In Memoriam
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27th February 2023
Lion Rodney Duckett
Lions Club of Devizes
Devizes Lions are sad to report the passing into Higher Service of Lion Rodney (Rod) Duckett.
Joining Devizes Lions in 1982, becoming President in 1992-3, he supported all club activities throughout his 41 years of service. Everything from being Father Christmas to helping organise the May Fayre.
He was on the Welfare Committee for many years where he helped organise our Sports Coaching Weekend and he also enjoyed Twinning weekends with Mayenne Lions.
He was a churchman, an organist and a gentleman. His family and friends will miss him very much, and to the last, he knew his own mind, and was not afraid to say so. His son-in-law, Lion Chris Ellis, said, “We have all lost a kindly, gentle, thoughtful man, who will be sorely missed by all his friends, former colleagues, Lions members and family”.
Peter Blockley
20th February 2023
Lion George Johns
Lions Club of Basingstoke
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Lion George Johns today, 20th February, a Lion of 50 years’ service.
For many years Lion George held the combined roles of Health & Safety and Insurance Officer; he was also the Club's Lion Tamer and a member of the Welfare Committee.
Due to ill health for several years, Lion George has been unable to take an active role in Club business or attend our meetings. However, on 20 December DG Dave Ebsworth visited the Basingstoke Club and left with us Lion George's 50-year award pin and letter which would be forwarded.
Annie Vicars
13th February 2023
Lion Anne Lippitt
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown
Details to follow...
Peter Burnett
District Secretary
19th January 2023
Lion Denis Pierce
Lions Club of IOW Newport
It is sad that I have to inform you that Lion Denis Pierce MJF passed to higher service on the 19th of January. Denis was a founder member of the Lions Club of Newport, I O W, and a Melvin Jones fellow.
The funeral for Lion Denis will be on Thursday 23rd February 2023 1:30pm, at Isle of Wight Crematorium, followed by The Woodmans Arms, Wootton.
Please let Almoner Ron know if you hope to come to the Woodmans Arms so we can let the family know numbers by 16th February.
No set dress code.
Family flowers only, donations via tribute page in Denis' memory as follows:-
If unable to attend in person, Denis' funeral will be live streamed, please use contact us for details.
Ron Twining
25th December 2022
Lion Paul Hallet
Lions Club of Trowbridge
Details to follow
1st December 2022
Lion James McGregor
Lions Club of Another District or unknown
Formerly of Portsmouth Lions Club
I have received the following sad news from the Helen Keller Internet Lions Club.
We have learned today that our President Lion James McGregor has passed to Higher Service.
Lion Jim passed suddenly in December, he volunteered many hours for St Johns Ambulance as a Lion, something he was very passionate about and trained many volunteers doing this.
LP Jim joined the East Anglia Helen Keller Internet Lions Club in June 2020 having been a member of Portsmouth Lions Club where he had been President (2012/13), Secretary (2013-15) and was also Zone Chairman and Marketing & PR Coordinator in District 105D (2011-14).
Our condolences have been passed to his parents and sister Sarah.
Barry Miller
Almoner 105CE
24th November 2022
Lion Jennifer Thorn
Lions Club of Hayling Island
Details to follow
17th November 2022
Lion Maurice Watson MJF
Lions Club of Swindon
The Lions Club of Swindon is sad to report the loss of one of their most enthusiastic and active members, Lion Maurice Watson aged 78. He was taking part in one of his favourite activities playing walking football when he suddenly collapsed and despite the best efforts of paramedics including the Wiltshire Air Ambulance, passed away.
A Past President and Zone Chairman, Maurice was a great supporter of youth including Scouts and football coaching and in particular Lions youth projects: Young Leaders in Service and ROAR. He will leave a very large gap in the club and club activities.
Our condolences go to wife Rosemary and all his family.
Steve Austin
1st November 2022
Lion PID Kenneth Persson
Lions Club of Another District or unknown
Past International Director Kenneth was from Vellinge, Sweden Lions Club and was PCC Peter Burnett's International Guest at our 2018 Convention in Southsea.
Dave Ebsworth
District Governor
1st November 2022
Lion Colin Smith
Lions Club of Jersey
Details to follow...
Ron Twining
29th October 2022
Lion Nicholas Branch
Lions Club of Alton
Details to follow...
29th October 2022
Lion Barrington Burdett
Lions Club of New Milton
Details to follow...
Ron Twining
28th September 2022
Lion Christian Penny MJF
Lions Club of Bradford-on-Avon
The Members of Bradford on Avon Lions Club are saddened to report the passing to Higher Service of Lion Christian Penny MJF. Lion Chris was a Charter Member with 52 years of service and was President twice, Club Secretary for many years and held other positions within the Club and District. Lion Chris leaves behind his wife Monica, daughters Alison and Caroline and their extended family.
The funeral will take place at Semington (West Wiltshire) Crematorium, Devizes Road BA14 6HL on Thursday 27th October at 2:30pm and afterwards at Cumberwell Park Golf Club, Bradford on Avon BA15 2PQ.
Keith Yates
19th September 2022
Lion Tony Lomax
Lions Club of Woodley and Earley
It is with great sadness and sorrow that I write to let you know that our dear friend Lion Tony Lomax passed away on Monday afternoon, 19 September.
Tony joined the club in May 2014, and despite battling with illness in recent years remained a stalwart and active member of the Community Services Committee.
We will miss his steadfast service, his calming and unflappable personality and his kind and compassionate nature.
Tony's funeral: Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 1130 am, Easthampstead Park Crematorium, South Road, Bracknell, Wokingham RG40 3DW.
Afterwards at The Castle Inn, Church Hill, Hurst, Reading RG10 0SJ to celebrate Tony’s life.
All Lions who wish to attend are very welcome to join Trisha and the family after the service. You are encouraged to wear a splash of colour at the service, a colourful tie or scarf would be appropriate.
Mike Kennedy
12th September 2022
Lion Nigel Ricketts
Lions Club of Westbury
It is with sadness that we report the passing into higher service of our dear friend and fellow Lion Nigel Ricketts, who succumbed to non-Hodgkins lymphoma on the 12th September 2022 aged just 63 years.
In his younger years, Nigel served in the Royal Household of Windsor Castle as a cabinet maker and furniture restorer and he shared many happy memories with friends of his time there. In recognition for his service, Nigel received awards and letters of appreciation from members of the royal family and it was a time of which he was immensely proud. His 'talents with timber' were never far from show, as he regularly assisted friends and local businesses making furniture and repairing all things wooden!
After his time at the Royal Household Nigel worked for over 20 years in social services, providing care and support to people living with learning disabilities as well as training and supporting others in their care.
Nigel became a very active member of Westbury Lions on joining in November 2015. Nigel took up the harmonica relatively late in life, but soon mastered it and became a respected player. With his musical background, he was always at the forefront of club events ensuring that our PA systems were loud and clear for all to hear! Members fondly recall his harmonica lessons, given free to children in the community as part of the Westbury Music and Arts Festival, as well as his band Stamp performing at our Vehicle Show in front of a huge and appreciative crowd with Nigel smashing out the most amazing sounds with his harmonicas!
Despite his diagnosis, Nigel was determined to live happily right to the very end of his life. Although he had no family of his own, he became an adoptive grandfather to a local family and in doing so won the hearts of so many who saw the gentle side of him. His kindness extended to others every day, and his determination to fight his diagnosis was clear to all. Just weeks before his passing, he once more entertained the crowds at our Vehicle Show for one more time as well as putting on a dedicated night of live music with his friends Bob and Carol at the Horse and Groom in Westbury - a night which was standing room only as so many people attended and shared their love for him and his music. That night in particular, there wasn't a dry eye in the house!
Nigel passed peacefully at home where he wanted to be, with dear friends beside him. Although he will be sorely missed, Nigel made sure in his life that he will never be forgotten by the many people who he touched along the way.
Nigel Coward
PR Officer
31st July 2022
Lion David Hitchins PCC
Lions Club of Reading
My fellow Lions
It is with a heavy heart I have to inform you of the passing of Lion Past Council Chair David Hitchins of the Reading Lions Club (CIO) on Sunday 31st July 2022, Lion David was a charter member of the club which was formed on 15th June 1965.
David’s funeral will be held at 2:30pm on Wednesday 24th August 2022, at Reading Crematorium, All Hallows Road, Reading RG4 5LP. It is the request by the family “Family Flowers only” and all donations be made to The Lions Club of Reading (cio) via the club's website please Following the funeral there will be a private family wake only.
If you require more detail please e-mail Lion PDG Patrick Hamblin or contact myself.
Dave Ebsworth
District Governor
23rd June 2022
Lion David Fowler MJF
Lions Club of Loddon Valley
It is with great sadness that Loddon Valley Lions have to report the passing into Higher Service of Lion David Fowler MJF on 22 June 2022.
Lion David was our Charter President and served as a member of Basingstoke Lions prior to setting up Loddon Valley Club in 1975. He was a much loved and respected member of our club who until very recently took an active part in all aspects of our club. Always the first to spring into action he will be very sadly missed.
David's funeral will be held at the West Berkshire Crematorium, Bath Road, Thatcham RG19 4LD on Thursday 14 July at 13:00.
Bob Prevost
8th May 2022
Lion Christine Adam
Lions Club of Henley on Thames
Details to follow
6th April 2022
Lion Alan Southam
Lions Club of Wareham
Details to follow