council of Governors and then a meeting about Melbourne which is coming up very quickly!
Half an hour to chill before going off to my chanting practice.
Wednesday, 5th June
Caught up with an old school friend today. Short walk along Emsworth foreshore and cheese scone and latte in our usual haunt. So lucky to live near the sea.
Lions/Brain Tumour Research Appeal officers' meeting tonight. Good to network and pick up ideas as to what other districts are doing to support the appeal.
Monday, 3rd June
Dave and I met to view a possible venue for my Convention. Looking good.
In the evening drove over to visit Meon Valley Lions. Great to catch up with them and hear all the things they do to serve their wide rural community. The new minibus is up and running and they are involved in lots of summer fetes in their patch. Handed out some long service chevrons and chatted to some of the newer members.
Sunday, 2nd June
Asked Clive what he had planned for today and he said 'a walk'. So decided to go with him - another five miles. This time just the two of us as opposed to 24 yesterday. The sun was shining as he took me up hills and down dales - mostly ups. We live in such a beautiful country - worth the climb to see the wonderful views. I forgot to take a snack with me so Clive kindly offered to share his banana with me.
Saturday, 1st June
Managed to get a five mile walk in with South East Hants Ramblers this morning. Very windy but the sun was shining. Lots of wild foxgloves on the walk.
Sunday, 26th May
Helped out on our stall at Petersfield Festivities this afternoon. The town was incredibly busy. Good to catch up with some of the other Lions.
Saturday, 25th May
Drove to St Leonard's Hotel to help Ringwood and Fordingbridge Lions celebrate their Charter. Helped President Steve present a 50 year chevron to Martin and two Melvin Jones Fellowships. Dot Tuke was blown away to receive one - she is so supportive of the club. The second MJF was presented to John who is CEO of New Forest for Ukraine which sends out a truck every 20 days to Ukraine filled with food, toiletries, first aid and things to keep the Ukranians warm and give them light such as bedding, candles, gloves and generators. Like Lions their aim is to support those in need.
It rained heavily on the way home - in contrast to the journey down which was in sunshine!
Thursday, 23rd May
Very special evening for our family. We were invited to Fort Nelson for a private viewing of their D-Day exhibition. My mother's father was the photographer with the local paper. He came back from London with an American uniform and we never knew why. The museum had commissioned some metal cut outs of people who were associated with D-Day. Very moving to see a larger than life size cut out of him as he died when I was two years old so have no memory of him. My brother is the spit image of him!
Tuesday, 21st May
Spent the day in Bath - the last time I had been there for any length of time was when I was 18!!! Met up with my brother at St Swithin's Church where he was singing. The song and setting was incredibly emotional and moved me to tears.
Had lunch in the cafe in the church with some of the singing group.
Drove to Marlborough to visit the club and present some chevrons. Lots of fun and laughter especially about a hog roast that someone was willing to donate to the club!
After the meeting wended my way home - I must trust my satnav as it took me an hour longer than it should - M27 closed and I got into a loop!!! Made it home at 11.15.
A hectic couple of days but thoroughly enjoyable.
Monday, 20th May
Drove to Devizes to visit the club. Lovely time hearing about what they do for the community and able to present some chevrons. The club had a very successful golf day and have introduced a new activity - a sponsored walk. It was good to network and chat to the second vice president about courses that she might be interested in.
Spot the difference!
Drove to Bradford-on-Avon for overnight stay with my brother.
Sunday, 19th May
Super glue and duck tape - amazing inventions - if they work on my wing mirror!
Saturday, 18th May
Clive and I drove to Windsor to join Wokingham Lions boat trip to celebrate their 50th Charter. Managed to hit my wing mirror against a wheelie bin so had to find somewhere that did tape - a tall order at 7.00 pm. Still, Tesco Express did a mean parcel tape that worked.
Lovely evening spent chatting to Lions - heard about their new event - a Swimathon. Unforturnately, our patron, the Duchess of Edinburgh, who is a member of Wokingham Lions, was unable to attend.
Met up with Tim, our 2nd VDG.
Arrived home at 1.00 am.
Thursday, 16th May
Met up with a friend for a walk. Rather soggy as it started to rain half way through.
Drove to Ringwood for a zone meeting. Past District Governor from District 102E (Switzerland) in attendance. Lovely to meet her and hear about Lions in her country. Good discussion about membership, dementia, health and safety among other things.
Monday, 13th May
Club visit to Woolmer Forest Lions tonight. Presented three membership chevrons. Sadly, a number of members were unable to attend. They have lots of commitment over D-Day weekend. Being very proactive will looking for new members.
Sunday, 12th May
Cabinet in the morning via zoom 10.30 until 12.30ish. Good discussions amongst the officers.
Afternoon zoom meeting with incoming officers - again lots of good discussion. Feeling inspired to be working with such a great team.
Saturday, 11th May
Clive and I drove to Westbury for their 51st Charter. Great evening and wonderful entertainment. President Geoff had surprise guests - his daughters and daughter-in-law - such a special evening for him. Lovely to see so many Lions from other clubs and also my trainer Stewart Sherman-Kahn. We all participated enthusiastically in the entertainment - some more than most! The Macarena brought back memories of the school discos we had when I was teaching - glad to say I have not lost the rhythm. Mind you, like many, I am suffering today after doing 'Whoops upside your head'.
Thursday, 9th May
U3a history group talk on the Wey & Arun Canal - fascinating.
Drove to Alton for a club visit. Lovely meeting and a chance for me to see the video Alton Lions had made to advertise what they do - challenged them to put an article in The Sentinel. I was also able to present Mike Baker with his International President's Leadership Medal as he was unable to attend our Convention.
Wednesday, 8th May
Quick trip up to Petersfield for an activity meeting. Aiming to do a lion hunt on Petersfield Heath.
Lions/Brain Tumour Research Officers' meeting via zoom in the evening.
Tuesday, 7th May
Catching up on my long list of things to do. Managed to meet a couple of friends for morning tea and then went for a walk with one of them along the coast at Emsworth - beautiful warm sunny day.
Monday, 6th May
Back to normality - mum day for me - took her out for the day to a local garden centre.
Sunday, 5th May
An unforgettable day - walk in with the other incoming DGs. Very emotional - whenever I hear 'Good Vibrations' it will remind me of that time. So many hugs from so many people. It makes you so proud to be part of such an amazing organisation. Rest of the morning celebrating our youth with many presentations.
Quick lunch and then listened to the Melbourne presentation - Clive had set off home so I had to take notes! Beginning to get excited.
Said goodbye to all at Weston-super-Mare and then drove home via the Mendip Hills - beautiful scenery and this time no cattle to walk in front of my car.
What an amazing few days - I would recommend anyone to attend a Multiple District Convention.
Saturday, 4th May
Convention started at 9.30. A very busy day with lots of information. Good to meet up with Lions from our district and others.
Evening at The Winter Gardens. Dancing the night away!
Friday, 3rd May
Continuing Council meeting in the morning and then the incoming Governors met to decide officers etc for July.
Evening on the pier. They kept the amusement arcade open for us. Wonderful time on the dodgems and then had a go on the go-karts (managed to spin off!). Clive made it just in time for the meal.
Caught up with some Lions when I went on training in Brussels.
Thursday, 2nd May
Drove to Weston-super-Mare ready for Council of Governors afternoon meeting. Evening meal with current DGs and incoming DGs.
Wednesday, 1st May
Left home at 8.15 and drove to Avebury to meet a friend. Visited my favourite stone again!
Visit to some of the shops and lunch in National Trust cafe. Said goodbye to friend at 2.00 and went to look at the museum and gardens (the manor was closed as it got flooded in January). Then drove to stay the night at my brother's. Early start tomorrow to Weston-super-Mare for Multi District Convention.
Tuesday, 30th April
Zone zoom meeting - good to see current zone chairs and also incoming zone chairs. Some good ideas shared.
Sunday, 28th April
Clive and I went with our u3a garden visit group to Gilbert White's House. Such an interesting place - as well as information about Gilbert White (one of 11 children!) it also has displays about Laurence Oates (the Antarctic explorer) and Frank Oates - an African explorer. The weather was not good but we managed to get out into the grounds. Loved the viewing chair which rotated 360 degrees. Gilbert White used to sit in it - he was a bit shorter than Clive!
Enjoyed lunch in the cafe.
Saturday, 27th April
Afternoon zoom with Dave - catching up on Lions - so much better than a phone call.
Clive and I drove to Basingstoke for their 57th Charter. Lovely meal and company - heard about their Swimathon which sounds very interesting. Lovely to hear that the zone are working together to raise money for a special chair for someone who lives in the zone.
Thursday, 25th April
Finance meeting via zoom.
Wednesday, 24th April
Zoom with DGEs - chance to chat and reflect on our training.
Sunday, 22nd April
Up at 6.00 raring to go! Last day of training. We had to give a speech to the rest of the team - our homework had been to write three speeches. The speech could not last longer than 3 minutes. Incredible how nervous you can get doing it in front of people you know.
The District Governor Elects also got a chance to have a meeting with Kav. So looking forward to becoming District Governor.
Arrived home at 3.30.
Saturday, 21st April
Awake at 3.30! Full on day today. Team building using the Jigsaw Discovery Toolbox. Looking at yourself and others. Did something similar when I was teaching and it really makes you think. I have to say that Lions courses are really good - last week's Regional Leadership Learning candidates came away buzzing.
Met with Kav, our incoming Council Chair, in the evening. A chance for us all to get to know each other as we will be working closely together.
Friday, 20th April
Drove to HQ on way to DGE training in Redditch. HQ very busy. Jan answering many queries about the Lions Portal and helping Lions access the system. Met up with Dave Ebsworth who was at HQ sorting out our Multiple District Convention. Then went to the hotel where training was taking place and met up with the other DGEs. Stewart Sherman-Kahn and Alastair Joel also there - training us this weekend. Early to bed.
Thursday, 18th April
Chanting practice in the evening. Sadly, I won't be able to make the chant on Saturday as away training.
Tuesday, 16th April
Walk with u3a - at one point had to turn back as flooding made the route impassable. Good to get out in the open air. Saw a few bluebells.
Monday, 15th April
Met up with Lions and friends for a few games of bingo in a local cafe. Great fun!
Sunday, 14th April
Petersfield Charter lunch at The Half Moon. Lovely to spend time with club members.
Saturday, 13th April
Good to be in Petersfield charity corner this afternoon. Children's toy and book stall for donations. Monies raised going to Taiwan Earthquake Appeal. Chatting to people and getting the word out there about Lions. Dismantled the gazebo and took it back to Lion's garage. Then quick dash home to get changed for a Ruby Wedding celebration. Cream tea.
Friday, 12th April
Bit like being back at school - pre-assignments to complete before my 1st VDG training next weekend - I have to write three different speeches!
Clive and I drove to Warminster to attend their 60th Charter Anniversary. Lovely evening and great to see so many different clubs represented. Able to catch up with clubs I had visited as 2nd VDG (seems so long ago!). Presented two MJFs to members of Warminster Lions. University Challenged game show was fun and Clive was really impressed with the musical entertainment 'A Sackful of Sovereigns'. According to him they did a good job of Hotel California.
Drive home was uneventful - not like the last time when I had to negotiate floods.
Thursday, 11th April
Coffee with friends made through Lions. Great to catch up with each other.
GAT zoom meeting - forward planning for cabinet in May - zoom in morning for cabinet and then afternoon zoom for new district officers.
Wednesday, 10th April
U3a local history group - we went to Southwick House where the D-day map is. Very interesting talk by the guide. Found out that a whole map of the British Isles had been commissioned and shipped to Southwick House where only the section needed was erected and the rest was destroyed - such subterfuge that was necessary to stop the Germans finding out our plans. It was found out recently that the map had not been made by Chad Valley as was previously thought but by Triang. We lived near the Triang factory in Merton when I was young and my brother had a red trike with a bread bin basket on the back which I took over when he outgrew it!
Sunday, 7th April
Having gone to bed gone midnight it was up at 6.45 to get ready for the day ahead. A leisurely breakfast in the Beefeater before we drove to Morrisons in Newport where we helped Ryde, Newport and Cowes Branch Club engage with the folk who live on the island. It had been put on Facebook that we would be collecting spectacles, stamps and bras. Lots of people had seen it and arrived bearing those three things. We were then able to engage with them talking about Lions - possible people to help at events and who knows may well want to become Lions. It was incredibly windy - we had to keep chasing handouts and hang on to the gazebo. When the wind got up we called it a day and retired to Morrisons for some well earned nourishment.
Drove back to Fishbourne and caught the 3.30 ferry back to Southampton. Clive was waiting to pick me up. Absolutely shattered but had such a wonderful time on the island.
Saturday, 6th April
Clive dropped me off at the Red Funnel Terminal at Southampton where Di and Dave were waiting to pick me up. Caught the ferry to Fishbourne on the Isle of Wight. Dave drove to Ryde where we enjoyed meeting them at their charter. After lunch a short drive to Newport to book into the Premier Inn. I managed a short walk along the inlet but it was rather windy. In the evening we drove to Lake to see Sandown & Shanklin Lions show - A Night on Broadway. I was able to present President Steve with his 20 year chevron. The show was absolutely wonderful - 6 grandchildren of Steve's singing as well as lots of adults. So many smiling faces and it was obvious that the whole audience had a great time.
After the show Dave, Di and I had a chance to chat and tick lots of things off our planning list.
Thursday, 4th April
Special day today - state pension kicks in!!!
Clive and I had a day out at Hillyers' Gardens and Arboretum near Romsey. Pleasant few hours walking around, dodging the rain showers. On the way out saw an artist who painted wildlife pictures. She had some lion cards so of course I bought some. Turns out she lives 3 miles away from us!
Lions everywhere I looked ...
And of course saw lots of trees.
Wednesday, 3rd April
Busy day today. Coffee with PDG Pat chatting about our teaching careers etc. Then zoom get together with 2nd VDGE Tim. Quick drive up to Petersfield for an activities meeting - planning future events. Evening Lions/Brain Tumour Research zoom meeting.
Tuesday, 2nd April
Drove to Warminster for a club visit. Lots of fun and laughter and also some serious business - great to see monies spent and good causes supported. Received a donation for the DG charity of £1000. Must ask Tim how much we have so far so I can let everyone know. Interesting drive home - it had rained all the way up and was slightly less going home. Decided to go home via Salisbury - roads very flooded and then a detour! Good old SatNav took me somewhere in the countryside. Luckily I was going slowly as a herd of about ten deer came out of the woods and crossed the road - a wonderful sight.
Sunday, 31st March
Clive and I went for a very windy walk along Southsea sea front. Could just make out the Isle of Wight as unfortunately the sun chose not to shine.
Saturday, 30th March
Alond with other Petersfield Lions I set up a tombola at Petersfield's Easter Fair at 8.45. Lots of footfall and raised £187 for our club. Engaged with the public to spread the word about Lions. The Lions/Brain Tumour Research banner drew in a lot of people who told us that their lives had been touched by relative and friends who had brain tumours.
Wednesday, 27th March
DGE zoom get together tonight. Good to catch up and share information.
Tuesday, 26th March
Clive and I both had a free day so off we went on our local bus - great for me as I now have my free bus pass!
We went to Portsmouth Dockyard and went on the Victory. So many lions everywhere I looked.
Sunday, 24th March
Weather good so managed a walk which was not very muddy but quite hilly! Spent time preparing a tombola for our club - offered a place at the Easter Fair next Saturday and it seemed too good an opportunity to miss.
Saturday, 23rd March
Bournemouth & Christchurch club meeting. Presented 4 chevrons - one member 10 years and three members 15 years. Had coffee and an amazing lemon drizzle cake made by Barbara.
Clive and I drove to The Casa Hotel at Yateley for Fleet Lions 50th Charter. Lovely evening with Lions from all over the district attending. Given a donation for the DGs Charity - Children's Hospices in our area - Alexander Devine, Naomi House & Jacksplace and Julia's House. Must ask our treasurer how much in the kitty so far. Said our goodbyes and arrived home at 1.00 am.
Friday, 22nd March
Petersfield Lions supporting the Music Festival - serving behind the bar - I am getting a dab hand with the card reader.
Thursday, 21st March
Zoom meeting with Newport and Cowes Branch Clubs - great to see them without getting sea sick!
Monday, 18th March
A leisurely breakfast after a lie in! The four of us walked into Bradford-on-Avon along the river - we didn't see any otters even though we kept a look out for them. Good to see posters advertising Lions.
Had lunch in a lovely cafe and then walked back to my brother's place and sat in the garden for the rest of the afternoon. Clive and I then drove to Chippenham for a club visit. Great to hear about the success stories - supporting families from Ukraine, the Bob Cook games .... Picked up a new way to twist tails which was brought over to Chippenham by a Lion who had emigrated to New Zealand and chartered a club there before returning home a few decades later and joining Chippenham. The meeting was over by 8.30 pm and I drove home - not much traffic on the roads and no road closures!!!
Sunday, 17th March
Clive and I drove to Swindon to help the club celebrate their 58th Charter with a lovely lunch. Super company, lovely venue and meal. Great to hear about the Story Bus for Ukraine that they have supported. I get such a warm feeling inside when I hear of all the good that Lions do.
After lunch we drove to Bradford-on-Avon to stay with my brother and his partner. Handy to have them living at the opposite side of our district.
Saturday, 16th March
Up early and walked along the shore to Emsworth where I helped a friend promote her Shiatzu business (and got a couple of treatments in the process!). Then drove to Hayling Island to catch up with a couple of Lion friends for lunch. Back home at 3.00 to get ready for going to Swindon and Chippenham over the next couple of days.
The evening saw me at Petersfield Festival Hall helping behind the bar at the annual Music Festival. Luckily we don't do after show drinks so was able to get away once we had cleared up after the interval.
Friday, 15th March
Clive and I drove to the Wellington Arms to join Hook & Odiham and Loddon Valley Lions Clubs in their joint charters. Lovely food, venue and company - well supported by other clubs. This was a unique event in that John and Judith Goodchild are presidents of the clubs which are in different zones.
Thursday, 14th March
Caught up with some Lions/ex-Lions for a coffee. Then drove to u3a history group meeting - talk entitled from Romans to Normans - the birth of the parish church. Really interesting. Served tea and coffee and washed up. Evening chanting practice - great energy and setting me up for a busy few days. Sadly I will miss the actual chant day as I'll be on a ADG training weekend.
Tuesday, 12th March
Took the train to London and guess who I bumped into!
Lions/UN Day in the Palace of Westminster. Many Lions from 105SC in attendance. Presentation by Lion Mark Lyon - 3rd Vice International President talking about the connections between UN and LCI and joint objectives. Next speaker was Maeve Patterson from UN Refugee Agency talking about supporting displaced families.
The Activity Alliance Partnership was renewed. Our lovely Brigitte from HQ presented the Peace Poster and Peace Essay awards. If you get a chance have a look at them on our 105SC website - the essay is incredible.
Then with a big drum role, Stu Young announced that the Lions Eye Camera Project is now official and the first screening will take place with the help of Mark Lyons at Lyons Hall School in Braintree.
I also met up with four fellow VDGs.
Oh, and of course, I came across lots of other lions!
Sunday, 10th March
A slightly easier start to the day. Breakfast, more chats with fellow Lions, and then into the big room for an hour of discussion. A chance for Lions to put forward suggestions etc. Our Council Chair, David Pope, was there and was able to take away clubs concerns with regards to insurance.
The final packing up of bits and pieces - how come my car was fuller than on Friday? Back home by 14.00. Checked my emails and found that Council Chair, David, had already acted on clubs insurance concerns.
An amazing Convention that can only take place due to the hard work of so many Lions and their partners across our District. Swindon taking the food donations to their local hub, Highworth & District taking the spectacles collected to Birmingham and paying for the fuel to do so, Fleet for taking away the bras and so many other clubs and members involved at various levels - teamwork is a wonderful thing.
My overarching thoughts about Convention - it was such an incredible experience - I felt at times that I had been through an emotional wringer but I am so proud to be a Lion and part of a wonderful family as together we can and do make a difference. It was great to see representatives from Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Wight there too - it isn't easy in our District to get to events but thanks to all who did.
Saturday, 9th March
Time for the more serious side of Convention but we still managed to have fun! Many interesting speakers including Chris Hibbert, MD Hunger Officer, who talked about hunger - some frightening facts - and gave us ideas of what we, as Lions, could do. Peter Wragg, Vice President of Julia's House gave an incredibly emotional talk about the work that the charity does. So many clubs in Dorset and Wiltshire support this particular Children's Hospice. It was great to hear from Calne that their Julia's Ball held recently had raised £7000 for the charity and I am so pleased that it is one of the recipients of my DG and Partner's Charity for the next two years.
In the afternoon we had five minute slots celebrating the achievements of Lions at local and international level - too many to mention but all very interesting. Holly Ryan, who has attended three Youth Camps gave a talk - such a confident speaker and such a worthwhile project that gives the youth a chance to have amazing experiences. Certificates and International Awards were presented - Carole Hambleton was touched that Aldershot received the David Firth certificate for ROAR as Ian had been instrumental in getting it into schools in Aldershot.
Oh, and I nearly forgot - the results of the election for DG, 1st and 2nd Vices. Glad to say that we all got in - me, Dianne and Tim - so guess 105SC will be stuck with me for another year.
Attended Jarvis's first timers reception in the evening - lovely to hear that they were enjoying Convention. Our evening event - with music from DJ Johnny. Too worn out to dance but was good to chat with Lions and chill. Earlier night for me than last night.
Friday, 8th March
Car packed to the brim with display boards, leaflets, suitcases, hats and two horses! Arrived at DoubleTree hotel in Swindon to find a hive of activity - so many Lions setting everything up for Jarvis's special weekend. Swindon Club there to register delegates and all the Convention Committee beavering away to get things ready for the weekend.
Cabinet in the afternoon - my first in the chair. As always Peter was busy taking the minutes.
Wonderful to see so many people at the Wild West evening. The Convention Team always pull out the stops to transform the room. Great food and entertainment provided by the Red Bandits that got so many up and dancing. Time to catch up with old friends and make new ones. Lovely to see such support for those who were there on their own. Clive was busy taking photographs of the event - any excuse to get out of dancing!
Sunday, 3rd March
Clive drove to Blandford & District Charter lunch. Lovely to meet up with many fellow Lions - can't believe we were in Blandford this time last year to help them celebrate their 50th Charter. President Ian badged up their newest member at today's lunch.
My turn to drive home and got within 4 miles of home when the car started to make a funny noise. One tyre was nearly flat so I pumped it up (I carry a pump in the car) and continued until an awful noise was heard at the back of the car - I knew it wasn't Clive as he was sitting next to me. I managed to coax the car to a local pub!. Warning to all to check your breakdown cover as it transpires I had no breakdown cover as last year I had not had my car serviced at the dealers where I bought it from. Anyway to cut a long story short I managed to get the car home and Clive and I have now both joined forces in buying breakdown cover. He has offered to put my spare tyre on tomorrow so I can get it to the local garage to have a look at - bless him.
Fingers crossed the car will be up and running tomorrow but think I now need a holiday to recover from the last few days. Being ADG isn't easy!!!!
Saturday, 2nd March
Landed at Heathrow at 6.30 am. Pouring with rain - in Chicago it was gloriously sunny if a bit cold. Arrived home at 11.00. Spent the afternoon reenergising myself with the chanting group I belong to. Also had a good ten hours sleep (better than the maximum five hours I got in USA).
Friday, 1st March
We could have a bit of a lie in today as everyone was travelling home and our coach wasn't until midday. Spent some quality time with MD105 1st VDGs. Flight back was at 17.00.
Thursday, 29th February
8.30 start again with all 650 1st VDGs in the main conference room before going to our classrooms to learn more about LCIF and how to action plan. Finished at 17.45.
Wednesday, 28th February
A full on day which started by all of us being in the large conference hall to hear our incoming International President speak. The back to the classroom to be start continue our lessons led by Stewart Sherman-Kahn, our group leader. I am in a class with all the MD105 VDGs alongside 1st VDGs from Ireland, Iceland, the Netherlands and Belgium. It's like being back at school - 8.30 start and home time at 17.15! Just going back to my room to get some shut eye when the tornado alarm went off and we all had to gather below ground. Luckily, it had passed within 45 minutes with no damage done.
Tuesday, 27th February
A busy morning - photo with our incoming International President - Fabricio Oliveira and then taken to Oakbrook for a tour. Interesting to see what if looks like and incredible to think that the people there support over one million Lions. After a picnic in the grounds it was back to the Q Centre for the opening ceremony and orientation.
Monday, 26th February
Flew out with some of my fellow 1st VDGs - smooth flight and transfer to the Q Centre in St Charles. Brief introduction meeting in classroom 18.
Sunday, 25th February
All packed ready to drive to Heathrow. Meeting up with some of the other 1st VDG/DGE and staying over at a hotel before we fly out to Chicago for our training tomorrow. Getting excited!!!
Saturday, 24th February
Drove to Wareham for their 52nd Charter. Lovely company and meal. Luckily Clive was with me as one of the roads was closed and we had to do a detour through the New Forest!
Friday, 23rd February
Petersfield Lions swishing event - annual event in aid of Naomi House. People bring unwanted items and swap for other items. Over £550 raised. Naomi House always send a representative who takes away what is left over at the end of the evening which are then put in their charity shops to raise more money. Lovely uplifting evening.
Wednesday, 21st February
Wet and windy day. Membership meeting in Petersfield - putting together a plan around membership.
In the evening drove to The Nook & Cranny in Hook-in-Warsash to help Fareham Lions celebrate their 62nd Charter. Company and food great.
Tuesday, 20th February
Very muddy u3a walk - we all refused to wade through a deep puddle except one of our members who was wearing wellington boots. Slight detour but made it to our final destination.
Presented three chevrons to members of Havant Lions and then continued to Emsworth for chanting practice.
Sunday, 18th February
After a lovely breakfast we attended the awards ceremony of Young Ambassador. I must admit I had a lump in my throat when Lion Yorky Tuke (deputising for Lion Heather Blackley), who has been our YA officer for the last 13 years walked Jasmine into the room. Jasmine gave a confident presentation about her new passion - she hopes to go to Costa Rica to help with the turtle conservation project. Although Jasmine didn't win you could see that she thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. I'm looking forward to hearing her speak at our convention and am also looking forward to introducing her to Holly Ryan, who has attended three youth camps and will also be speaking at convention. Both of them are passionate about the environment. Celebrations of the 50th Year of Young Ambassadors over and it was time to bid farewell and head back home. It makes you proud to be a Lion.
Saturday, 17th February
IPDG Dave, 2nd VDG Di and I went to Dudley to attend the Young Ambassador weekend. Unfortunately the Jersey winner was unable to take part but 105SC was represented by last year's winner, Jasmine Folks. It was lovely to meet her in person as I'd only seen her on zoom last year. Eight inspiring youngsters who bonded well. Another quiz, this time put on by the candidates. Thankfully Jasmine's sister was on our table and she knew a few of the modern songs that were played for us to guess name of song and artist. We all knew Simon and Garfunkles 'Bridge over Troubled Water'. After the quiz a raffle and auction and then dancing. The youngsters were still up when we toddled off to bed at midnight!
Dave and I had a bidding war for this - guess he let me win!
1st VDG Stu also won at the auction.
Not sure whether his is a lion or it might be a cute hedgehog!
Friday, 16th February
Six of us (four Petersfield Lions, one ex-Lion and one friend) attended a quiz evening in aid of Butser Homestart. The quizmaster was none other than Clive - sadly he kept the questions under lock and key so no sneak preview for me! We got over 50% of the answers right - in some rounds we even surprised ourselves - sport in particular.
Thursday, 15th February
Attended a zoom meeting about our forthcoming convention - getting excited to be Jarvis's deputy for the weekend!
Monday, 12th February
Muddy u3a walk at Hayling Island in the morning. The sun was shining and continued to shine in the afternoon when I attended the funeral of Hunger Officer Ian Hambleton. Lions formed a guard of honour and so many people met to celebrate his life. My heart goes out to Carole, her family and Lions of Aldershot Branch Club and Fleet Lions. It was a testament to Ian to see so many different Lions clubs there. 'Stairway to Heaven' was played and the final song was 'Always look on the bright side of life'. Thank you, Ian for all you did for Lions and the community. RIP.
Sunday, 11th February
U3a gardening group met at Hinton Ampner to look at the snowdrops. The sun came out for us. Amazing topiary hedge and also beautiful smelling Daphne.
Friday, 9th February
Zone skittle evening - Alton, Havant and Petersfield Clubs involved. Got pipped at the post by Lion David from Alton who got 30 points over 4 rounds - same as me - but I lost in the play off. Alton Lions organised a raffle and the proceeds will go to the Children's Hospice DG charity. David, from Alton, also won the killer round and donated his winnings to the same cause.
Thursday, 8th February
U3a history group meeting at Fishbourne Palace in West Sussex. The guide, Penny, was such a good speaker. Last went there a long, long time ago when I was a schoolgirl!
Wednesday, 7th February
Zoom meeting with regards to the launch of ROAR. A great initiative to support youth which is one of our eight global causes.
Tuesday, 6th February
Jackie and I visited Herne Junior School and presented the children with a set of Wild Tribe Heroes. Three Year 6 children put on a powerpoint presentation about endangered animals as that was the whole school topic. Great links have now been made with the school - possible ROAR, YLIS and spec collecting. Came away so uplifted (but didn't make me want to return to teaching!)
Windy, wet drive to Swanwick to meet up with Swanwick Lions. Great business meeting full of fun, laughter and reminiscences about the good old days!!! Zone Chair Christine and Deputy Fran also at the meeting.
Wonderful news about the event Swanwick Lions held to raise funds for Lions/Brain Tumour Research Appeal. £2500 raised.
Glad it was just a dummy cheque as don't think it would have fitted in my car.
Sunday, 4th February
Up late! Short walk with Brian and Maggie, late lunch and then drove home after a hectic but enjoyable weekend.
Saturday, 3rd February
Drove to Avebury to meet up with a friend - couldn't resist another photo with the Lion stone!
Next stop Calne to visit another friend and get changed into my glad rags!
Drove to Lowden Garden Centre for Chippenham Lions 50th Charter Night. Amazing turn out - 150 guests, wonderful location, yummy food, good company and Elvis! What more could you ask for. Lovely to meet so many Lions all having a great time.
Drove to Bradford-on-Avon to stay with my brother
Thursday, 1st February
Seven and a half mile ramblers walk at Harting Down - although it felt more up than down!!! Think I will sleep well tonight.
Wednesday, 31st January
Morning coffee with PDG Pat. Gave her a bouquet of flowers to say thank you for all the service she gave 105D and 105SC.
Tuesday, 30th January
Lovely walk this morning with my u3a group - good to get out in the fresh air - a few slopes to get the heart rate going.
Zoom zone meeting tonight - great to hear about how clubs are supporting each other and sharing ideas.
Monday, 29th January
Attended our club Trustee meeting.
Sunday, 28th January
Met via zoom with my fellow 1st Vice District Governors to interview for our Chair of Council. Love our team - how come I got to ask the questions?
Saturday, 27th January
Council of Governors via zoom. Long meeting but lots discussed. Managed a quick walk at lunch time to stretch my legs.
Friday, 26th January
Burns Night in Petersfield with some fellow club members. Dancing the night away - not many toes trod on and Clive and I got the hang of one 'dance' right at the end!!!
Monday, 22nd January
Spent a few hours with Dave Ebsworth looking for venues for Convention 2025. Gave us a chance to chat - got a lot to learn about organising a convention - it's not simple!!
Sunday, 21st January
Cabinet meeting via zoom - chaired by PDG Brian Donovan. Great to see so many officers there. Good discussions throughout the meeting - celebrating successes whilst also reflecting on what we can improve. Looking forward to chairing my first cabinet meeting the day before convention.
Tuesday, 16th January
Great Zone meeting via zoom with Bradford-on-Avon, GMS, Salisbury, Trowbridge, Warminster and Westbury. Lots of fun and laughter and sharing of ideas. Warms my heart!
Monday, 15th January
Club visit to Hook & Odiham Lions. Met a few of them for a meal in The Raven and we then adjourned for the meeting. Being very proactive about membership and also reviewing their fundraising activities. Lots of constructive discussion. Good journey home with little traffic but when cleaning my windscreen it kept getting iced up!
Sunday, 14th January
Young Ambassador zoom this morning. It was the candidate's 18th birthday - so what commitment to attend on that special day! Whilst she was in with the judges it gave those present a chance to talk about what we can do to engage more clubs. An ex-Young Ambassador was one of the judges and he said what an incredible experience it was for him and how, even after ten or more years, he is still in contact with his contempories.
Quick zoom at 5.00 with my lock down buddies - we try to catch up weekly.
DG zoom meeting in the evening. Good to have such a great team to talk things through with.
All zoomed out so spent the rest of the night chilling.
Saturday, 13th January
Multiple District Global Service Team meeting - luckily via zoom for me! So much good being done throughout our Multiple District.
Friday, 12th January
Paula, Childhood Cancer Officer, Mary from Petersfield, and I visited Naomi House and Jacksplace. Such an incredible place and so many ways in which Lions can support them as part of my DG 2-year charity.
Wednesday, 10th January
Visited Crofton Lions. Great meeting with lots of ideas. Two prospective new members who took an active part in the meeting.
Tuesday, 9th January
Finance meeting via zoom. Increasing my knowledge about finances.
Monday, 8th January
Club meeting - good to catch up with members.
Sunday, 7th January
Great start to the year. Dave, Di and I met up for a planning meeting. Such a lot achieved in a few hours.
Saturday, 6th January
Joined the ramblers for a six mile walk - lovely weather and beautiful views - countryside and the sea. Got a bit muddy!
Thursday, 4th January
A day when Clive and I were both free so decided to get out before the rain came. Parked at Portchester Castle, lived there (not in the castle but Portchester!) from birth to the age of 2. Walked along the foreshore and had a coffee. Ever the photographer - Clive decided to take an interesting photo of the jetty while I stayed on dry land. Then back to visit the castle which is owned by English Heritage but the part we wanted to go in was closed! Luckily got back to the car just as it started to rain.
Zoom GAT meeting tonight.
Wednesday, 3rd January
Brain Tumour Research Appeal zoom meeting tonight.
Sunday, 31st December
Afternoon spent with my cousin, her son, daughter-in-law and two children. Took them to Southsea and got blown along the seafront. We also braved South Parade Pier. Lovely to catch up with them.
Saturday, 30th December
Getting ready for receiving my bus pass in April!! Clive and I caught the bus (free for him and £2 for me) down to Portsmouth Dockyard. An interesting two hours spent going round the Mary Rose Museum. We will be returning this year as we both bought season tickets. I have never been on The Warrior or the Submarine Museum so looking forward to visiting them.
Tuesday, 26th December
First proper walk (5 and a half miles) in ages with u3a group. Eight of us managed to squealch through the mud. Good to get back to walking.
Thursday, 21st December
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Sunday, 17th December
Clive and I walked to Blendworth Church to look at the Christmas Tree Festival. Our u3a tree was stunning - so many handmade decorations reflecting the various groups - walking boots, walkers, bowling balls, wine bottles, bookworms, Henry VIII (history group) ....
Saturday, 16th December
Clive and I delivered more envelopes for our Christmas Appeal. I haven't quite got the hang of all the different letterboxes and ended up trying to get my gloved fingers out of a vertical letter box. The owner who was standing behind me was highly amused!
Friday, 15th December
New additions to my Lions family courtesy of my mother. When we go out we often trawl charity shops for something to do and Lenny was sitting there waiting for us on Tuesday. Cleaned up by mum and now in my room!!!
Lovely evening spent with members of our club - food, drink and good company at the home of one of our members.
Thursday, 14th December
Our local u3a history group visited Blendworth Church - first time I have been inside. Interesting talk by Reverend Joy. Will be going back over the weekend as they have asked local groups to decorate Christmas trees - our u3a tree is 7 feet tall. Each group has contributed home made decorations to be hung on the tree.
Wednesday, 13th December
Clive and I went on a coach trip to Kew Gardens Christmas Display. Wonderful event with lots of magical moments. Luckily the rain stayed off but it was cold!
Monday, 11th December
Drove over to Fareham in the evening to join Fareham Lions for their Christmas meal. New Lion badged up. Good food and company. I am beginning to get in the Christmas spirit!
Sunday, 10th December
Clive and I drove through the New Forest to attend New Milton's 52nd Charter lunch at Passford House Hotel near Lymington. Wonderful food - the butternut tortellini was delicious! Great company with lots of fun and laughter. Lovely to see some of Bournemouth & Christchurch Lions too. Added bonus was winning one of the 'heads or tails' game. Clive was very happy as he came home with a bottle of whisky and some pork festive crisps and kindly let me thave the mixed nuts.
Saturday, 9th December
Tin rattling at Tescos in Petersfield. Lovely to see so many smiling faces. One lady came and thanked us for donating money for a defilbrilator. Another lady thanked us for all the work we do in the town especially when we marshalled at the vaccination centre during lockdown. Makes one proud to be a Lion knowing that we do make a difference to people's lives.
I love being a Lion - getting to meet other people and doing new things. Clive and I attended a gig organised by Swanwick Lions - a great two-man band singing songs from the eighties - and I knew nearly all of them! The event was in aid of raising money for Lions/Brain Tumour Research Appeal so I gave a short speech in the break. Sadly, didn't win the star raffle prize of a wheelbarrow of bottles. Lions just wanna have fun!!!!
Friday, 8th December
Attended the funeral of Gordon Rhodes who passed to higher service. He was our zone chair last year. I found out the he twice cycled from John O Groats to Lands End to raise money for charity. He was also passionate about classic cars.
Wednesday, 6th December
ROAR finals via zoom. Great to see our District winners - Cherrywood School sponsored by Farnborough Lions. Loved their ice-cream app.
Had a smile on my face all the way through. Wonderful to see the creativity of youngsters.
Tuesday, 5th December
Club visit to Wimborne & Ferndown. Supporting their community with £3000 worth of Christmas parcels - apparently Peter Burnett's dining room is full of the stock! Presented four chevrons - 180 years of service between the four.
FYI - they do have women in the club but sadly none could make it last night.
Thursday, 30th November
A morning spent catching up on Lions tasks! I am such a list person and love ticking off tasks completed. Lions/Brain Tumour Research Appeal Officers meeting at 7.30 pm. The latest update on how much we have raised is £271533.98. This includes a grant from LCIF for £24330.
Wednesday, 29th November
Spent the morning helping out at the Charity Christmas Card Shop in Petersfield Library and met some lovely people. There are so many lonely people out there and the library is such a focal point for them. The Rummicub group meet there on Wednesdays and spend a couple of hours playing - getting to know them as I take cardboard boxes out to the store.
Another zoom meeting this evening with a catch up with a couple of the First Vice District Governors. Good to chat and exchange ideas.
Tuesday, 28th November
Zoom zone meeting tonight. Our zone chairs are so proactive - it is a joy to work with them. We discussed membership and leadership. We celebrated the fact that three Lions attended the Advanced Lions Leadership Course in Berlin and six Lions attended Symposium and all came back full of enthusiasm. Lots of fun and laughter in the meeting too!
Monday, 27th November
Can't believe we are nearly at the end of November! This morningI raised £15 for Lions/Brain Tumour Research by giving a sound bath to a Health and Well-being group in Havant.
This evening I drove to Yateley to attend a zone meeting. Lovely venue but rather a lot of pot holes to negotiate - rather ironic as on the way up the news said that the AA had advised drivers to avoid rain filled potholes! Good to hear what clubs are doing with regards to individual fundraising but also zone projects. Sad that I won't be able to attend the FunFest in June as I will probably be travelling back from Australia.
Sunday, 19th November
The day of the Autumn Forum at The Holiday Inn, Portsmouth. Glad I didn't have far to travel as have a stinking cold (checked for the other but clear!). Dosed myself up to get through the day. 29 Lions, including 15 cabinet officers, representing 12 clubs in our district. Great discussion and sharing of ideas including membership, club roles, ROAR and safeguarding. All present also judged the entries for the peace poster competitiion.
Thursday, 16th November
Attended the funeral, with four other Petersfield Lions, of ex-Lion Bob Lloyd. Bob was a lovely man who did so much for the community. When he left the club he enjoyed being part of our quiz team.
Mayflower Theatre in the evening watching 'The Bowie Experience'.
The singer must have had about ten costume changes!
Wednesday, 15th November
Drove to Tadley and met up with John and Judith at their place. Loddon Valley club meeting. Great comraderie between members. Caught up with an ex-Petersfield Lion. Don't envy their Christmas fund raising - 19 nights out with the Santa sleigh! Good to see them supporting the youth and the elderly. Was very touched when they voted to donate £250 to support the siblings of our Children's Hospice 2 year appeal.
Monday, 13th November
Drove to New Milton through the New Forest. Lovely to meet New Milton Lions for my first visit to that part of the district. Good to see that they are supporting the youth with three schools wanting to participate in Young Leaders in Service. Will be returning in December when they celebrate their charter. Good drive home and only saw one young deer standing by the roadside.
Sunday, 12th November
Managed to get a short walk in today. Saw these lovely beasts.
Saturday, 11th November
Helped a friend out at Emsworth. I was responsible for selling crystals to the participants whilst listening to the speaker. Suitably chilled!
Clive came back from Pompey football match - happy that they are still top of the table even though they only drew. Saturday night is chippy night so no cooking. involved.
Friday, 10th November
Delivered a membership pack to secretary of Fareham Lions late morning. After lunch drove to Hayling to drop off the Wild Tribe Heroes books at their charity shop (forgot to hand over last night!). Spent the afternoon catching up with a friend and then drove to Hamblin Hall near Chichester for an evening workshop.
Thursday, 9th November
U3A History Group visit to the King's Theatre in Southsea. Wonderful building built in 1907 and saved by the locals when threatened with closure. It was designed by Francis Matcham who also designed the Hippodrome in 1900, Hackney Empire, Coliseum and Palladium Theatres. It is absolutely beautiful inside. Also saw interesting statues on the roof.
Another local club visit tonight. This time to Hayling Island Lions. Their charity shop is doing very well. Met a prospective new member who was an ex-collegue of mine!
Failed to get a club photo at the end - my fault!
Wednesday, 8th November
Drove to Bournemouth to pay my respects at the funeral of Lion Peggy of Bournemouth & Christchurch Lions who passed away aged 101. It was a wonderful celebration of her life. Her father had been the valet to Rudyard Kipling and Peggy was married to an ex-DG. Although I had never met her it sounded like she was a wonderful lady and was loved by all.
Evening visit to Fleet Lions. Blown away by how much they raised at their firework event. Good to hear that Wild Tribe Hero books are popular with their schools and also that ROAR has taken off. Two prospective new members attended who will become Lions at the next meeting. Club photo remembered this time but took a while to get everyone in the frame!
Tuesday, 7th November
Short journey to visit Havant Lions. A small club with a big heart. Lots of interaction among members. They have had to make the decision not to have a santa sleigh this year as won't have enough manpower. As I said to them - it's good to recognise what you can do and make decisions based on that without feeling guilty. Came away with some homework in that I need to find someone in Lions who can help them with their Facebook page as the person who was administrator is no longer a Lion. They are also aiming to run a fashion show next year so putting them in touch with one of our members who organised ours. Get a real buzz about helping each other. Did fall at the last hurdle in that I forgot to take a club photo so hope they'll forgive me!
Monday, 6th November
Club meeting. Prospective new member who will be badged up next meeting and two other guests who are interested in our organisation. Good discussions and also lots of laughter.
Sunday, 5th November
Left home at 9.30 and drove to Bradford on Avon for their 53rd Charter lunch. Another lovely lunch among friends. Great to catch up with some Lions we saw at last year's charter. Well supported by many other Lions's clubs in the area including GMS, Chippenham, Westbury, Trowbridge and Calne. Entertainment from a ladies choir - such energy. After the Charter we drove to my brother's house and spent the night there.
Saturday, 4th November
Wimborne & Ferndown 54th Charter. Lovely night spent making more friendships. Felt very honoured to present two Lions with their 50 years certificate of appreciation - Lion Robin and Lion President Ken. Music by 'Us Two'. Came home with a new friend who needed a seat belt on in the back of the car!
He's taken over a chair in my study!
Friday, 3rd November
Club visit to Eastleigh Lions. Informative talk by Step by Step charity which supports homeless youngsters. Lots of discussion. Zone chair Christine and Fran from Fareham Lions both in attendance. A club still going strong who will be celebrating their 60th year next year.
Monday, 30th October
Zone C meeting in Petersfield. Great to chat to other clubs and pick up ideas. For Alton's 50th year they are asking people to do 50 of a challenge and some of them spent the day in a local school where youngsters were rising to the challenge. Hearing about infant children frantically pedalling 50 laps of the area brought back memories of teaching reception children and leaping out of the way when they hurtled past me on the trikes and scooters! Woolmer Forest has instigated an outreach programme working with their local pub to raise funds for children - looking forward to hearing more about this. Mike, our zone chair, showed us a couple of LCI videos about service. Good to see what other clubs do - Seal Beach Lions Club in America has a membership of over 400 people.
Sunday, 29th October
Up early, collected Pat and then had a scenic drive to Southsea - how could I take the wrong turning having lived in this area for most of my life! Breakfast at The Beach Cafe with eleven other Lions. We watched the sea get rougher and rougher - some brave (or should I say mad?) souls were actually in the water.
Set up for Cabinet chaired by Jarvis with Ebbo as SAA. Great meeting with fun and laughter as well as listening to report updates and making decisions. Meeting over by 12.45 then lunch and farewells. Wished those travelling long distances a safe journey. Glad to hear that the hovercraft was running although it was a choppy crossing.
Friday, 27th October
Clive and I managed to find a day when both of us were free so decided to go to Winchester for a wander. Managed to dodge the rain. Think the Christmas market will be huge as saw lots of workmen erecting sheds for stall holders.
Thursday, 26th October
Responded to an SOS from Brigitte at HQ about a 96 year old man who was unable to set up his TV when he moved. Contacted Crofton Lions who were able to help. It's all about supporting each other and makes you proud to be a LIon.
Wednesday, 25th October
Met a friend for coffee in Petersfield . Then at lunch time caught up with Ian Hambleton, our hunger officer, and his wife, Carole along with my club president for coffee!! The three of them were going to visit our local free food shop whilst I went and did an afternoon stint in the town's Charity Christmas Card Shop.
Sunday, 22nd October
Busy weekend. Picked up Ebbo on Friday and we drove up to The Abbey Hotel at Redditch for Council of Governors. An unforgettable journey as when we were a couple of hundred yards from our destination we discovered the road was flooded and cars were abandoned! I insisted that I really couldn't drive through the deep water. Turned around and went back to the crossroads and tried a different road. Same problem! Back to crossroads and third road taken. Same problem! Eventually found a local (who had just picked up his car number plate lost due to floods) and he directed us to the hotel. Took us about forty-five minutes from first 'road closed' sign to get to the hotel.
Met up with all the first vice district governors and the district governors. Busy couple of days with discussions and presentations.
Drive home thankfully much quicker. Good job next Council of Governors meeting is by zoom as don't think I could face another journey like Friday evening!
Tuesday, 16th October
Club visit to Salisbury & District Lions. Made to feel very welcome although sadly, a lot of the members were unavailable to attend the meeting. New Lion to add to my collection - knitted by a lady who donates them to the club who then give them out to children who visit their stalls.
Saturday, 14th & Sunday, 15th October
Weekend away with some of the First Vice District Governors and our partners. Met up and spent Saturday at the Black Country Living Museum. Then had an evening meal together. On the Sunday a few of us returned to the museum and spent the morning there. It is an amazing museum with so much to see and do and the volunteers really get into their roles. My challenge from 1st VDGs was to improve my selfie skills!
Thursday, 12th October
A moving afternoon and evening. Visited Julia's House at Devizes which is a children's hospice, with Nigel, Geoff and Heather from Westbury Lions. So pleased Julia's House will benefit from the DG charity for the next two years as they do such an amazing job to support families who have chlldren with life shortening illnesses.
Then after a lovely evening meal with some of Westbury Lions it was off to another venue for the business meeting. I was honoured to badge up five new members. A surprise visit from the president's eight year old granddaughter where she gave me £50.31 for the DG charity. She wanted to do something to help children in need and sold some of her toys.
A rather wet and windy trip home but managed to get back before I turned into a pumpkin!
Wednesday, 11th October
Spent the moning helping out at Petersfleld Charity Card Shop which is in the library this year. Does it mean Christmas is coming soon?!?
Visited Romsey & Waterside Lions for their business meeting. Really impressed with their monthly book stalls and also their approach to MIAB. Great evening and good to see new members involved and proactive.
Tuesday, 10th October
Coach trip with our u3a group to Blenheim Palace (never been there before). Of course, I had to see how many lions I could spot.
It's a standing joke with Clive and I that wherever we go there is always scaffolding up. We even had scaffolding at the Taj Mahal!!!
Sunday, 8th October
Clive and I went to Blackmoor Apple Tasting Day. Saw Woolmer Forest Lion friends who were doing the marshalling. Spent the morning cutting apples. Absolutely crowded there - must be the weather.
Evening Finance Zoom meeting and then quick DG team catch up.
Saturday, 7th October
Don't know where the last week has gone! Multiple District GST meeting today. Couldn't attend in person but able to zoom in. Our District was praised for giving each club a set of Wild Tribe books. Lots of interesting information - it's good to hear how we all serve our communities and beyond.
Sunday, 1st October
Planning meeting - good to get together and share ideas. Four heads are better than one!
Saturday, 30th September
Unable to attend GMS charter due to operation. I'm renaming him Nurse Clive as he is getting a dab hand at putting in my drops. Slept for a lot of the day in preparation for tomorrow when the DG team are coming to my house for a planning meeting.
Friday, 29th September
Clive dropped me off at our local hospital. Eye operation on left eye. Chilled for the rest of the day.
Thursday, 28th September
1st VDG training on zoom. A chance to get to know others from Europe. All MD105 VDGs in the group plus four from the Netherlands, two from Iceland and one from Belgium.
Wednesday, 27th September
Zoom catch up with some of the other 1st VDGs in our Multiple District. Great to have such a network.
Tuesday, 26th September
Third walk in as many days. One with Clive and two with u3a walking group. Relaxing tomorrow!!!
Monday, 18th September
Getting to know Berkshire as club visit to Windsor Lions this evening. Sad to hear that they had to cancel their Cross Country Horse Ride for the second year running - this time due to it being too hot. Hopefully, third time lucky next year as such a lot of planning goes into the event. Came away with a bottle of wine having won 'heads or tails'.
Saturday, 16th September
Helping out at Alton Lions Classic Car Show. Funds raised for Young Lives Vs Cancer charity.
Even asked to help judge one of the categories - Best American car - ably supported by Lion Colin, who knew more about cars than I did. Don't think they'll forget my criteria - good polish on the car! Also honing my marshalling skills. Have to say selfie skills have not improved.
Caught our zone chair having a sugar fix!
Wonderful day making memories. Hope they all have a well deserved rest tomorrow.
Thursday, 14th September
Last club visit for this week - a shorter journey - to Ringwood & Fordingbridge. Wonderful reception with lemon drizzle cake made by the President (not in my honour I may add!). I am dubbing this club the 'Youth Club' as they are heavily involved in all the youth projects - ROAR, Peace Poster, Young Ambassador, Youth Exchange .....
Tuesday, 12th September
Second club visit of the week this time to Maidenhead chartered in May 1973. Lovely visit with lots of fun and laughter. The idea of a Lions Talent Show came up and I envisaged the club members entertaining an audience but no - it was to put on a talent show for children or adults from the community. Still that gave me an idea for Convention!!!!
I had never heard of a blind date with a book (wrapping books in brown paper with blurb written on the back - then sold on a book stall). I'll be taking that idea back to my club. I feel so privileged to be meeting all these wonderful clubs.
Monday, 11th September
Club visit to Highworth & District chartered in May 1974. For such a small club it is amazing how much they do in the community. They have a community shop, minibus and van! Ordinary people who are doing amazing things.
Getting better at doing selfies?!?
Thursday, 7th September
Zoom meeting tonight with the Global Action Team. Spent time planning our Autumn Forum which will be on Sunday 19th November at The Holiday Inn Portsmouth.
Tuesday, 5th September
Met up with a 'zoom' friend at Avebury. Wandered around the stones. Lunch at the National Trust Cafe and then shopping!
After Avebury travelled on to visit Calne Lions. It's always a pleasure to meet a new club and pick up new ideas. Lots of fun and laughter and I got fined for using too many post-its!
An interesting journey home trying to dodge the road works but made it.
Monday, 4th September
Petersfield Club meeting - President not available so as IPP I had the pleasure of chairing and celebrating our successes. Also welcomed a prospective new member who approached us whilst we had a stall at our local festivities.
Saturday, 2nd September
An early start - at Warsash Mind, Body, Spirit Fair raising funds for our Multiple District Lions/Brain Tumour Research Appeal. I did the same event last year and get a free table in exchange for giving a sound bath. Lots of lovely people attended and I raised £95.50 for our appeal. So many people's lives have been touched by this dreadful disease.
Friday, 1st September
Apples dropped off to Petersfield Free Food Shop - volunteers very grateful. Then a quick wander around town past the Heath Pond. 12.00 saw me at the Community Centre getting ready for our Afternoon Bridge and Tea event. I'm a dab hand at making sandwiches! Everyone enjoyed themselves - monies raised will go towards Kings' Arms which is an amazing charity that supports young people in and around the local area.
Thursday, 31st August
My first gleaning experience. Whilst wandering around a friend's garden at the weekend, I noticed a tree laden with apples. When I mentioned gleaning she was more than happy for me to pick them. Hence, today in the rain one bread basket of apples picked and cleaned. Tomorrow morning dropping them off to our local free food shop. Every little counts.
Tuesday, 29th August
Home in time for an afternoon MD105 meeting with AP Singh (our International 2nd Vice President) about Mission 1.5. Campaign 100 was all about service whereas this new initiative is about membership. The goal is to reach 1.5 million members by 1st July 2027 and through increased membership our service will also grow.
Zone Officer meeting via zoom tonight. All of the DG team attended and most of the zone chairs as well as our vision officer. It is so hard to get everyone together as people have prior engagements but really pleased with the turnout. We had some good discussions, sharing of ideas and lots of learning! Great to be working with such committed people.
Monday, 28th August
Up at 6.00 am as had an early start helping at Stubbington Fayre. Fareham and Crofton Lions Clubs involved in the organising. A first for me as I was helping on the tote for the donkey derby although thankfully it wasn't up to me to work out the winnings. All packed up and home by 18.00 but absolutely shattered. Still it was great to see so many people enjoying themselves.
Sunday, 27th August
Good to get out on our stall for a couple of hours and catch up with fellow Lions. A big turnout of families at Petersfield Festivities many of whom wanted to have a go on our tombola. Such polite children who didn't kick up a fuss if they didn't win a prize and people who put money in our bucket - warms your heart. Chatted to a lovely lady who is interested in joining us.
Tuesday, 22nd August
Another zoom meeting - this time with my DG team. Various discussions including membership, Autumn Forum and updating each other. There are now 8 global causes as I found out when I completed my 2nd VDG training on Learn at the weekend (an extra module had been added on new initiatives including Mission 1.5.) Our global causes are Childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Environment, Hunger, Vision, Youth, Disaster Relief and Humanitarian - merged LCI and LCIF which makes sense.
Sunday, 20th August
Attended a zoom training for zone chairs this morning, led by Mike Baker. Good to see our zone chairs putting aside watching the first part of the Football World Cup. After lunch decided to have a walk - I'm lucky to live near woodland and open spaces. Mustn't moan about the weather but was it hot!!! Another zoom at 5.00 pm catching up with friends who live in the west of our district.
Wednesday, 16th August
Time to head home after stopping off at Henley-on-Thames. Looking forward to returning to Maidenhead and Windsor in September as my official visits to those clubs. Henley-on-Thames next Lion year.
Tuesday, 15th August
Woke to a glorious sunny day. Drove to Cliveden - National Trust. Amazing grounds and buildings. We were lucky to be able to go in the house and have a guided tour. Came away wanting to find out more about Nancy Astor as her life sounds so interesting. The grounds were beautiful - ancient trees, formal gardens, a military cemetery, a picnic spot by the river (time for an icecream!)
Saw plenty of lions in the grounds and house.
For those of you who know me this fountain was very special - it is called The Tortoise Fountain - can you spot them (and more lions)?
Monday, 14th August
Guess where we went?
First time we have been in the castle. Luckily the rain held off while we were queueing. Queen Mary's dolls house is something else. Also visited St Georges' Chapel - very poignant to see where Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are laid to rest.
Sunday, 13th August
A few days away in our camper van. Walked from Hurley to Marlow and along the way saw this:
Caught my eye at Hurley Lock - great advertising
Thursday, 10th August
Clive and I drove to Poole and boarded The Purbeck Pride for a boat trip, supper and firework display organised by Poole Lions. Many familiar faces on board including Lions from Bournemouth & Christchurch and Ringwood & Fordingbridge. A wonderful raffle raised money for Jimmy's Food Bank and a giant teddy was auctioned for the local Children's Ward. The firework display was brilliant and elicited many oohs and aahs from those on board. Can't wait for next year!
Tuesday, 8th August
Lead my first Global Action Team meeting tonight. Two hours of good discussion, fun and laughter. Lots of jobs to do in the next few days but great satisfaction in ticking things off my to do list.
Thursday, 3rd August
After a wet Wednesday we decided to make the most of the fine weather and walk to Dover. We didn't take the easiest route as found we had to scale a near vertical cliff to get to the North Downs Path! Thank goodness for buses and the two pound concession (I get my bus pass next year - Clive has already got his) as we didn't fancy walking back.
Tuesday, 1st August
Lion Clive and I managed to get away for a few days in our camper van. Destination Folkstone - campsite down a narrow road a minute's walk from the sea. Met up with two new friends, Ann and Rab, the next day for lunch and a catch up. Ann is IPP of Folkstone & Hythe Lions and also a zone chair. We met this year when a plea went out for help in finding a place to stay in Portsmouth whilst their daughter was rushed to our local hospital. We offered to put them up and now have friends for life. The beauty of being a Lion.
Friday, 28th July
Left home just after lunch and drove to Redditch for my first Council of Governors' weekend. Love the A34 - 45 minutes to go about 30 meters! Met up with Dave Ebsworth, who was there to support me. A very enjoyable weekend making new connections and picking up useful information. My travelling Lion came with me. Look out for him on my travels.
Sunday, 23rd July
Up early to get to Swindon for the last Cabinet meeting of Dave's year as DG.
After lunch, time for Handover when Dave presented me with 1st VDG chain of office.
Introduced new cabinet which is made up of some of last year's officers but also lots of new faces.