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Bill Field Sight Cup

The Bill Field Sight CUP is presented to a Club or individual member of a Club for particular efforts in a sight related area.

It was presented by PDG Bill Field who was Governor of District 105D in 1981 -1982. It was not awarded from 2019 until 2023 when Hart Lions Club were the winners.

In 2024 it was awarded to Lion Yorky Tuke from Ringwood and Fordingbridge Lions Club for his tireless work in collecting specs over many years.

To enter please record your activities on the Lion Portal and complete the Competition Entry Form which will be sent out in November. This should be completed and returned to me by 15th March so that judging can take place before Convention.  

Please see the District 105d website for previous winners.

PDG Judith Goodchild Competitions Advisor 105SC
