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In memoriam poem 


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22nd January 2013

Lion John Price
Lions Club of Havant

Havant Lions Club members are sad to announce the passing of Lion John after a short illness.

John was a committed Lion who served as Lion President and was active on the Welfare committee for many years.

He will be sadly missed and our thoughts are with his wife Linda and family.

Keith Wright

13th January 2013

Lion Charles Slater
Lions Club of Goring, Woodcote and District

Very sad to report that one of our Lion members has died.

Lion Charles Slater died on the evening of Sunday 13th January, just after his 80th birthday.

Lion Charles joined Lions Clubs International in April 1999 and was our President in the Lion year 2004/05

Lion Charles' funeral is being held on Monday 4th February at St John the Baptist Church, Whitchurch Hill.

1st January 2013

Lion Phillip Allchurch
Lions Club of Woodley and Earley

Sorry, no details...

31st December 2012

Lion Roland Wiseman
Lions Club of Windsor

It is with great sadness that the Lions Club of Windsor report the death of an Honorary member.

Roland was deputy Ranger of the Windsor Great Park, and enabled the club to stage the annual cross country horse ride, one of the largest fundraising events in the history of the club.

Our deepest sympathy to his family.

Harry Purchase

20th November 2012

Lion Christopher Sheehan
Lions Club of Jersey

The Lions Club of Jersey records with regret the death of Past President Lion Christopher Sheehan.

Lion Christopher was President in 1982/83. Always a very active member until his illness rendered him virtually bedridden for many months, his colleagues were delighted to see him at the September dinner meeting when he was very much his usual cheerful self. He will be sadly missed.

The Club’s deepest sympathy goes to his wife Jillian, children Michael, Jonathan (Paddy) and Sarah and their families.

Eric Bertrand

4th November 2012

Lion Martin Crowley
Lions Club of Eastleigh

Members are very shocked and saddened to report the sudden death of Lion Martin. He was a much respected and valued member, and over his 37 years of club membership he participated in many activities, especially fundraising, and recently the collection of spectacles for SpecTrek.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Nella, his family, and his many friends. His cryptic questions at meetings will be sorely missed.

Chris Shehan

2nd November 2012

Lion Leonard Rawlings
Lions Club of Wokingham

Wokingham Lions Club has very sadly lost one of its most long serving and industrious members.

Len has been a very active member of Wokingham Lions Club for 31 years and will be best remembered for such structures as the Amazing Human Fruit Machine which entertained so many people at the Donkey Derby and later the May Fayre. It was Len who was responsible for the stall which appears every Christmas outside the supermarkets asking people to buy an extra can of something special to eat to make up food parcels for the Lions to take to the needy of Wokingham.

Len was also interested in supporting the young in the area; to encourage them to better understand the world with the Peace Poster (an annual invitation for young people to paint a poster depicting peace in the world), with youth exchange of young people from other countries to visit similar young people here and many other enterprising ventures to encourage young people to communicate with each other.

Len has always been an essential member of the Club, not least, because it is he who wrote the beautiful presentation cheques which appear so often in the local press when donations are made. Len took on the task of writing our signs and notices for all events and was a strong member of the Lions Community Services Committee where he showed compassion and understanding for people who need help. Len has taken disabled people on holiday, has helped by transporting housebound people to other activities and is the organiser of the Starmaker Theatre evening when people who otherwise do not get out , are given an opportunity of seeing live theatre.

Len served the club as President in 1993/94 and has held other offices which enable the club to help those in need. He was awarded the Melvin Jones Fellowship, the highest award available to Lions, in 2010. He has been aptly described as Mr Reliable.

Len was awarded the Wokingham Civic Award earlier this year for his services to the community of Wokingham and is survived by his widow, Eleanor, two daughters, a son and two grandchildren in Canada and four grandchildren in England.

The people of Wokingham and district will miss this amazingly compassionate and helpful man.

Debbie Slay

24th October 2012

Lion David Oxford
Lions Club of Portsmouth

With great sadness, members of Portsmouth Lions Club report the death of Lion David.

He held the post of President in 2001 - 2002. He took on the role of Membership Chairman & participated in club activities.

Portsmouth Lions are honoured to have known him as a colleague and friend.

Condolences go to his son Steve.

Ken Newnham

10th October 2012

Lion Keith Bray
Lions Club of Woolmer Forest

Woolmer Forest Lions Club are deeply saddened to announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Lion Keith Bray, a well respected and much valued member of the club. Keith had a devilish wit and a great sense of humour, and supported by his wife Lesley, he was always willing to help with Club activities whenever he could, no matter what the weather conditions!

He took pride in knowing his wines and very much enjoyed listening to classical music. Past Club posts included that of Treasurer and President. Keith will be greatly missed by Club members who have had the honour and privilege to have known him as a colleague and friend. The thoughts and sympathy of his fellow Lions go out to wife Lesley and family.

Flo Woods

29th September 2012

Lion Don Crabtree
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown

Wimborne and Ferndown Lions Club regret to announce the death of Lion Don after a long illness bravely borne.

A Lion of 12 years standing, Don chaired our Youth Committee and his commitment and dedicated work with the Young Ambassador scheme, local schools and youth groups produced rich rewards for both club and Lions and he leaves a lasting legacy.

Don also served on the District 105D Cabinet for a number of years, again covering Youth activities.

This commitment was recently rewarded when Don was honoured with the presentation of a well deserved Bert Mason Humanitarian Award.

Don will be greatly missed and our sympathies go to Pauline and the family.

Address for cards or messages

Don's funeral will take place on 10th October at 10:30am, at Crowe Hill Methodist Church, Barrack Lane BH24 3DQ, followed by his cremation at Bournemouth Crematorium, Strouden Avenue, Bournemouth BH8 9HX at 12 noon.

After the cremation we would ask you to join Pauline in celebrating Don’s life and achievements at the Original White Hart, Market Place, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1AW from 1pm where food will be provided. (Parking at the rear of the Inn or Ringwood main car park)

Don requested no flowers at the church - instead any donations in memory of Don may be given to Stars Appeal. Please ask them to pass the donation to the “Pembroke Unit Fund” on Don’s behalf: or call: 01722 429005.

Derick Smith

1st August 2012

Lion Anthony Mills MBE Sqdn. Ldr. (Retd.)
Lions Club of Havant

The members of Havant Lions Club greatly miss the humour and energy, which characterised Lion Tony in pursuit of our aims.

Apart from his more normal R.A.F. duties, Tony took advantage of 42 years In the service to indulge his taste for adventure, taking part in the Whitbread Round the World Race, qualifying as an Ocean Yachtmaster Examiner and introducing many servicemen to life under sail.

Tony continued to exercise his considerable organisational skills throughout his time with our club. Even when his degenerative illness impaired his speech and movement Tony initiated and organised our annual Solent Singalong Charity Cruise.

Our thoughts are with Hazel, Tony’s wife, and family.

Peter Garlick

24th July 2012

Lion May Barham
Lions Club of Crofton

May BarhamIt is with great sadness that we report the death on Tuesday 24th July 2012 of Lion May Barham. May had been the leader of one of the local Woodcraft Folk Childrens Groups looking after 6 to 9 year olds. She remained involved in that activity from 1968 until 1990. Then at age 80 she became one of the founding members of the Crofton Lions Club. In 2007 she received an International Humanitarian Award from Mahendra Amarasuriya of Colombo, Sri Lanka, who was the President of the International Association of Lions Clubs during that year.

Soon after that event, when she was no longer able to live independently, she moved into a Nursing Home near her son David in Leeds. David, his wife Julie, and their three children were then able to see her every day.

Stubbington remained her true home, and she will return here to be buried beside her husband, Tom, in the cemetery at Crofton Old Church. May's funeral will take place on Tuesday 14th August 2012 at 1:30pm.

Reg Norton

20th July 2012

Lion John Taylor
Lions Club of Havant

Members are very sad to report the death of Lion John, a Past President of the Club, after a brave battle with illness. He was a valued member of the club serving as Lion Tamer for many years ensuring all functions went off without a hitch. He had a great sense of humour and was very active with all our fundraising efforts. He will be greatly missed by club members. Our deep sympathy goes to his wife Valerie and daughter Caroline and the rest of his family.

Mike Tudor

31st May 2012

Lion Don Chadwick
Lions Club of Christchurch

Lions Club of Christchurch sadly announce the death of Lion Don, a member since 1973.

Don was a valuable and well respected member, an important part of the backbone of the club. Never one to push himself forward, but always there, ready to give an opinion when asked and to put his shoulder to the wheel to help at any and all club activities. His dry humour, pithy comments and gentle smile will be sadly missed in the club.

Don died after a battle with cancer, but retained his smile and sparkle to the end.

Our sympathies and thoughts are with his wife Jean and his family.

Barrie Kenyon

7th March 2012

Lion Philip Daubeney
Lions Club of Jersey

Philip DaubeneyI regret to inform you that PID Lion Philip Daubeney passed away at 2 am this morning 7th March.

Philip's wife Rita was with him as he very peacefully left us.

Philip had been transferred from a private hospital to the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, very close to their home in Farnham.

Whilst on holiday in Burma, Philip was diagnosed with an acute Leukaemia which was already very advanced.

Details of Philip's funeral will be announced soon.

May he rest in peace.

Address for cards or messages

The funeral will be held on Monday 26th March at 2pm at the church of:

St. Thomas-on-The Bourne
Frensham Road

This will be followed by a family-only cremation and then a reception at Farnham Castle.

As the family have requested family flowers only, a number of people has asked whether there is a chosen charity for donations in Philip’s memory.

The family have discussed this and all agreed that they would very much like to have any donations designated to “The Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice”.

There will be a collection point at the service or donations can also go via the Funeral Directors:

Farnham Funeral Directors
100 Shortheath Road
Surrey GU9 8SE

Phil Nathan

20th February 2012

Lion John Wilson-Brown
Lions Club of Romsey and Waterside

Romsey Lions regret to record the passing of Lion John Wilson-Brown.

John was born in Dundee. His family hailed from the Isle of Skye and he was always proud of his Scottish origins. After leaving school aged 18 he immediately enlisted in the regular army but he went against family traditions and joined the Royal Corp of Signals instead of the Argyll and Southern Highlanders. He served in the Middle East and saw active service in Malaya.

On leaving the army John trained as a teacher and specialised in teaching boys with behavioural difficulties. At the end of his career he was head of Lupton House, a special boarding School in Devon.

John had a strong Christian faith and in 1992 he was licenced as a Lay Minister in the Anglican Church. At the time of his death he was a member of the ministry team at St. John’s Hythe.

John was first introduced to Lionism through the late Cyril Vithrane who fired everyone with his passion and enthusiasm. He spent six years as a member of South Chiltern club, followed by two with Thame. After a break working abroad he returned to Goring, Woodcote and District, where he served as secretary and president. It was there that his wife was ‘badged’ and the two of them went on to do sterling work together.

In 2008 a house move brought them to Romsey Lions where he was serving as secretary.
John’s death was due to a very aggressive form of cancer. It was very sudden and unexpected but he was fortunate to be nursed at Oakhaven Hospice, Lymington where he received much loving care. During his illness he was very touched that he was supported by Macmillan Care the organisation that he had nominated as his charity during his presidency.

John leaves a widow, Lion Jane, two children, two step-children and seven grandchildren.

The funeral will be on 29th February at St John the Baptist Church in Hythe at 1:15pm.

There will be a committal at the Crematorium, Bassett Green Road, Southampton at 2:45pm After this there will be a gathering at the family house.

Address for cards or messages

John's wife, Jane has asked for donations to be made in favour of Oakhaven Hospice Lymington to be sent to the funeral directors Diamond and Son 191-195 Long Lane Holbury SO45 2PD.

David Laurie
Acting Secretary

18th February 2012

Lion Colin France
Lions Club of Blackmore Vale

Details to follow...

Eric Nixon

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