In Memoriam
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26th January 2024
Lion Marilyn Rolfe
Lions Club of Burnham
Lion Marilyn Rolfe sadly passed to higher service, 26 January 2024, a highly regarded active Lion of almost 20 years, during which time she was Club President twice, Zone Chair twice and Club Youth Chair for numerous years.
In addition to being a dedicated Lion, she played an immense community role for over 25 years with the running of Burnham Youth Club and also with bookings of Farnham Common Village Hall.
Marilyn's funeral will be on the 19th of February - details to follow...
John Shephard
25th January 2024
Lion Graham Jamieson
Lions Club of Calne
Lion Graham Jamieson passed away on 25 Jan in Warminster hospital.
Graham's funeral takes place on Wednesday 21st February at 1:15pm at West Wiltshire Crematorium, Devizes Road, Semington, Trowbridge BA14 6HL followed by a wake at Trowbridge Rugby Club, Paxcroft, Hilperton, Trowbridge BA14 6JB a few minutes away.
Les Long
12th January 2024
Lion Ian Hambleton
Lions Club of Aldershot Branch Club
Aldershot Lions Club and Fleet Lions Club are deeply saddened to announce the passing to Higher Service of President Ian Hambleton.
Ian joined Aldershot Club upon its formation on 1st of February 2012 and became their first President, a role he held in several subsequent years, including this year. He also served as Club Secretary and District Hunger Officer. Ian was enthusiastic and hard-working throughout his 12-year Lion membership and prior to that had been a Leo Club member. "Caring for the Community" was in Ian's blood. We extend our sympathies to his wife, Carole, and all their family. Ian will be missed by all.
Ian's funeral will be on Monday 12th February 2024 at 15:45, at Aldershot Crematorium, Guildford Road, Aldershot GU12 4BP. Dress code may be as colourful as you feel.
There will be a gathering after the service at Aldershot Traction Club, Weybourne Road, Aldershot GU11 3NE.
Ian's family ask that no flowers be sent to the crematorium but instead make a donation in Ian's name to the charity closest to Ian's heart, the Aldershot Lions Club. There will be a donations box and also a Crowd Funder for those who are unable to attend but wish to contribute
Tom Sayers
District Webmaster
4th January 2024
Lion Anita Byers
Lions Club of Bournemouth and Christchurch
Bournemouth and Christchurch Lions are sad to advise you of the death of Lion Anita Byers. She had been admitted to hospital with a form of flu, but regretfully died during the night.
Anita was a Lion for many years and is well known. She was a past President and long term member of the Bournemouth Club, then continued when we merged to form the Bournemouth & Christchurch Lions Club.
Anita's funeral will be at 1pm on Thursday 25th January at Bournemouth Crematorium, Strouden Avenue, Bournemouth BH8 9HX
Pam White
2nd January 2024
Lion Janet Godden
Lions Club of Gillingham, Mere and Shaftesbury
Just to let you know that sadly our President Lion Janet Godden passed away after a short spell in hospital.
Obviously we are all devastated about the loss of our friend and colleague.
I will forward some details for publication when I have spoken with Club.
Janet Davies
29th November 2023
Lion Terry Stunell
Lions Club of Westbury
Details to follow...
28th November 2023
Lion Brenda Gait
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown
Details to follow...
21st November 2023
Lion Linda Chapman
Lions Club of Marlborough and District
Details to follow...
17th November 2023
Lion Chris Tamlyn
Lions Club of Devizes
It is with sadness that Devizes Lions report the loss of Lion Chris Tamlyn who passed to higher service on the 17 November at the age of 78 after a short illness. Chris was a former long-serving police officer whose arrival in the Club was unusual in that he was badged by his wife Julie at a Zoom business meeting during Covid in 2020. He was an enthusiastic Lion who, after a frustrating absence due to long-Covid, returned to action by master-minding a successful Quiz Night only weeks before his sad death. We shall miss him.
Peter Blockley
14th November 2023
Lion Gordon Rhodes
Lions Club of Hayling Island
Details to follow...
4th November 2023
Lion Ian Tappenden
Lions Club of Bradford-on-Avon
To follow...
1st November 2023
Lion Tony Taylor
Lions Club of Gillingham, Mere and Shaftesbury
Details to follow...
1st November 2023
Lion Gill McCall
Lions Club of Hart
Ex member of Hart Lions sadly passed away on 1st November
Tom Sayers
1st November 2023
Lion Ron Wilson
Lions Club of Meon Valley
Details to follow...
1st November 2023
Lion Peggy Moore
Lions Club of Bournemouth and Christchurch
Date and details to be confirmed...
Ron Twining
23rd October 2023
Lion Derek Port MJF
Lions Club of Woolmer Forest
The Lions Club of Woolmer Forest report with great sadness the passing to higher service of Lion Derek Port MJF. Derek had over 50 years of service to Lions, joining Alton Lions as a charter member in 1973. He transferred to Woolmer Forest in 2005 where he has served as a very enthusiastic, popular, and knowledgeable member. He has held many roles including President in 2007 but his proudest achievement was to be awarded the Melvin Jones Fellowship.
Sadly, Derek’s wife, Margaret passed away a few days before him. Margaret was a firm supporter of Woolmer Forest Lions and the rock behind Derek. They will both be greatly missed.
Joanne Wilson
21st October 2023
Lion Barrie Jehan
Lions Club of IOW Ryde
Details to follow...
20th October 2023
Lion Audrey Sambles
Lions Club of Hayling Island
Details to follows...
2nd October 2023
Lion Roger Mussell
Lions Club of Westbury
Details to follow...
30th September 2023
Lion David Râtel
Lions Club of Jersey
The Lions Club of Jersey reports with sadness the passing to higher service of former Lion and Past President David Râtel. David was President in 1973/74 and was most noted for his sense of humour and his ability to ensure that at the Club’s dinner meetings - which in those days usually followed an hour or so’s appropriate preparation at the bar - still followed the agenda.
Although David retired as a Lion some years ago, his wit was often called upon as a guest speaker at the Club’s Charter Anniversaries. A former estate agent and golf club secretary, David had a wide circle of friends with whom he made weekly online contact (particularly recently when his deteriorating health confined him to his laptop) with expositions of sparkling humour. He will be sorely missed by that circle of friends and all the Lions who knew him.
Peter Tabb
10th August 2023
Lion Travis McCall
Lions Club of Fleet Lions Old Guys Branch Club
The Lions Club of Fleet reports with sadness the passing to higher service of Lion Travis McCall on Thursday 10th August.
A Fleet Lion for 29 years, Lion Travis was a very enthusiastic member who held many positions within his club, including three terms as President, as well as District Sergeant-at-Arms for several years.
We extend our sympathies to his wife, Gill, and all their family. Travis will be missed by all.
Travis’s funeral will be on Thursday 7th September at 3pm at the Fleet Baptist Church, 115 Clarence Road, GU51 3RS, with a reception/wake at the Lismoyne Hotel from 4pm.
Please be aware that parking at the church is very limited and you will probably need to use the town centre car parks.
Travis specified that he does not want people to wear black or ties and instead some colour for the occasion.
It will help the family if you can let me know if you will be attending.
Brian Proctor
9th August 2023
Lion Peter Angelis
Lions Club of Meon Valley
Details to follow...
22nd July 2023
Lion John Powell
Lions Club of Westbury
Details to follow...
Lion Magazine
2nd July 2023
Lion Jean Fox
Lions Club of Hart
Lion Jean Fox passed away on Sunday 2nd of July 2023.
A Hart Lion for only a short period but she was a very enthusiastic member and will be missed by us all. RIP.
Ruth Stubley
Membership Committee
18th June 2023
Lion Colin Ames
Lions Club of Maidenhead
Lion Colin Ames passed away in June after a brave battle with cancer. He was a very active member of Maidenhead Lions, and Colin’s subtle and observant sense of humour made him a brilliant Tail Twister, always finishing a meeting with wit and logical comments about each member, making everyone laugh and leave in good spirits. A great asset for any club.
He retired in 1995 after a distinguished career as chief executive of the Home Grown Cereal Authority. Then he advised the government of newly independent Ukraine on worldwide grain marketing, a function previously managed directly from Moscow.
We all join Colin’s wife Maddie, sons Gavin and Alastair, and 6 grandchildren with our sympathies, and our great respect for this very amiable and capable man.
Address for cards or messages
Funeral arrangements: Tuesday 11th July
Brenda Butler
31st May 2023
Lion Sheila Taylor
Lions Club of Gillingham, Mere and Shaftesbury
Details to follow...
Ron Twining
31st May 2023
Lion Tony Ballard
Lions Club of Warminster
It is with much sadness that I have to inform you of the death of a serving member of Warminster Lions Club (CIO). Lion Tony Ballard died on Wed 31st May 2023 in hospital in London. Tony was only 75 years old and had been a member of our Club since Feb 2009.
No further details are available at this time.
Nick Humpherson
7th May 2023
Lion Barry Duxbury
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown
Details to follow...
Ron Twining
24th April 2023
Lion Neil Macvicar MJF
Lions Club of Swindon
The Lions Club of Swindon is sad to report the loss of one of their longest serving members. Lion Neil Macvicar MJF
passed away on 24 April following several years of increasing bad health. Over the last few months, unable to attend meetings, he would appear on Zoom often from his bed but still ready to contribute to the discussions.
He joined the club in 1987 and served as President, Treasurer and chairman of various committees. He was also a frequent visitor to the Club’s French twin club of Les Andelys in Normandy. His Scottish humour and ready fund of amusing anecdotes will be sorely missed.
The Club’s condolences go to wife Catherine, his children and grandchildren.
21st April 2023
Lion Trish Douglass
Lions Club of Chippenham
It is with great sadness that Chippenham Lions report the passing of Lion Trish Douglass on 21st April. Trish joined the club in 2008 and served with great loyalty throughout that time. Her big talent was to bring us together socially and she was the centrepiece of many an event. Beyond club she was a skilful artist, photographer and great animal lover and the phrase which so many of us use about her is “she was a wonderful lady”. Sadly missed.
Derek Angell
14th April 2023
Lion Roy Bullen MBE
Lions Club of Jersey
The Lions Club of Jersey is saddened to report the passing to higher service of Past-President Lion Roy Bullen MBE.
Lion Roy joined the Club in 1984. After a decade at sea, Lion Roy joined Jersey’s Harbour Department and eventually became Harbourmaster, a role he fulfilled for 17 years. He was very involved with the RNLI serving as the Jersey branch’s secretary and chairman for which role and for service to the community he was awarded the MBE.
He served as President of the Jersey Club in 1991/92 and the Jersey Lions send their sincere condolences to his wife Yve and his family.