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3rd January 2016

Lion Polly Stansbridge
Lions Club of Southampton Solent

It is with the greatest sadness that Solent Lions Club and Lion President Louise Crook have to inform you of the passing to higher service, this morning, of past President Lion Polly Stansbridge.

Polly fell peacefully asleep this morning after a long and dignified battle against cancer. She will be badly missed by the club as a past president, Lion Tamer and Fundraising Chair.

A cremation service will take place on Wednesday 20th Jan 2016 at 2:00pm at the East Chapel, Southampton Crematorium, Bassett Green Road, Southampton SO16 3QB. The family have requested family flowers only. If you wish to contribute to the Countess Mountbatten Hospice Charity, please see their website

Steve Crook

6th December 2015

Lion Mike Green
Lions Club of Blackmore Vale

Lion Mike Green(BEM) passed to higher service on the 6th December 2015 after a short illness in hospital.

Mike died on his 83rd birthday, leaving behind his wife Sheila and three daughters.

Mike was a founder member of Blackmore Vale Lions Club and a Past President. A loss of a great statesman to our club.

The funeral is on Wednesday 16th December at Yeovil Crematorium, Bunford Lane, Yeovil BA20 2EJ (off A3088) at 2pm. The family have requested that there are no flowers and no mourning colours at all. The Blackmore Vale Lions will create a Guard of Honour wearing our Lions Jumpers.

Geoff Nash

27th November 2015

Lion Arthur Park
Lions Club of Southbourne and Boscombe

Details to follow

Jud Kirk

11th August 2015

Lion Bill Reed
Lions Club of Blackmore Vale

PDG Lion John William ‘Bill’ Reed (MJF)(Charter Member) (86)

Lion ‘Bill’ to all who knew him, passed away in hospital on 11th August after a very short illness and almost 4 years to the day that his beloved wife Mavis died. He is survived by a son, two daughters and numerous grandchildren. He had been a Lion for over 45 years - known for his enthusiasm and dedicated commitment to Lionism throughout the district and beyond - his appearances carrying his banner at 105D conventions are legendary.

He first joined Yeovil Lions Club 105SW, moving to Sherborne 105D when they were chartered in 1975. Four years later he was charter member for BV Lions holding a number of positions, including President In 1980/81 and 1991/2, and later a very big and successful presence as Youth Officer promoting Peace & Environmental Posters to a large number of local schools. Bill served as DG for 105D in 1993/94.

Outside of Lions Bill had a wide range of interests including ornithology and singing - he was also a staunch Methodist dedicated to his local Church. Our local club documents are a tribute to his remarkably good handwriting skills and he always kept in touch with former friends in Malawi where he had been an agricultural officer.

Bill’s knowledge for all things Lion will be sadly missed by us, but he will never be forgotten. Our thoughts and sympathy go to his family.

For friends and acquaintances of PDG Lion Bill wishing to attend his funeral the time and venue is:
11am Thursday 20th August, at Marnhull Methodist Church, Burton Street, Marnhull DT10 1PS followed by refreshments at Marnhull Village Hall, Burton Street, Marnhull DT10 1PP.

Geoff Nash

10th August 2015

Lion Peter Keep
Lions Club of Hook and Odiham

It is with the greatest of regret that I have to advise you of the passing on to higher office of one of our most respected members, Lion Peter Keep MJF, at the age of 82.

He held almost every office over the years within our club and he was first and foremost a dear friend and an inspiration and mentor to many.

He will be sorely missed as a Lion who worked tirelessly for the benefit of others for almost 30 years.

Peter's funeral will be at Basingstoke Crematorium, Manor Farm, Stockbridge Road, North Waltham, Hampshire RG25 2BA on Friday 4th September at 11:00am.

Pat has requested flowers from the family only, with donations to Lifeboats please.

Graham Botwright

20th June 2015

Lion Michael Kirby
Lions Club of Newbury

Members are sad to report the passing to higher service of Lion Michael Kirby after a long battle with cancer.

Michael was a very keen and active member for 24 years serving on both welfare and fundraising. He was a very dedicated member supporting all the club’s events. He was a keen supporter of horse racing.

Michael will be greatly missed and our thoughts are with his wife Joy, his sons, daughter and their families.

Peter Wood

7th June 2015

Lion Bill Dewar
Lions Club of Bradford-on-Avon

Bill joined our Lions club 7 years ago and was a very active member. He was fundraising Chairman twice where he was very active. He served as a director where he was also very active. He was involved in the local community and will be sadly missed by all of us.

Stuart Lock

28th April 2015

Lion Maurice Raynor
Lions Club of New Milton

I sadly have to report once again the passing away of another of our members, Lion Maurice Raynor who died this morning at 2:30am.

Russell Jones

26th April 2015

Lion Robin Jackson
Lions Club of New Milton

I sadly have to report that lion Robin Jackson passed away on Sunday 26th April 2015 at 8am after a short illness.

Russell Jones

2nd April 2015

Lion Bill Fields
Lions Club of Southampton Solent

It is with genuine sadness that I must pass on the news of the passing, to higher service, of Past District Governor and former charter member of the Solent Lions Club, Bill Fields on the 2-4-2015.

As soon as I have more details I will let you know.

Steve Crook

30th March 2015

Lion John Barton
Lions Club of Maidenhead

It is with sadness that we notify you of the sad death of Lion John Barton.

Lion John died on 30th March in the local hospice after a long battle with Parkinsons disease.

Our thoughts are with his wife Cathy.

Lion John's funeral will be held on the 22nd of April at St Michaels Church, Bray.

Brenda Butler

26th March 2015

Lion Bill Hollis
Lions Club of Poole

The Lions Club of Poole regret to announce the passing to Higher Service of past member Bill Hollis.

Bill was an active member until about five years ago, when he moved to Hull to live with his son.

The family have arranged for the funeral to take place in Bournemouth at the church Bill attended when he lived here. Poole Lions club will certainly be represented at the funeral.

The funeral service will be 11:00am on Friday 17th April at:
Richmond Hill St Andrew's Church
8 St Stephen's Road

It will be followed by cremation.

Robert Maguire

15th February 2015

Lion Frank Hughes
Lions Club of Warminster

It is with sadness I have to inform you that Lion Frank passed away on Sunday 15th February 2015 in his 96th year.

In his 24 years continuous service as a Warminster Lion, Frank made his major contribution as Club Treasurer, a post he held for 14 years starting in his 2nd year of membership.

Until very recently he continued to make himself available to stand in for Bookshop duty at short notice. A quiet, unassuming gentleman and a great Lion.

Digby Barker

14th February 2015

Lion Alan Field
Lions Club of IOW Newport

It is with sadness I have to inform you that Lion Alan Field passed away at 6:30pm today Saturday 14th February 2015.

Our thoughts are with Alan's wife Bernice and family at this time.

Funeral arrangements
Lion Alan's Funeral will be held at the IOW Crematorium, East Cowes, Isle of Wight PO32 6NJ on Friday the 13th of March at 2:15 pm - Family flowers only please.

Address for cards or messages

If clubs or individuals wishes to pay respect by a donation to a charity, please send a cheque made payable to "Brain Tumour Charity" and send it to:
Co-op Funeral Care
8-10 Ferry Road
East Cowes
Isle of Wight
PO32 6RA
Please endorse the back with "Alan Field, Greenlands Road"

Denis Pierce

14th February 2015

Lion John Farley MBE
Lions Club of Jersey

The Lions Club of Jersey records with much regret the death of Past President Lion John Farley MBE (87).

Lion John became a member of the Jersey Club in 1975 and was President in 1984/85. Lion John’s activities within the Jersey community were manifold for as well as being a very active Lion, for six years he had been a member of the States of Jersey (Jersey’s Parliament) and was founder chairman of the Jersey branch of the Air Training Corps. At his death he was a life president of the Jersey Battle of Flowers Association and the Jersey Green Room Club as well as still being a committed member of Jersey Cancer Relief. Despite his illness, Lion John, a retailer, still audited his business’s books every day from his sickbed.

For his services to the community he was awarded the MBE in this year’s New Year’s Honours List and is predeceased by his wife Jean who died in October. His enthusiasm for Club activities, curbed only by his illness, will be sadly missed.

The Club’s deepest sympathy goes to his sons Martyn and Kevin and their families.

Peter Tabb

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