DG Blog 2024-25
Friday, 28th March
Up early - getting ready to travel to Croyde for 105SW Convention.
Thursday, 27th March
Went for a short walk with Clive at Stansted Garden Centre. Preparation for Convention as I am away this weekend at 105SW Charter.
Evening mananaged to go to Horndean Positive Living Group where there was a talk by Julia, the Travelling Shaman.
Wednesday, 26th March
Struggled to get going today (slipping over yesterday didn't help my aching body - accident form filled out, filed and copy sent to our District Health and Safety Officer).
Convention meeting via zoom - great camraderie and so looking forward to the event.
Tuesday, 25th March
What a day! Shopping by 10.00 for our afternoon tea event. Working in partnership with The Rosemary Foundation which supports families with palliative care in our area. Full on sandwich making and managed to get the last ones made and plated by 14.00 when the event started. 58 people sat down to a lovely tea (their words!) and they thoroughly enjoyed the event. Washing up and getting ready for the Indian meal which started at 19.00 - our local Indian restaurant provided the meal at cost price. 68 people in attendance so lots of plates to wash up. Finally got home at 22.20 absolutely worn out - hopefully raised a lot of money which will be split 50-50 between Petersfield Lions and The Rosemary Foundation.
Monday, 24th March
Catching up with Lions work. Took mum to lunch and then collected Clive from the station after his weekend away. Zoom meeting with Richard High with regards to Convention. Coming along nicely!
Sunday, 23rd March
Up at 7.00 and went for a walk before breakfast - down to the chine and along the esplanade but steep climb on the way back to find the others sitting having a cup of tea. Managed to get my breath back and join them. Leisurely breakfast and the scenic route back to Fishbourne with the twelve o'clock ferry waiting for us. Home just after one o'clock.
Saturday, 22nd March
Picked up by Dave Ebsworth at 10.00 am and off to the Isle of Wight via the car ferry from Portsmouth. Dave drove us to The Brunswick Hotel for Sandown and Shanklin's charter. Enjoyed meeting the members and spend time getting to know them. Lovely evening with great food and entertainment. Presidents from Newport and Ryde also there. Sue. Lion Steve's wife and family sang whilst we danced the night away. Won a bottle of wine on the raffle and the action raised money for the DG/Partner's Children's Hospice Charity. Late to bed!
Friday, 21st March
Took mum shopping after dropping Clive off at the railway station on his way to Yorkshire. Big shop as I will be rather busy for the next few weeks. Evening stint at the Music Festival
Thursday, 20th March
Visited Past District Governor Pat Nixon for a coffee and catch up. Chanting practice in the evening. Gutted that I will miss the chant as will be at Convention. Do you think Convention will miss me if I nip back to Emsworth on Saturday afternoon!!
Wednesday, 19th March
Two sound baths - morning and evening.
Tuesday, 18th March
Meeting with 1st and 2nd Vice District Governors - Di and Tim - at Farnborough. Lots of discussion and very positive. Back to Petersfield where Mary, Hazel and I sorted out things for our Afternoon Tea and Evening Indian meal for next week. Long list of things to do but great to be hands on.
Evening catch up with Dave via zoom.
Monday, 17th March
u3a walk around Havant Thicket - new reservoir being built which is due to be completed in 2029.
Zoomed in to Lions St Patrick's Day celebrations - great music.
Games evening with three friends. Taught to play Mahjong - interesting game!
Sunday, 16th March
Left home at 10.15 and drove to Wrag Barn Golf Course in Highworth to help Swindon Lions' 60th Charter. Really enjoyed seeing them all. Sadly I couldn't get to Poole Lions - they were also celebrating their 60th Charter at the same time but Di Hopkins, 1st VDG went in my place.
Saturday, 15th March
Managed to get a walk in with South East Hants Ramblers - it was incredibly cold but we did manage to see the sun for a short while. Another stint at the Festival Hall. Lots of pre-orders and then they were queueing three deep in the interval. Luckily I managed to get on the card reader again. We nearly ran out of wine glasses. The dish washer worked overtime and we managed to get home at 22.00.
Friday, 14th March
Evening at The Festival Hall, Petersfield running the bar for the Music Festival. I am getting a whizz at using the card reader - much better than pouring the drinks as we have three white and two red wines on offer and I have no idea about them!
Thursday, 13th March
Met the activity committee to discuss our afternoon tea and Indian evening. We are working with the Rosemary Foundation and sharing the proceeds between both of us. Hazel and I then discussed Young Leaders in Service - we have managed to get our local youth club interested.
Wednesday, 12th March
What does a DG do to relax? First go at a jigsaw in years and I would choose one that had 1000 pieces and lots of sky!! Still, I love Van Gogh and this is one of my favourite paintings of his.
I have to say that I experience a great sense of satisfaction when I put the last piece in. Next challenge is a round jigsaw about famous women that a friend has loaned me - 1000 pieces again!
Evening zoom with the convention committee - plans coming along nicely for our 6th Convention at the beginning of April.
Tuesday, 11th March
Got to Waterloo Station at 11.30 and met up with Di.
We decided to do the tourist bit before going along to the Houses of Parliament for Lions/UN Day.
Walked along Thames to Houses of Parliament
Met up with Lions from across the Multiple District in the cafe - we sort of took it over!
Went up to Committee Room 14 for a 17.30 start. Past International President Douglas X Alexander spoke about The Future of Service. Our own Council Chair Kav talked about what we do in our country to serve. We then had an presentation by a UNICEF Advisor before Past District Governor Daniel Marney-Elkins gave an passionate presentation on AI and the Future of Service. As well as AI standing for Artificial Intelligence it can also stand for Adaptability and Imagination something that we as Lions need to do to survive.
A very moving talk was given by the founder of Birmingham for Ukraine - it makes you reflect on how the world needs people like her and also Lions.
Brigitte from HQ introduced the Peace Poster winner and gave a vote of thanks.
The event was poignant as well as uplifting and made me so proud to be part of our organisation.
Walk back to Waterloo. Train back at 20.30 and got home at 22.00. A wonderful day.
Monday, 10th March
Lovely walk with our u3a group with one very steep hill. Sat in pub garden for a coffee and then Clive let me drive his car home as he had a meal with the other committee members and group organisers.
Sunday, 9th March
Another glorious day. Clive went to watch Pompey whilst I went for a walk. Caught up with PDG Dave on the phone. Evening zoom with my friends from Wiltshire and New Zealand. Good to catch up.
Saturday, 8th March
Second Saturday Swap - eight of us - sharing ideas about social events.
Thursday, 6th March
Lovely day so went for a walk from home and in the afternoon did my driver awareness zoom - got caught driving back from a club visit last month.
Wednesday, 5th March
Woke to a blanket of fog - good job I wasn't going to the island today. Catching up on Lions work in the morning. Went to Emsworth for a walk.
Tuesday, 4th March
Caught the bus to Portsmouth Hard and took the ferry across to the Isle of Wight. Met at the end of Ryde pier by Ann and Roger Huntley. Joined them in celebrating Newport Lions charter. Great to catch up with Lions who serve across the water! Ferry back at a quarter to five. Bus home and got in at about half past six. A lovely day but forgot how tiring a change of air is!
Unable to attend a Town Council meeting at Petersfield in the evening but Clive and President Mary represented the club. Clive came home with a gift from the Town Mayor - a lovely surprise for me.
Monday, 3rd March
u3a walk at Compton - lovely and sunny. Had a coffee sitting outside Compton Village Store.
Petersfield Lions club meeting. Prospective member in attendance.
Sunday, 2nd March
It was such a lovely, sunny day that Clive and I took our van for a run down to Southsea and walked along the seafront. Good to get some fresh air. Bumped into an old work colleague of mine twice along the esplanade.
Zoom catch up with a friend I've never met face to face. We put the world to rights!
Saturday, 1st March
Chanting at the Green Door, Bosham in the afternoon. Jonathon, who plays the drum, was unable to make it as the train line from Brighton was closed. Still it was a lovely chant even without the drum.
Thursday, 27th February
Petersfield Lions events at The Vintage Bentley Garage - the son of one of our members owns it. Two guided tours of the showroom and behind the scenes - 16 in the morning and 14 in the afternoon (I went on the afternoon tour but helped out in the morning). Amazing stories - they restore and mend old Bentleys - apparently only about 1800 left in the world. The owner had just got back from taking one of the Bentleys abroad and driving it on ice! Our Lion had travelled with her husband and three young children across America twice in a vintage Bentley and she and her husband had also shipped the Bentley across the world to drive round New Zealand and Australia. Its incredible what you learn about people - love their life stories!
Chanting practice in the evening - just three of us as the drummer was unable to come.
Wednesday, 26th February
Wet day - met a couple of friends at Stansted Garden Centre - donned wet weather gear and went for a four mile walk. Cup of coffee in the garden centre to dry off before going home. DG get together via zoom in the evening.
Monday, 24th February
Free First Aid course in Petersfield Library - good to refresh skills.
Saturday, 22nd February
Drove to Wareham for their charter evening. Great food and company. Good journey home and made sure I slowed down along the M27 as I didn't want another speeding ticket!
Friday, 21st February
Mad about the boy at Port Solent. Laughed and cried!
Thursday, 20th February
u3a outing to Milestones museum in Basingstoke. Very busy as it was half term - so lots of families there.
All the fun of the fair!
Finance meeting via zoom in the evening.
Wednesday, 19th February
Gave two sound baths - one in the morning and one in the evening.
Tuesday, 18th February
Met up with a friend for the afternoon - not seen her for a number of months. Evening zoom about ROAR - a great competition for junior aged children. Quick phone call with Young Ambassador officer to catch up.
Monday, 17th February
U3a walk from the home of cricket - Hambledon - 17 of us - the sun came out and it was lovely to catch up with people. Visited the library in the afternoon to get a couple of books and then went over to mum's for a cup of coffee.
Sunday, 16th February
Helped out at Save the Children's Big Sale at Petersfield for the morning - pricing clothes for their sale.
Saturday, 15th February
Ramblers Walk led by Clive from Hambledon. Good to get out in the open. Popped over to Havant College in the afternoon - Havant Lions were holding their 4th Prostate Screening Day - they had over 400 men and did not need to advertise the event. Great result.
Thursday, 13th February
Morning activity meeting planning our afternoon tea and Indian meal. Evening chanting practice in readiness for our March chant.
Wednesday, 12th February
Met an old school friend for coffee at our favourite place - Stansted.
Tuesday, 11th February
Note to self - do not go out on a recce for a walk with Clive during the month of February! We drove to West Meon and the walk would have been absolutely beautiful - lovely views and path through ancient woodland - except that at least 70% of the walk was through mud! I managed to restrain myself from singing 'mud, mud, glorious mud'.
Monday, 10th February
Drove to Petersfield Infant School for their morning assembly. Lion Jackie and I presented the school with a set of Wild Tribe Hero books and were invited back for when they have refurbished their library.
Left home at 4.15 pm to drive to Melksham for a club visit. A new member was badged up. Lots of things in the pipeline for the club.
Good drive home via Trowbridge, Westbury and Salisbury.
Sunday, 9th February
Lay in as was still awake at 3.00 am! Trouble is I find it difficult to switch off my brain.
Saturday, 8th February
Second Saturday Swap - talking about communication, having fun ........... It is so good to share ideas and bounce thoughts off each other.
Left home at 5.00 pm - drove to Chippenham to help celebrate their 51st Charter. Lovely evening spent in the company of Lions from Chippenham, Melksham, Devizes and Frome. Left at 10.30 pm and we got home at 12.30.
Thursday, 6th February
Poole Lions visit in the evening. Presentation from two girls who are raising funds to do some volunteering in Africa - what a life changing experience that will be for them. Lovely to catch up with old friends and hear about the good work Poole Lions is doing.
Wednesday, 5th February
Treated myself to a new phone - now need to get used to it.
Evening chanting practice in preparation for the March chant. Great to catch up with the group.
Tuesday, 4th February
u3a walk from Finchdean. Needed to get out into nature - a few of us found a beautiful yew tree and had a hug!
Monday, 3rd February
u3a Local History Group visit to Pompey Football Club. Clive was in his element. We sat in the Board Room, went into the Jimmy Dickinson room, viewed the changing rooms (away team changing room looked like something out of the 1960s!) and went out the players entrance to look at the pitch.
Evening Lions meeting - club is donating £2000 to go into the Vision Screening pot - one of our members had left us a legacy several years ago and we felt it would be fitting for some of it to go towards the project as one of his passions was youth.
Sunday, 2nd February
Dave Ebsworth drove to my place to go through Convention with me - time going quickly! Lunch over on Hayling Island with a couple of friends who happen to be Lions - although we didn't talk Lions. Back home popping into the supermarket before they closed to catch up with a friend on zoom. After dinner had another zoom with a couple of friends - one lives in the west of our district and the other lives in New Zealand. Good to chat and keep in touch with them.
Saturday, 1st February
Drove to Poole with a friend and spent the day at The Lighthouse Holistic Fayre. Lovely to chill out and I even had a didgeridoo treatment!
Friday, 31st January
Short walk in the morning. In the afternoon drove to Port Solent to watch A Complete Unknown - the early days of Bob Dylan. First time I have been to the cinema in about 20 years! Really enjoyed the film. Got my djembe out in the evening to do some meditative drumming.
Thursday, 30th January
The first day of my self-imposed week long holiday! Met up with two friends for a walk - sun was shining which made such a difference. Attended Horndean Positive Living Group in the evening - not managed to get there regularly for a couple of years.
Wednesday, 29th January
Zone vision screening in Arbourfield. Great turnout - we know have a large number of trained Lions.
Tuesday, 28th January
Attended the funeral of an ex-teacher who was my 'mentor' when I first started teaching back in 1979. We used to have a catch up but sadly I had not seen her for a while as life got in the way. Note to self - make sure you stay in touch with friends and don't take anything for granted. It was lovely to meet up with her son (2 years younger than me) and her daughter as when we met I always used to ask how they were doing. Bitter sweet morning remembering a lovely lady who always smiled. One memory that came back to me was both of us going to the main school for lunch once every week (the two of us were in an annexe a mile down the road from the main school) and Brenda and I creeping in to the stock cupboard to take pencils and books back with us - we were considered the poor relations by the teachers in the main school but I will be forever grateful for being in the annexe with her and not being mollycoddled!
Monday, 27th January
u3a walk was cancelled due to the adverse weather conditions. Instead we met at a local garden centre for coffee and a chat.
Evening zoom call - Membership Matters that 105SE do every month. Good to share ideas with another district.
Sunday, 26th January
Not quite an early start - 9.00! Finished fairly quickly and then the 1st Vice District Governors had to select their incoming Council Chair from two candidates. I sat and chatted with a few Lions and Di and I set off after a quick bite to eat. Rather wet and windy on the way home. I had a few floods to drive through from Di's place but got home about 16.00.
Saturday, 25th January
Early start with an 8.30 zoom call with AP Singh from India - 1st Vice International President. Then down to the business of our multiple district. Meeting finished at 17.30. Kav, our Council Chair is so organised - she is so well prepared that we got a lot in. Not much to finish off tomorrow. A quick rest and then back for our evening meal. Great to catch up with my fellow DGs and also chat with the 1st Vice District Governors.
Friday, 24th January
Drove up to Di's house and she then drove up to Redditch for our Council weekend. Had a lovely relaxing hot stone massage - thoroughly chilled!
Thursday, 23rd January
Activity meeting with Petersfield Lions. Planning a cream tea afternoon and Indian evening!
Wednesday, 22nd January
Left home at 16.30 to drive to Gillingham, Mere and Shaftesbury. Route took me via the infamous 'zig-zag' with tested my driving skills!
Great catching up with the Lions and was privileged to be present when two new members were badged up. Meeting was short and then it was time for coffee and cake (courtesy of GMS Lions) before doing a detour to Wareham to pick up the sight camera from Zone Chair Richard who had given a talk at his zone meeting. Thought my journey home might be fraught as google told me the M27 was closed but risked it and asked the SatNav fairies to get me home safely. Luckily, not closed and got in at 12.20. A long day but I so love visiting the clubs in our District.
Couldn't help but smile when I took this photo!
Tuesday, 21st January
Walked up to the meeting point for our u3a walking group. Lovely walk around my local area and stopped at a garden centre for coffee. It was dull and overcast but the company was excellent. Being outdoors is so good for the soul.
Woodley & Earley club visit. Had the privilege of helping to badge up Shweta, their newest member. There were also four other prospective members in attendance. Lots of decisions but all done with big smiles on everyone's faces. Lovely comments from the guests. Presented secretary, Mike, with 30-year chevron.
Monday, 20th January
Had to wait in for the saga of the commode to be over - don't ask!!!
Popped in to see mum after getting her some food - pleased to say she is looking better. Got home just in time to greet Clive who had returned from Skipton. Chilled evening apart from catching up with 1st VDG Di to go over reports for Council.
Sunday, 19th January
Brief Finance meeting via zoom before the main cabinet meeting. Good to see so many officers attend. It is so challenging for our district as we have three islands with officers serving on cabinet and it is not easy for them to attend in person meetings. Had a good debate about Vision Screening. Glad I had cabinet before Di and I go to Council of Governors next weekend as there are issues that have been raised that I can take to Council. Rest of the day touching base with various Lions via email.
Saturday, 18th January
Went for a walk with the Ramblers - five and a half miles - came home with achy legs and very muddy but good to catch up with fellow walkers. Spent afternoon getting ready for Cabinet tomorrow and other bits and bobs - anything to put off doing the housework!!
Friday, 17th January
Dropped Clive off at Havant Station - he's off to Skipton for his niece's 40th birthday.
Thursday, 16th January
u3a Local History Group meeting - speaker on Chichester Harbour - it was a really interesting talk and the photographs she put on the screen were amazing. Organised the tea and coffee at the end and then walked home.
Afternoon spent on Lions work.
In the evening I should have gone to Windsor Lions Award Ceremony but knew I had made the right decision on Monday to cancel as still feeling 'wobbly'. Thankfully Tim, 2nd VDG, was going in my place. This meant I was able to attend a Convention Planning meeting via zoom. Never been involved in planning a Convention so I am totally out of my comfort zone. It is good to know that there are so many Lions on the committee who know what they are doing so they can hold my hand and help me!
Wednesday, 15th January
Sound bath in the morning - two clients. Had to cancel my evening sound bath as had realised last week that I had a zone chair meeting in the evening and had forgotten to put it in my diary! Great to see all the zone chairs on zoom - good discussions and ideas.
Tuesday, 14th January
Morning walk with u3a group - great bunch of people who were very supportive and listened to me off load. Everyone enjoyed the walk which was from Steadham on the way to Midhurst - a walk Clive and I had recced a few weeks ago. Woodland, beautiful views and sunshine - what more could you ask for - and afterwards time for a coffee at Durleigh Marsh Cafe where their sausage rolls are second to none (being vegetarian not for me but Clive was first in the queue!)
My happy place!
Afternoon catching up on Lions work and managed to tick a fair bit off my list of things to do. Just got to prepare for Cabinet on Sunday - read the reports etc and also read reports for Council of Governors for the following weekend. It all seems to come at once.
Monday, 13th January
Stressful day - had to make the decision not to go to Windsor's Annual Award Ceremony on Thursday night as my personal life has been very challenging. As a Lions Mental Health First Aider I had to give myself a good talking to! A hard decision as I don't like letting clubs down but grateful that Tim, 2nd VDG was free and can go in my place.
Sunday, 12th January
Morning visit to mum. Clive and I managed a short walk at West Marden - good to get out into nature. Zoom with a friend.
Saturday, 11th January
Lovely Second Saturday Swap discussing membership. We even had a visit from 2nd VDG Phil from 105SW. Good to share ideas not just across our district but also another district. They have a similar number of clubs to us and are experiencing similar problems. The more ideas the better.
Treated myself to two pairs of ankle boots - olive green and burgundy - trying to get away from my usual colour - black. The good news was that as well as being in the sale there was also 20% off boots that day.
An afternoon of chanting - did I need it. Came back feeling refreshed and ready to continue with Lions work. On a roll.
Friday, 10th January
Mum day!
Thursday, 9th January
Managed to catch up with a friend at Gunwharf after popping into mum's in the morning. Back to mum in the afternoon and then home for a Global Action Team meeting on zoom. Good to catch up with the team.
Wednesday, 8th January
A few days went down to one day - hospitals under so much pressure that I collected mum today. Thankfully not a lot on this week as have a feeling I will be rather busy with sorting things out.
Tuesday, 7th January
Full of admiration for all the doctors, nurses and other staff who work in Queen Alexandra Hospital. They are all cheerful and supportive of the patients and their families whilst being stretched to crisis point - so many beds in corridors. Mum being kept in a few days.
Monday, 6th January
Went for a walk along Hilsea Lines - lived in this area for most of my life and had never been there. Clive was on the look out for tunnels - don't ask - but didn't see any!
Club meeting where Steve was presented with his 30 year chevron.
Woken at 23.15 by my mother's careline - no sleep for me!
Sunday, 5th January
Awful weather today so did a lot of pottering about.
Had a lovely zoom meeting tonight with a couple of my lockdown buddies - one who lives near Bath and the other who has emigrated to New Zealand. Great that we can connect across the ether.
Saturday, 4th January
Was going to go on an over 40s Ramblers Walk but whimped out as would have needed to scrap the frost off my car and drive for 20 plus minutes to get to the start point. Instead I went for a local walk - came back rather muddy but glad to have got out in the fresh air.
Lots of carvings on the walk - all in different copses.
What is it about the New Year - I always want to change things round! Spent the afternoon moving furniture in my room.
Friday, 3rd January
Mum day - took her over to Stewarts Garden Centre at Titchfield for lunch and a browse. She bought me a woolly hat - good for this weather as will keep my ears warm.
18.00 Trustee meeting of Petersfield Lions.
Thursday, 2nd January
Clive and I went for a walk along Southsea sea front - good to see that work on the sea defence is progressing. Finance meeting via zoom in the evening.
Wednesday, 1st January
Met an old school friend for coffee and cheese scone at The Pavillion Stansted.
Monday, 30th December
Leisurely start to the day. After breakfast the four of us set off on another walk to Bradford-on-Avon. Lots of people around. Good to see that Bradford-on-Avon Lions have a profile in the town.
What a great way to advertise Lions.
Drove home in the afternoon to find our internet down - frightening how reliant we are on it. Still it gave us a chance to chill at the end of a lovely couple of days.
Sunday, 29th December
Drove to Bradford-on-Avon to stay the night with my brother, Brian, and his partner, Maggie. Walked across fields and along the canal. Great to catch up with them.
Saturday, 28th December
Ramblers walk led by Clive from Walderton. Similar to Tuesday's walk but Clive changed it so we didn't have to go down a steep, chalky slope. 14 of us this time. Getting my steps in!
Afternoon zoom with my Avebury buddy - met via zoom during Covid. Lovely to catch up with her.
Friday, 27th December
Afternoon birthday party with prosecco and cake with an ex-Lion.
Thursday, 26th December
Boxing Day walk led by Clive for u3a and Ramblers. 21 of us. Then coffee in the local pub.
Wednesday, 25th December
A different day for us as my mother wanted to spend Christmas Day on her own. Clive and I helped out at Petersfield PACT collecting people and taking them to the community centre for their Christmas lunch. Once safely delivered we went for a walk around Petersfield Lake - three times around the lake and stopped for our lunch. Home made sandwiches for us!
Back to the community centre and helped serve puddings and tea and coffee and then took our people home. Clive drove back home to start cooking our Christmas meal and I popped over to see mum for an hour and a half.
Tuesday, 24th December
Clive led a u3a walk - four of us - from Walderton. Just under 4 miles but lots of long ups and downs! Stopped off at The George Finchdean for coffee on the way back and were met by another walker and his wife who came to have a drink with us.
Sunday, 22nd December
Took myself off to Petworth House this morning to view the Christmas decorations.
Decorations made out of playing cards adorned the trees in the card room!
The famous Holbein painting of Henry VIII. The original was destroyed in a fire. Holbein's apprentices copied the original - this is considered one of the best and has been loaned to the Louvre.
Stopped off at Midhurst on way home and got a parking ticket!!! Guess the traffic warden must have been hiding behind a hedge. Note to self - read all of the parking meter board!
Friday, 20th December
Visited PDG Pat Nixon and took her to a garden centre for cake and coffee. Great to catch up with her. Afternoon was spent at Tesco in Petersfield 'tin shaking'. The public were so appreciative of Lions and were very generous with their donations.
Thursday, 19th December
Spent the morning in Petersfield Library helping to box up the cards and gifts. In the evening Clive and I went to the Three Lions to have a Christmas meal with Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions. A lovely evening spent with much fun and laughter. So love meeting other Lions! Presented a 50 year chevron to Lion Bill and a 30 year chevron to Lion Yorky.
Wednesday, 18th December
Gave my sound bath this morning. Afternoon stint in the Charity Christmas Card Shop - we are beginning to pack up - last day today and then boxing up all the cards/gifts. What will I do with no shop to volunteer in?
Tuesday, 17th December
Went to my friends for an evening meal and game of Mexican Trains. Lovely evening full of fun and laughter.
Monday, 16th December
6 mile walk with the u3a walking group and then we had our Christmas lunch at The Robin Hood, Rowlands Castle. Good food and company.
Sunday, 15th December
Clive and I went for a walk at Stedham near Midhurst. Decided I don't like going up hills as Clive beat me to the top every time - much better to go down hill!
Had to take a photo of this tree as it kept looking at me!
Put up the Christmas decorations this afternoon. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.
Saturday, 14th December
Chanting at The Green Door this afternoon - so uplifting.
Thursday, 12th December
Caught up with a friend and had a lovely walk at Stansted.
18.00 zoom meeting with 3rd International Vice President Manoj, Council Chair, DGs and 1st Vice District Governors. Catching up on how we are doing with regards to our goals for the year. Then a quick Council of Governors meeting. Straight over to Emsworth for my chanting practice ready for Saturday's chant.
Wednesday, 11th December
Spent the morning in the Christmas Card Charity Shop - lots of people coming in to buy cards and amazing how many of them splashed out for first class stamps (library sellling them) rather than queue for second class at the Post Office next door!
Tuesday, 10th December
u3a walk from East Meon - plenty of layers and walking poles. Then a stint in the Charity Christmas Card Shop - lots of lovely comments about my deeley bopper snowmen! Picked up Lion Gill from our club and went to Kings Arms (not a pub but a youth club for youngsters who need support). The Tuesday evening girls' group put on nibbles and games. Very moving especially when words from the youngsters who attend were read out. KA gives so much support to those who need it and work very closely with the local school. Our club gives a monthly donation so that food can be purchased for them - cooking is a big part of their ethos - giving them life skills.
Sunday, 8th December
Up early. Left home at 8.30 and drove to HQ for Vision Screening Training. 7 from our District. Trainers had come from USA and Germany. What a great way to provide service for one of our global causes. The camera is simple to use and tells you whether a child should be referred to an optician - Lions don't diagnose what the issue is. Quick meeting with the team after the training to look at next steps - Multiple District needs to get it right and each District needs to find what works for them.
Journey home was eventful - decided to cut some minutes off my journey by listening to the SatNav who then took me cross country and I ended up in a queue of other cars which had obviously done the same - no moving forward and had to do a six point turn in the country lane! Added at least half an hour to my journey time.
Saturday, 7th December
Early start - stall at Festival Hall Petersfield - tombola, crafty things to buy and also toy stall (donations not priced!) Lots of people braved the elements. Sadly no firewalk in the evening.
Thursday, 5th December
Delivered about 270 envelopes for the clubs Christmas Appeal - managed to get totally disorientated on the estate I have delivered to for the past few years! Thank goodness for google maps otherwise I would still be going round in circles. Called in to have coffee with one of our members who has fractured her shoulder and has to have her arm in a sling for 12 weeks. Glad to say that she is getting lots of support from various friends and organisations.
Just heard that the firewalk I was due to take part in on Saturday has been postponed due to the storm due at the weekend. Guess they didn't want us going up in flames.
Wednesday, 4th December
Watched ROAR celebration on zoom - amazing children who came up with incredible ideas to solve the world's problems. Long may they be inspired. Spent the afternoon in the Charity Christmas Card Shop - feeling really festive with lots of people coming to buy cards and spread cheer. Christmas jumper ready for next week but sported some rather fetching boppers!
Stayed up in Petersfield for the Petersfield Community Choir's concert in aid of FitzRoy. One of our Lions' wife is a member of the choir. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!
Tuesday, 3rd December
Drove to Farnborough to meet with Di Hopkins, Linda Picton and Tim Hanton. Good discussions on ways to move forward to support the District.
Monday, 2nd December
Own club meeting tonight.
Saturday, 30th November
Clive and I drove to Barton-on-Sea to attend New Milton & District's Charter. Lovely to catch up with everyone again. Great meal and company. Love celebrating with clubs!
Friday, 29th November
Up to Petersfield at 17.30 - Christmas light switch on. Helping out on our toy tombola - not too cold and no rain. Lovely atmosphere with families mingling and children singing. A great way to start Christmas.
Thursday, 28th November
Catch up with an old school friend for tea cake and coffee. Evening chanting practice.
Wednesday, 27th November
Back to earth with a bump. Session helping out in the Christmas Card Charity Shop in Petersfield Library. A late delivery meant I did a couple more hours but had fun with the pricing gun!
Evening zoom catch up with the other District Governors. Great support network.
Tuesday, 26th November
Left the hotel at 10.30 and walked to the bus station to get to the airport. Flight at 14.30 - it's amazing how quickly into the flight that we cross over the Isle of Wight. Picked up car from Gatwick and home at 17.30. A lovely few days away.
Monday, 25th November
Chatted with Rob who is president of Guernsey Lions at breakfast and said goodbye. Caught the bus to Gorey and went round Mont Orgueil Castle. One of the best castles I have visited.
After lunch walked towards St Aubin for an hour. Clive caught the bus back but I decided to walk back. Lovely sandy beaches and so quiet.
Back into town for an Indian meal at Jaipur Restaurant.
Sunday, 24th November
Awoke to glorious sunshine and wind (but not blowing as much as yesterday). Walked around St Helier and had coffee. Visited Liberation Square.
Peter Tabb collected us from the hotel and drove us round the island - so much history on Jersey as well as spectacular views. Arrived at Maison des Landes Hotel to help judge Jersey's Young Ambassador competition. 5 inspiring entrants who do so much for their community. Peter then gave us a tour of the Maison which has been refurbished to the tune of £3.8 million. The hotel, which is fully equiped for disabled people, has such a lovely, calming atmosphere. A truly wonderful place for those living on Jersey and those coming from across the waters.
Saturday, 23rd November
Blowing a gale outside. After breakfast walked into St Helier town centre.
Bumped into Clive whilst walking around the town.
Back to hotel for meeting with Ian, Damon, Jane from Jersey and Rob from Guernsey. Rob managed to fly over this morning but the landing was a bit bumpy. Good discussion about Lions in general as well as membership. I love talking to members and finding out how district can help and support as well as sharing ideas that I've picked up from other clubs.
After the meeting Clive and I decided to walk to St Aubin but unfortunately the weather was against us - wind and fine drizzle so we walked around St Helier instead. Back to the hotel for a chill before getting ready to attend Jersey's charter.
Lovely evening at The Grand Hotel to celebrate Jersey's 61st Charter. Excellent food and company. Back at hotel finished the evening (or dare I say the early hours of the morning) chatting to Guernsey Lions who are staying in the same hotel as us.
Friday, 22nd November
Left home at 9.00 and drove to Gatwick. 13.00 flight to Jersey. Met by zone chair Ian who gave Clive and I a sight seeing tour of part of the island. My first time on Jersey but Clive used to come with the lads when he was younger. Saw Sark, Alderney and Guernsey in the distance. Jersey stone is very red. Lovely beaches and sea views as well as fortifications from the Second World War. Speed limit is 40mph dropping to 15mph but pace of life is not slow here. Staying at The Savoy Hotel for four nights.
Met with President Damon and wife, Nicola, and Secretary Jane and husband, Erik for evening meal in Crosstown Restaurant. Lovely to meet them and chat about life in general.
Thursday, 21st November
Snow!!! Was due to go to Portsmouth Football Club for a talk but too dangerous to get the car down the road. Really annoying as the sun came out in the afternoon and melted all the snow!
Tuesday, 19th November
Petersfield Lions activity committee meeting this afternoon - lots of events happening over Christmas.
Sunday, 17th November
10.30 zoom cabinet meeting as not quorate in October. Good discussion re: H&S. Meeting finished by 11.15 ish.
Saturday, 16th November
Clive and I went on a ramblers walk at Hambledon - overcast but fine. Wonderful to walk through the beech leaves on the ground - memories of my childhood.
Petersfield Lions Quiz in aid of a young girl we have been supporting for a number of years. She had a stroke when she was a baby and we help pay for physiotherapy and other things - she is a lovely girl, always smiling. Ten teams of six with Clive as the quiz master (you daren't argue with him). Great buzz throughout the evening and we raised about £700 to go into her fund. Proud to be a Lion.
Thursday, 14th November
People may moan about our NHS but for Clive and I over the last few weeks they have been brilliant. Phoned emergency eye department this morning and by 11.00 I had been seen by triage nurse, nurse practitioner and doctor - sent home with leaflet and advice. Great service.
GAT meeting on zoom tonight. Lots of discussion about membership and leadership.
Wednesday, 13th November
Morning session in the charity Christmas card shop. A lovely lady came in who was looking for certain cards. I spent some time helping her and we ended up having a chat. She was so appreciative that I had given her some time - good to do always especially on World Kindness Day.
Afternoon with the school children who are taking part in ROAR.
Tuesday, 12th November
Clive and I went on a five mile walk with our u3a walking group near Goodwood. Beautiful weather and amazing views.
Evening zoom with Peter and Chris. Chris is going to become our new diabetes officer with Peter to offer support.
Monday, 11th November
Good day spent with my mum. Evening discussion group - all about speech - truthful speech, kindly speech, meaningful speech and harmonious speech.
Sunday, 10th November
Was due to give a sound bath and talk to the South Coast Dowsers but instead ended up with Clive taking me to Petersfield Hospital to have my eye checked out as it was giving me grief. Doctor who looked at it commented 'I've not seen anything like that before' when she examined my eye (comforting words!?!) She phoned the opthalmist who thinks it might be a dry eye which has caused the outer layer of the cornea to rub away. Bumped into an ex-pupil who I taught when he was seven - he is now 24. Upshot of visit was that I came home with antibiotic cream and told if eye doesn't improve in a couple of days to go to QA eye department. Keeping my fingers crossed.
After lunch managed to get a short walk in - two hills - Clive doing very well getting up them but it's his leg muscles that ache.
A gentle incline up to Idsworth Church - two other slopes were harder to walk up.
Saturday, 9th November
2nd Saturday Swap - good zoom discussion - 6 Lions in attendance. Discussed ways of supporting Lions to become club officers .... The attendees also came up with suggestions for other 2nd Saturday Swap topics.
The afternoon saw me at Emsworth taking part in chanting - we were celebrating Diwali - and had to bring an offering of food - most of came along with satsumas!!!
Quick dash home - Clive came back from watching Pompey in a good mood as they had won. After tea drove to Southsea to watch Blood Brothers at the King's Theatre (one of my birthday presents for Clive). Wonderful show but at one point I jumped out of my skin - for those of you who have seen the show I bet you can guess when that happened.
Friday, 8th November
Left the lodge at 9.30 am and had an excellent run back getting home at 13.45 stopping off once for a quick cup of coffee.
Thursday, 7th November
Walked into Laugharne to get the paper - we are not creatures of habit! Dropped off the recycling on the way - they are really hot on recycling in Wales.
Laugharne Castle was looking particularly photogenic this morning.
Drove to Pendine Sands about four miles away from Laugharne. Quite an impressive history - seven miles of sand which was used for land speed records and Amy Johnson also took off in her plane from the beach. Sadly, it had been taken over by the Ministry of Defence and had limited access.
We decided to adhere to the warnings and didn't go beyond this sign. We also came across more jellyfish - talk about eerie. To give you some idea of the size I got Clive to put his size 11 feet in the photograph.
Wandered around Pendine - full of caravan parks but deserted at this time of year and then drove back to Laugharne. Persuaded Clive to have lunch in Dylan Thomas's boat house - cheese scone with pickle and cheese, and cup of filter coffee. Amazing views over the estuary.
Wednesday, 6th November
Walked into Laugharne to get the paper. Drove to Tenby -not been there for a number of years. Interesting rock on the North Beach -Goscar Rock which used to be part of the cliff.
On the beach were huge barrel jellyfish - never seen anything like them before - would not want to meet one in the water!
Wandered around the town and had lunch in a cafe. Drove back to Laugharne and Clive went and took some photographs of the estuary - water had receded and lots of mud flats.
Tuesday, 5th November
Amazing view overlooking the Taf estuary - very misty but can just about make out the house on the other side. We walked into Laugharne at 9.30 and found it was mostly shut! Managed to get a paper at the local convenience store which was doing a roaring trade - and also got some welsh cakes.
Drove to Wiseman's Bridge - Clive navigated and took me down narrow lanes. Had a walk from Wiseman's Bridge to Saundersfoot in the drizzle. Incredible rock formations and a spooky tunnel to walk through.
Managed to find a cafe open in Saundersfoot and then walked back to Wiseman's Bridge and had our sandwiches in the car. Back to the resort and managed to find our lodge without too much trouble.
Monday, 4th November
Left home at 10.30 to drive to Laugharne in Carmarthenshire - place of Dylan Thomas's writing shed and boathouse. Staying at a timeshare resort, Clive's birthday present from last year courtesy of my brother. Stopped off in Camarthen to buy some provisions and it was dark by the time we arrived. Took us half an hour to find our lodge and the concierge had to come and rescue us!!!
Thursday, 31st October
Trip to Chichester for Clive to pay in money for our club - local branch in Petersfield no longer there!
Attended the Multiple District webinar on Insurance at 18.30. Very useful and good to hear them answer Steve Spencer's questions - he is so proactive in finding things out - a great asset to our district.
Quick dash over to Emsworth for chanting practice as have a chant on 9th November.
Wednesday, 30th October
Up to Petersfield to do a stint in the Charity Christmas Card Shop in Petersfield Library. I even joined the library and got a book out to read on our short break which is coming up soon. Very quiet - think people want to get Halloween over with before they start thinking about Christmas.
Tuesday, 29th October
My second walk of the week - this time from East Meon - told Clive he was not to come as it would be hilly! Not just hilly but incredibly muddy - at one point thought I was going to lose my boot. We all managed to make it in one piece but not sure what the shop assistants thought when I popped into Asda to get some food - walking trousers covered in mud - still at least I left the walking boots in the car.
Monday, 28th October
Clive and I did a flat u3a walk at Fishbourne along the coast - first one for Clive since last Sunday. He managed the whole walk which was about 4 and a half miles.
In the evening went to Bosham for a course I am doing with a couple of my Buddhist friends. Interesting discussion about guilt and remorse!
Sunday, 27th October
Up early and drove to The Stones, High Post. When Clive and I arrived the rest of the team were setting up for our Autumn Forum. Thirty-five Lions attended from 21 different clubs - a good turnout. Discussions around Health & Safety, the Portal, training and membership. Lots of buzz in the room.
Friday, 25th October
Up to Petersfield at 14.30 to get ready for the fashion show our club is having in aid of King's Arms (not a pub but a youth group that supports young carers and those who need support with accessing school). The Petersfield School, where the show was being held, enlisted their prefects to help set up the stage and chairs. The company running the show phoned to say they were stuck in traffic but arrived with one hour before curtains up. The youngsters from King's Arms had come to help and were wonderful in helping to unload the lorry. Luckily all went well and the event was a success and the guests went home happy with their purchases of new clothes at knock down prices.
Our lovely 1st VDG came along with her cousin and persuaded me to buy some clothes - can't take her anywhere!!!
I managed to get home before they closed the A3M from Petersfield to Horndean (shut until Monday)
Thursday, 24th October
Clive decided to take the bus to GunWharf as he can't drive until Monday. I went over to mum's to take her shopping. She needed a new watch battery and the man in Timsons fitted it and said that there would be no charge. What a lovely random act of kindness - it made mum's day. Leaving mum's I drove to Newbury and had a meal with Newbury Lions before going to their meeting. They will be very busy over the next couple of months, like most clubs, with their firework display and Christmas sleigh etc.
Wednesday, 23rd October
Stint in the card shop this morning. Very quiet in the library. Had a zoom catch up with a friend in the afternoon and then dropped Clive at his camera group in the evening whilst I went to chanting practice.
Tuesday, 22nd October
Decided not to go on u3a walk in case had a call from Clive and instead did a short walk from home. Clive was discharged at lunchtime but I couldn't pick him up until 16.00 as he was awaiting his numerous pills to be given to him! Good to have him home but he has told me that I must not fuss. He's been told he should be back to doing long walks within six weeks and he is quite happy that he has been told he can only do light housework and no hoovering for a while. Guess that's up to me then!
Monday, 21st October
Spent the day with mum taking her to lunch and then went in to the hospital in the afternoon. Clive told he would be let out tomorrow!
Sunday, 20th October
A stressful day as Clive asked me to call an ambulance for him and he was taken to Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth. Wonderful treatment - he had stents inserted within a few hours and was told he'd had a heart attack.
Saturday, 19th October
Council of Governors via zoom - our Council Chair Kav kept us on track and gave us plenty of breaks to replenish with coffee and snacks. A good meeting with some difficult decisions made.
Friday, 18th October
Busy day and just managed to fit in finishing reading the reports for council this weekend before getting ready to go to Eastleigh Lions to celebrate their 60th Charter. Lovely evening at Eastleigh - Di came down from Basingstoke and they had Lions from Germany and France there too.
Thursday, 17th October
Morning shift in the Christmas Card Charity Shop and then meeting with our activities committee to finalise details for our Fashion Show. Quick dash home and then back to Petersfield for the Town Mayor's Quiz. She has nominated our club as one of her chosen charities this year. Good turn out from us - two of seven tables. Great evening had by all.
Wednesday, 16th October
Afternoon with ROAR children making their prototypes for what they can do to solve a world problem. Great to see them fworking together as teams and cooperating with each other. Memories from teaching of having to find the end of the selotape and dodging glue and glitter!
Monday, 14th October
U3a visit to Salisbury Cathedral - it really is an amazing building. Didn't know much about The Magna Carter so bought a book to learn more.
After lunch wandered around Salisbury - not really explored it before. Came across this majestic beast!
Sunday, 13th October
Up at 7.00 and tip-toed out of brother's house just before 8.00. Drove to High Post for Cabinet. A good meeting with points raised I can take to council etc. but unfortunately not quorate due to some members having to pull out due to illness. Zoom meeting planned in November to vote on some decision. Got home, my home, at 18.00. Will be good to sleep in my own bed tonight.
Saturday, 12th October
After going to bed last night at midnight, chatting with Brian and Maggie got up and had breakfast in time for Second Saturday Swap. Lovely to see Lions from Abingdon, Basingstoke, Jersey and New Milton & District attending. It was good to share ideas and thoughts about service with each other - so often we can get stuck in our ways. Managed to get a walk in to Bradford-on-Avon in the afternoon. Then drove to Melksham for their 50th Charter. A lovely evening with excellent music. Great honour to present President Simon White with his 50th Charter member pin and certificate signed by the Duchess of Edinburgh.
Friday, 11th October
Took the 'bus' into Bath. I take my hat off to the bus drivers around here as so many narrow lanes. Arrived in one piece but then proceeded to trip over a kerb and graze both my knees! Trip to Mountain Warehouse to purchase new trousers - hole in old ones from the trip, and then bought some plasters.
Couldn't resist taking this picture - I believe they were queueing for a bus but every single person was looking at their phone! What is the world coming to?
Thursday, 10th October
Drove to Trowbridge for club visit. Lovely meeting with lots of money being spent to support families and individuals. A very active club who do a lot for their local community.
Short drive from Trowbridge to spend a few days with my brother.
Wednesday, 9th October
Christmas is a-coming! For the last few years I have helped out at Petersfield's Christmas Card Charity Shop. The morning was spent shifting and unpacking boxes in preparation for the opening this week. So many cute robin cards this year. Quick drive to Sheet Primary to support the children in their ROAR project - some good ideas developing to help solve problems in the world. Home and quick change to drive to Abingdon Lions for club visit. Had to phone the president as couldn't find the multi-storey car park and thankfully he came and rescued me. Badged up three new members. Good trip home but part of A34 closed - made sure I followed my SatNav.
Monday, 7th October
Petersfield Lions meeting.
Sunday, 6th October
Last day of the seminar. Eight of us shared a large taxi back to the airport. Flight took off on time and landed safely. Picked car up and got home at midnight.
Saturday, 5th October
What is it about hotel rooms - either too hot or too cold. Awake at 3.00 unable to go back to sleep probably due to eating late [ sadly the hotle was unable to cope with all the food orders we put in and took an hour and forty-five minutes from order to delivery. Heavy day ahead. Interesting to hear that ours is not the only district in Europe with similar issues to us but picked up some good ideas to bring home.
Friday, 4th October
Up at 4.15 and drove to Bramley to meet Di. Taxi to Heathrow and caught 10.35 plane which took off at 11.25 to Oslo. Got to hotel at about 16.00 hours and met with Lions from Scanidnavian Countries including our Icelandic group members. Weekend of discussions etc about membership. Hoping to come back inspired and with lots of ideas.
Thursday, 3rd October
I know how to spoil Clive on his birthday! Bus to Portsmouth Dockyard, boat across to Gosport, tour round HMS Alliance and museum, sandwich lunch in the dockyard and back home by bus!!!
A really interesting tour of the submarine. 65 men on board for up to a month with four toilets and two wash basins. No laundry - lived in the clothes they went on board with. Shared a bunk but had their own sleeping bag. Beer was kept in the rear torpedo shutes as there were no fridges. Daily allowance of rum. All the wires and pipework etc were exposed. Totally different to today's submarines.
Wednesday, 2nd October
Met a friend at Stansted and had a walk and coffee.
Tuesday, 1st October
Whilst Clive got up early to go on a u3a coach tour to Chatham I had a lie in and then went on u3a walk from Rowlands Castle - fourteen of us and two dogs.
Sunday, 29th September
A day with nothing planned so Clive and I took ourselves off to Portsmouth Dockyard. Harbour trip of 45 minutes - very windy. Saw the new Virgin Cruise ship in - named after me?
After a quick bite to eat back on the water and across to Gosport to go round Explosion. It was rather choppy on the boat trip back but luckily it was a short trip across the harbour.
Saturday, 28th September
Chanting at The Green Door near Chichester - lovely energies - so uplifting.
Friday, 27th September
Met our club president at Tesco in Petersfield - shopping for social tonight. Had a lovely evening catching up with past Lions and new friends. Good to foster relationships.
Thursday, 26th September
Took mum to Portchester Crematorium - can't believe it's been two years since dad passed. Met a distant relative who had come over from Melbourne to scatter his grans's ashes. HIs gran had emigrated many many years ago and mum had written to her over the years. Heavy rain in the morning but the sun shone in the afternoon. Good to celebrate a life.
Chanting practice in the evening ready for Saturday.
Wednesday, 25th September
Must learn to breathe deeply - feeling very frustrated. Waited for plumber - third time he has rescheduled in the last eight days - who was due at 11.30 this morning. 12.00 messaged him - got back to me couldn't make today would Friday be okay? Wish I hadn't been so accommodating - said it would have to be but could I be the first call - so still no bathroom sink and Clive due back Thursday night from Corfu!! Does anyone know of a good plumber!!!! My tag line is sorely being tested - must work on being compassionate.
Finance Committee meeting via zoom tonight. After the meeting stayed on and chatted to Dave and Peter. Quick catch up with the other DGs on zoom then chilled for an hour.
Tuesday, 24th September
U3a walk along the shore near Fareham - no rain which was a bonus but our half way stop for coffee was shut.
Thursday, 19th September
U3a talk on 'The Weald Iron Industry'. Serving tea, coffee and biscuits to the members - and doing the washing up!
Wednesday, 18th September
Good zone chair meeting tonight where membership, leadership and service was discussed which included questions various clubs have asked. Lots of action points to sort out.
Tuesday, 17th September
Attended zone G meeting via zoom. Good to catch up and hear about what New Milton & District are going to do with 2000 ducks! Ringwood & Fordingbridge are also having an evening where the youth exchange participants share their experiences.
Monday, 16th September
Left home in the morning and drove to Monkey World. An amazing place but bitter sweet when you read the stories of where the animals came from - illegal smuggling, laboratories, family pets.
Apart from the chatter of the various monkeys the place was very peaceful. Walking along the woodland walk I turned a corner and came across this sika deer who was totally oblivious to me and this buddha which epitomised the feeling of the moment.
Strange to have a whole day just to myself, away from home, so was able to just amble around Monkey World, stop for lunch and afternoon coffee (and Dorset Apple Cake!). I'd taken a book with me so would walk, stop and read for a while and then carry on.
After Monkey World drove to Wareham for a club meeting with Wareham Lions. An active club who serve their community - driving people to hospital in their 'ambulance', taking part in Wareham Wednesday (an event that started when a shop owner said that Wareham was very busy at weekends but was quiet midweek). Wareham Lions have their stall every Wednesday in August and serve the community as well as raising funds. Their yearly swimathon is taking place in October.
A long drive home as SatNav picked up a road closure and sent me on a long detour but got home in the end!
Sunday, 15th September
On-line Council meeting starting at 5.30 pm.
Saturday, 14th September
First of 2nd Saturday Swaps - Brian Donovan talked us through Health and Safety and Risk Assessments. Useful snippets of information including having a note book at events where issues can be jotted down, taking photos when carrying out risk assessment of site. Really good matrix on how risk is measured.
Thursday, 12th September
Decided to have some me time. Parked car near Emsworth and walked along the shore to the town. Wandered around and had cheese scone and latte in my favourite cafe.
Stopped by the mill pond to watch some men having a race with their model yachts.
Drove home via Petersfield to drop off a giant teddy we had on our stall. Met a lovely lady who won the teddy and found we had lots in common. Invited her to our social gathering we are having at the end of September.
Zoom Global Action Group meeting tonight. Good to catch up with the team.
Wednesday, 11th September
Launched ROAR at one of our local schools today - children were very excited. Guess this year I won't be able to take part in the judging.
Tuesday, 10th September
U3a walk at Soberton - lovely views from the top on the way back.
Drove to Highworth late afternoon for club visit with Highworth & District Lions. They may have a small membership but they run a charity shop, mini-bus and van. Had the privilege of welcoming a new member to the club. Finding lots of good causes in their district and nationally as well as supporting SightFirst and WaterAid.
My phone decided to play up on the way home - had to switch it off and pray to the internet gods that it would start again and show me the way home! Just about managed to stay calm and yes - it worked - only added an extra 30 minutes on to my journey home. Now have back up map of British Isles in the car.
Saturday, 7th September
Up early and packed car. Tombola stall in aid of Lions/Brain Tumour Research Appeal at Warsash Mind, Body, Spirit Fair. Raised £100 for the appeal.
Had to leave early as Clive and I were going to GMS's 45th Charter. An evening of celebration and fun.
The things I do for fun!
Friday, 6th September
Petersfield Lions bridge and afternoon tea event. 7 tables of 4 bridge players who paid for the privilege of playing and having an afternoon tea.
Thursday, 5th September
Used my bus pass to go to Gunwharf where I met up with a friend I hadn't seen in over four years. Sat and chatted in Pret a Manger for four hours and caught the bus home!
Zoom in the evening on the Global Membership Approach - missed the first half hour but discussion after the presentation was useful.
Wednesday, 4th September
What a day! Had to take my mother to the hospital for an eye check up. Then went to a garden centre to have a bite to eat. Decided to take the scenic route back to her place. Very busy road and car zooming towards me so pulled car over near the verge but the verge disappeared and 'bang' - blow out of front tyre. Pulled in and phoned breakdown who told us it could take an hour and a half to arrive so best to get out of the car. Told the lovely man on the end of the phone that Icouldn't get mum out as she has mobility problems and he put us a top priority. It was so scary sitting in the car as the other vehicles would not slow down! Upshot was I called my knight in shining armour - Clive - who came and rescued us as I had an appointment to get to. He stayed with my car and I took his. Breakdown man arrived as we were getting mum out. Managed to get her home, get to my appointment and then swap cars with Clive whilst the garage was fitting a new tyre. So glad I had chanting practice in the evening - I really needed it.
Tuesday, 3rd September
U3a walk from Petersfield. Couldn't resist taking a photo of this amazing tree!
It is rather cute - had many suggestions as to which animal - deer, bear .....
Monday, 2nd September
Back to my favourite place - Avebury. Unfortunately, I was unable to meet up with one friend as she was poorly so went to visit my favourite stone whilst waiting for another friend to turn up.
After saying goodbye to my friend, who is emigrating to New Zealand in a couple of weeks' time I met up with someone who was buying one of my instruments. He goes into care homes and hospitals and plays his instruments - lovely to connect with people who are passionate about supporting others.
Drove to Swindon and met up with some of Swindon Lions and had a meal with them. At their business meeting I was privileged to present Diane and Mark with MJFs.
Their sleigh is being retired but they are keeping Rudolph and aiming to turn a gazebo into a Christmas grotto - finding new ways to raise money in the community.
A good journey home - learning to trust my satnav. No roads closed which was a bonus.
Sunday, 1st September
Clive and I did a new walk in the morning. We were on country lanes - a lot of cars don't slow down when they see walkers. Long, long walk through a field of sweetcorn - and it was gradually uphill. Really struggled in the heat as not a lot of shade.
Evening phone call catching up with Ian from Jersey. Looking forward to their charter in November and spending a few days there.
Wednesday, 28th August
Petersfield in the afternoon for an activities meeting about bridge event and fashion show. Catch up with other DGs via zoom in the evening.
Tuesday, 27th August
Clive and I drove to Kingston Lacy. We last visited four years ago when the kitchen garden wasn't open. As always I managed to find a few lions!
Went inside the house and learnt that in the library there were books that had belonged to Napoleon! Views outside were stunning and in my element with the trees!
After visiting Kingston Lacy we drove to Blandford Forum and wandered around the town and then went to meet up with Blandford & District Lions. A good meeting with lots of ideas being bandied about. I love it when Lions share ideas.
No hold ups on the drive home and was indoors by 23.00
Monday, 26th August
Walk at Stoughton with the u3a group. Sunny but windy. Clive was outnumbered ten to one!
Lots of long climb ups and not many downs! A welcome sit down and coffee in The Hare and Hounds - great to chill with friends.
Sunday, 25th August
Up early to get to Petersfield to set up our stall. Think my friend had had a rough night as saw him sitting on the bench looking the worse for wear!
Stayed on the stall until 10.00 when the second shift arrived.
Back to Petersfield at 1.30 for the afternoon - a lot of our Lions are on holiday. Lots of footfall in Petersfield and many happy people who won one of our wild animals. Took Teddy home with me - going to take him to a fair in a couple of weeks and will see who has won him (or her) by guessing the name. He's piled in the corner along with all the tombola prizes.
Saturday, 24th August
Rained all night. Looked out the window of the van and saw a great big puddle of water. Managed to get the van off the grass without churning it up too much. Left the site at 8.30 am and arrived home just before 10.30 - a good run back as the traffic was going west and not east like us!
Friday, 23rd August
Left the campsite and caught the train to Poole. Wandered down to The Quay and spent a couple of hours by the sea - so peaceful and relaxing. Bought some sandwiches and sat on The Quay watching the world go by. The gulls are incredibly well behaved and don't bombard you for food.
Back at the campsite sat outside and relaxed. The campsite was getting busy. Finished one of the books I bought yesterday. Two games of scrabble in the evening - we decided that whoever went first in the initial game would go second in the next game. Result - I wond the first game and Clive the second.
Thursday, 22nd August
Clive and I went off in the camper van to Moreton in Dorset. Stopped off at Ringwood as I'd left my kindle at home and needed books to read! Lovely to see so many posters and banners advertising Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions.
Sunday, 18th August
Another early start for the second day of MHFA England. The five of us passed the intense training. Managed not to get lost on the way home.
Saturday, 17th August
Early start as had to be near Reading at 8.30 for the first of two days' Mental Health First Aider. Can't believe it was three years ago that we trained. A full on day but really good to refresh our skills and knowledge. Driving home took a wrong turn and had to do a 7 mile detour to get back on track! Message to self - must concentrate more.
Friday, 16th August
Coffee with Past District Governor, Pat Nixon. It was good to catch up - like me she used to be a schoolteacher so we have that in common as well as being Lions.
Wednesday, 14th August
Visited Yateley & District Lions. Lots of fun and laughter as well as serious business. Two potential new members. Took away a couple of ideas - when non-Lions volunteered with them the club donated some money to a charity that the volunteer selected - what a lovely way to thank the volunteers. The club has also produced a tri-fold information pack entitled 'Seniors guide to services and organsiations in and around Yateley'.
The drive home was interesting - I now use Google Maps but it didn't show me that a road was closed. Luckily, a workman was on hand and gave me instructions of how to get out of there! Life is never dull when you are DG!!
Tuesday, 13th August
Thank goodness it was not as hot as yesterday! U3a walk at Compton - long climb up hills but amazing views from the top. 20 of us came which is probably the most we have had so we were very spread out.
After the walk we went to the tea room at Compton West Sussex which has just reopened. Sat outside and chatted to a motorcyclist who was having a rest.
Monday, 12th August
Zoom meeting with Autumn Forum planning team - coming together - the day will be a variety of sessions and those who come can actively participate.
Sunday, 11th August
Up early and drove to Swindon Football Club for my first ever visit to support Chippenham's Bob Cook Games. What a wonderful event! So good to see that it draws clubs in not just from our district but from districts near to us. The competitors were incredible - the event is open to disabled adults and some have been coming for years whilst for some it was the first time they had attended. Lucy, one of the competitors gave me the biggest of hugs and whispered in my ear - 'this is the first time I have been here and I am feeling very emotional'.
All the Lions who helped truly epitomised what Lions is about - serving the community and making a difference.
The date is already in my diary for next year!
Oh, and guess who I saw there trying to outthrow me in the javeline?
It was a warm day but everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I was so impressed with the organisation - it is such a well run event including making over 300 packed lunches for the competitors and helpers.
Clive picked me up at 4.00 - he had spent the day in Cirencester and then went to look at the source of the Thames (don't ask!). Long journey back as there had been a car fire on the M4 and we did 6 miles in about an hour. Just hope the people in the car were okay.
Saturday, 10th August
Clive and I set of in the camper van early in the morning and visited Mottisfont - National Trust. Sadly the roses were finished but there was some colour in the walled garden.
After lunch we drove to Calne to a campsite on a farm - only two caravans and us there. My brother and his partner, Maggie drove over from Bradford-on-Avon to spend the afternoon with us - Brian bringing his amazing sponge cake he makes.
Beautiful sunset in the evening - pinks and blues - and two games of scrabble - I won the toss - Clive can't understand why the one who wins the toss gets the advantage of having a double word score - still I wasn't complaining.
Thursday, 8th August
U3a outing to Watts Gallery Artists' Village in Compton Surrey. I'd never heard of George Watts (called England's Michaelangelo) and his wife Mary. An amazing place to visit and learn about their life. Mary designed the chapel where we had a guided talk.
Part of the 'village' was the home they had built in the 1890s called Limnerlease. Well worth a visit and their tea cake was delicious! As well as being a painter George Watts was also a sculpter. His model of Tennyson was awesome - the bronze one apparently stands outside Lincoln Cathedral.
Was going to Poole boat trip this evening but the weather was not good and with an hour and a half journey to get to Poole before the boat trip Clive and I made the sad decision to pull out - also I am not a particularly good sailor and if it is windy who knows what I might feel like!
Wednesdy, 7th August
Met a couple of friends to go on a walk. They don't know many walks around Hambledon so I asked Clive to give me one that he has done many times. 'It's easy' he said - 'just one tricky bit'. Guess what? Yes, that tricky bit was very tricky and we ended up in a field we had crossed already so instead of doing a circular walk we retraced our steps. Found a lovely tea room in the village and had a cheese scone and coffee - they were really friendly - a place where mum and I can go when I take her out.
Monday, 5th August
U3a walk in our beautiful countryside. Stopped beside the River Meon and at the end of the walk we had refreshments in St Wilfred's Church Droxford. The weather was perfect for walking - must admit I did start off wearing a fleece but after the first incline had to remove it!
Drove to Henley-on-Thames for a club visit. Lovely meeting and presented two chevrons for 10 year and 45 year service. President Wendy kept us well fed with home made cookies. Good drive home - much better now I am using Google Maps rather than my satnav!
Sunday, 4th August
Spent the day in the community centre at Emsworth selling crystals for Tim Whild. Tim is an inspirational speaker and has followers from across the world. At his talk today there were people from America and Amsterdam. Dashed home to have a zoom link with a lockdown friend who is emigrating to New Zealand.
Saturday, 3rd August
Lunch with a couple of friends who also happen to be Lions - three hours of fun and laughter.
Thursday, 1st August
Met up with ex work colleagues at our usual garden centre. Place was not as busy as usual due to the hot, hot weather.
Wednesday, 31st July
Clive and I had a rare day when both of us had nothing planned. Instead of doing an overnighter in our van (would be incredibly hot!) we decided to use our bus passes. Caught bus to The Hard, Portsmouth and got the Fast Cat to Ryde. Three buses later arrived at Osbourne House (should only have been two but realised we'd got on the wrong bus so leapt off and flagged down the one behind us!). Spent a few hours there - loved the flower chandelier in one of the rooms - and Clive bought me an ice cream by Queen Victoria's bathing station. Managed to get back to Ryde using only one bus and Fast Cat to Portsmouth and bus back home. It all fell into place with no hanging around.
Dubai or Portsmouth?
Lived across the water near Portsmouth for most of my life and this was the first time I had visited Osbourne House.
They get everywhere!
Monday, 29th July
Managed to walk with our u3a walking group - Clive went to London to take photos (guess where I would sooner be on the hottest day of the year so far!) Spent the afternoon catching up on Lions work - including writing this blog - and getting ready for own club visit tonight.
Club visit at Petersfield - deciding which charity to raise money for with our 2nd fashion show in October. Kings Arms was chosen - so good to support young carers and children who struggle at school.
Sunday, 28th July
9.00 start again with many topics being covered including PR and marketing, Convention and membership. Kav kept us on track to finish by 12.00 when we all said our goodbyes and set off home. Di and I had a clear run but some of the others had two hour delays etc on motorways.
Saturday, 27th July
First Council meeting with all the District Governors, 1st Vice District Governors, Council Chair Kav, Past International Directors, Multiple District Secretary and Treasurer ...... 9.00 start and finished at 4.30. Good meeting with lots of discussion and decisions being made.
Friday, 26th July
Drove up to Basingstoke to pick Di, 1st VDG up. Long drive to Redditch as stop/start traffic. Met up with Council.
Wednesday, 24th July
Petersfield Lions activity committee meeting this afternoon to discuss two big events - Bridge Afternoon and Fashion Show. After the meeting drove to Farnborough and met Carol who took me to Farnborough & Aldershot Lions Club meeting - lots of roads closed due to the air show and she thought I might have difficulty getting there - she knows me too well!
Such a privilege to attend their first ever meeting as the two clubs merged at the end of last year. I also had the honour of badging up their first ever recruit - Lion Joe. Came away on a high.
Tuesday, 23rd July
Lovely day with my mum - managed to get her out to the shops. Home in time for tea and then a zoom meeting with Convention team. Di and I continued the zoom going through Council reports in readiness for the weekend.
Monday, 22nd July
Up early and left the campsite at 7.30 in the morning. Good journey back which took about seven hours. Unpacked our van and then popped out to get some food. Trustee meeting at 19.00 in Petersfield.
Sunday, 21st July
Caught the bus into Skipton and then met up with Clive's sister, brother-in-law, niece and her family. BBQ in the back garden. Most of the campers had left the campsite today so the place was a lot quieter.
Amazing views and so much greenery around. Photos do not do justice to the place.
Saturday, 20th July
Walked along the canal from Cononley to Skipton.
Along the way saw a mad cow who had decided to have a paddle in the canal!
Caught the bus back for Confest (a music festival at the campsite). Unlike last year the rain managed to keep away until about 5.30 pm. Spent the afternoon with Clive's relatives from Skipton - some are camping over the weekend at the campsite.
Friday, 19th July
Clive and I took our camper van to Skipton - eight hour journey as the traffic was start/stop!
Monday, 15th July
Visited Sheet Primary School in Petersfield with fellow Lion, Jackie. The headteacher has said yes to taking part in ROAR which is great news. Jackie and I will be supporting them in September - a chance to utilise my teaching skills! We will also be presenting the school with a set of Wild Tribe Heroes books.
Sunday, 14th July
Another walk - this time with Clive. Hook in Warsash - along the coast.
Watched the Wimbledon gentlemen's finals on television.
Saturday, 13th July
Went for a five mile walk with South East Hants Ramblers - beautiful weather and lovely views. Fortunate to live in such a lovely part of the country - woodland and sea views!
Wednesday, 10th July
Met up with a couple of friends for another walk and then coffee in the local garden centre.
Tuesday, 9th July
Need to get back to walking! Managed a walk with local u3a group although at one time we had to retrace our steps as came across a fallen tree we couldn't go over or around. Good job Clive has a 'live' map! We all ended up like drowned rats as it started to rain half way through. Still good to get out in the open air.
Sunday, 7th July
Big day for me! Cabinet and then handover. Great table decorations including some cute koalas. Presented with flowers from Alton Lions. Love the colours and they matched the ones on our tables. Dave Ebsworth was presented with an award by Geoff Leeder. It was good to celebrate the outgoing year and welcome in the new officers for this forthcoming year.
Looking forward to supporting all the clubs in our district.