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Peace Poster Competition

This Competition is now open

Thank you to the following clubs who have taken part in last year's competition:


Ringwood and Fordingbridge 



And a big Thank You to our Judges:
Di Hopkins 
Tim Hanton
 Mark Cooper
 Dave Emsworth 

As well as friends from Thorngate Pantomime and Variety group.

Peace Poster

Peace Poster Contest kits are here

The Lions International Peace Poster Contest gives young people a chance to share what this year's theme, 'Together As One', means to them through their creativity. Encourage your clubs to order this year's digital or physical kit today.

Order now 

Now available: Digital Peace Poster Contest kit

With the new digital Peace Poster Contest kit, you can save on shipping costs and get instant access to your kit materials.

All Posters will be sent to the President of each club recorded delivery, where there are no return addresses available. 

Please be aware, that disqualified posters WILL not receive a certificate.

Please DO NOT send the Officer posters that you know will be disqualified. Thank You

Peace Poster LogoThe Lions Peace Poster competition theme for 2025-2026 is "Together As One" Artists must be 11, 12 or 13 years of age to enter the International Competition.

This is an opportunity to encourage the young people in your local community to think about the importance of world peace, tolerance and international understanding, and to pass it on. Encourage these young people to share their unique visions with the world, through pictures.

This competition is an International and MD competition.

Kits for 2025-26 will be on sale soon and will cost approx. £14.00 plus £1.95 P+P from MDHQ, also be aware that there are RULES in the pack SOLELY for the use of the CLUBS and not to be handed over to the schools. Please also take out the information regarding the Essay competition before taking the packs to the schools.

You will be able to start purchasing kits from the 15th January 2025

The closing date for buying kits will be: 1st October 2025

Peace poster contest

For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. More than four million young people from 100 countries worldwide have taken part in the contest.

Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. The young artists are free to use a variety of art mediums. They are encouraged to portray their life-experiences and culture in responding to the theme.

Every Lions Club is encouraged to engage with young people in their community to sponsor a Peace Poster contest entry.

Purchasing a Peace Poster pack

Lions clubs need to order a Peace Poster pack to enter the contest. Peace poster kits may be purchased from the MD105 head office (available from 15 January to 1 October). The Peace Poster kit and Essay Poster kit each cost £14.00 plus £1.95 for postage.

Each kit contains:

Peace Poster judging

Each poster is judged on originality, artistic merit, and expression of the theme. Entries advance through several judging levels: Local, District, Multiple District, and International.

All District winners need to be received at Lions Clubs International (MD105) British Isles office by 1 December. An overall multiple district winner is then selected, and submitted for the International judging stage.

At the International level, judges from the art, peace, youth, education, and media communities select one grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners.


PLEASE, PLEASE, CHECK THE SIZES of your MD Peace Posters, the MINIMUM is:

13 inches (33 cm) by 20 inches (50.8 cm).

MAXIMUM is: 20 inches by 24 inches

I would suggest using A2 sized paper, as A3 sized paper is not quite big enough, A4 is too small, A1 is too big.

Please also make sure you read the rules of the Peace Poster competition, which can be found at the end of this page.

THE RULES IN THE PACK NEED TO BE READ before you approach the schools etc.

Please also take the time to read this web page regarding the rules of the competitions. 

Please DO NOT ALLOW the Students or Teachers to cut the Poster, any cut Posters received will be automatically disqualified. 

Thank you 

International Peace Poster Winner

"Peace is not just about ending wars; it requires each of us to live with kindness, to solve problems, and to influence others around us with our positive actions." Congratulations to 2023-24 Lions International #PeacePoster Contest Grand Prize Winner Fanjin Si, 11, sponsored by Shaanxi Datang Lions Club (China)! For over three decades, the Peace Poster Contest has inspired thousands of children around the world. View the 2023-24 Grand Prize and Merit Award winning posters: ☮️ 🎨 🦁

images of peace inside a head frame

105SC District Entry Winner 2024-2025 

picture of the unverise

Lorelei age 12

"Peace is when living in harmony isn't a dream. It's a weapon we're supposed to use".

From Fordes Sandle Manor School 

Sponsored by Ringwood and Fordingbridge Lions 

These are all the District 105SC entries received, thanks again to our clubs and an excellent selection of posters.

a group Peace Posters

I would like to say big Thank You to those who have entered 


Please be aware that photocopies of the Winner stickers for the MD competition entries will be automatically disqualified as MD do not take photocopies. One Peace Poster kit needs to be purchased for every MD entry it is a MUST and only ONE from each school can be submitted. 

Please remember the Peace Poster design is to be wholly the creation of the students. 

Please consider entering the ESSAY COMPETITION which has been set up by International, there is a new webpage to look at, so why not take a look and have a go. The closing date is the same as the Peace Poster. There are cash prizes for the Winners.

 The Lions Peace Poster competition theme for 2025-2026 is 'Together As One' and Artists must be 11, 12 or 13 years of age on the 15th of November in the year of entry to compete in the International Competition.

This is an opportunity to encourage young people in your local community to think about the importance of world peace, tolerance and international understanding. It also gives young people an outlet for artistic self-expression that can be shared with their local community and possibly the world. Clubs can encourage these young people to share their unique visions with the world, through pictures. Expression of theme, along with artistic merit and originality, are the three criteria that posters are evaluated on at all judging levels. On the District level, one poster is chosen to advance to the Multiple District, then the Multiple District chooses one poster to send to International Headquarters for the International competition. There are two levels of International competition: semi-final and final. 24 posters are selected for the final. The grand prize winner receives US$2,500. 

All posters must be NO smaller than 330mm by 508mm and must be no larger than 508mm by 600mm. PLEASE PLEASE check the sizes of the Posters as they will be disqualified if they are too small. A2 Size is perfect for this competition. COLLAGES are NOT allowed, along with NO NUMBERING or WORDING to be on the poster in any language, NOTHING may be attached to the poster in any way, Posters MUST NOT be CUT in any way, posters CANNOT be mounted on another surface or laminated. The Label, which is contained in the Kit, MUST be attached to the back right-hand bottom corner of the poster. No photocopies are allowed.

Entries failing to meet specific contest rules and deadlines will be disqualified. The closing date for the Peace Poster is the 14th of November, the posters MUST be postmarked AT THE VERY LATEST the 15th of November. The last date for the Current Officer to receive the Posters is the 16th November. Posters with later postmarks will be automatically disqualified. The Winning entry needs to be at MDHQ BY the 1st of December. If there is a problem PLEASE PLEASE notify the Current Officer or the Youth Chairman for advice.

January 15th kits go on sale 

October 1st deadline to purchase kits

November 15th deadline for officer to receive entries 

December 1st deadline for DG to send one entry to MDHQ 

December 15th deadline for MD Council Chairperson to send winning entry to Oak Brook

February 1st 2025 Club Presidents of International winners will be notified 

To see a list of previous winners please visit Lions 105d Peace Poster Competition