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In Memoriam

In memoriam poem 


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10th March 2021

Lion Leslie Read
Lions Club of Jersey

The Lions Club of Jersey reports, with sadness, the passing to higher service of Lion Leslie Read (87).

Lion Les became a Lion in 1964 and was the Club’s third longest serving Lion. During his Lions career he had been a Director and a Trustee of the Club’s major project, Maison des Landes Hotel for people with disabilities.

A great realist, if he thought the Club was getting too pleased with itself, he could always be relied upon to prick the balloon of self-satisfaction.

Peter Tabb
Newsletter Editor

1st February 2021

Lion Michael Vincent
Lions Club of Woolmer Forest

Woolmer Forest Lions are sad to announce the death of club member Michael Vincent on Monday 1st February 2021.

Michael had been an active club member for 14 years, and he was reliable and kind-natured. He will be very sadly missed by his family and the club. May he rest in peace.

Chris Webb

16th January 2021

Lion Trevor Tilbury MJF
Lions Club of Maidenhead

In 1973 Trevor Tilbury was a founder (Charter) member of Maidenhead Lions Club and he remained an active member until he passed away in January 2021 after 48 years’ service. Lion Roy Bennett MJF joined shortly after Trevor and remembers him as his first President.

Trevor was always enthusiastic and helpful to other members. He spearheaded many events for the Lions Club as a fundraiser, serving the community and organising social events and outings; one of the most notable was a recent tour of No. 10 Downing Street.

Most Lions Club members have sought advice from Trevor. He was an example to colleagues and in particular to new members. His approach to everything was reliable, thorough and calm. In 2003, Maidenhead Lions honoured him with Life membership and he was awarded an MJF subsequently.

In recent years he led the Maidenhead Club to organise its first free Prostate Cancer screening event coordinating help from the NHS, the Council and other local charities, and setting the standards for future events. More than 450 tests were carried out in 4 hours. His widow Lucie has always actively supported Trevor. He will be greatly missed.

Brenda Butler

29th December 2020

Lion Daphne Ashenden MJF
Lions Club of IOW Sandown and Shanklin

I have been asked by the family of Lion Daphne Ashenden MJF, to inform you that she passed away on Tuesday evening, at the age I believe of 94.

Daphne was a member of the Sandown and Shanklin Lions club and along with her husband Bob were the main force behind the building of the Lions Day Centre in Lake.

Sadly, Lion Bob passed away several years ago, after which Daphne sold her bungalow and moved to a residential care home, where she seemed quite happy and content.

Daphne will be missed by many of us.

Ron Twining

18th December 2020

Lion Chris Grant
Lions Club of Ringwood and Fordingbridge

It is my sad duty to advise of the peaceful passing of Lion Chris Grant in the early hours of 18th December at Christchurch Hospital, aged 68.

Lion Chris was a long serving member having joined in 1977 and was active until taken ill only a few weeks ago. He served as Club President 1990-1991 and Zone Chairman 1992-1993. He will be remembered as a true stalwart of our Club and will be sorely missed.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his remaining family and friends.

Funeral arrangements will be circulated when known.

Barrie Richardson

1st December 2020

Lion Roy Murrell
Lions Club of Wantage and Grove

The Lions Club of Wantage and Grove reports with sadness the passing to higher service of Lion Roy Murrell.


1st October 2020

Lion John Harrold
Lions Club of Windsor

No details, sorry

The Sentinel

1st October 2020

Lion Catherine Dalton
Lions Club of Woolmer Forest

Sorry, no details

The Sentinel

6th September 2020

Lion Shirley Tatchell
Lions Club of Bournemouth and Christchurch

Shirley TatchellBournemouth & Christchurch Lions Club are sad to inform of the passing of past Lion President Shirley Tatchell. Shirley was a dedicated and a hardworking Lion who had many friends across continents, was always positive and fun, supporting numerous activities whilst serving her community. She will be sorely missed by her fellow Lions and friends and we send our sincere condolences to her family.

Funeral arrangements: 12:00hrs on 22nd September 2020 at Harbour View Crematorium,
Harbour View, Randalls Hill, Lytchett Minster, Dorset BH16 6AN
There are restricted numbers permitted to attend the chapels, due to Covid19, to check current status please contact Lion Pam White who can advise positions available in the chapel for the service.

Address for cards or messages

Flowers - to be sent c/o Funeral Directors.
The family have requested donations to be sent c/o Funeral Directors, payable to Cancer Research UK.

Name and address to which condolences should be sent: Ref: Shirley Tatchell,
c/o Tapper Funeral Services, 173, Lower Blandford Rd, Broadstone, BH18 8DH (01202 694449)

Pam White

31st July 2020

Lion Rosemary Jackson
Lions Club of Highworth and District

I have to report the sad news that Lion Rosemary Jackson, passed to higher service near the end of July; she had been a Lion since June 1998.
She will be greatly be missed by the members of Highworth & District Lions Club.
More details when available.

Ron Twining

16th July 2020

Lion Gill Main
Lions Club of Hart

It is with great sadness that Hart Lions Club announce the sudden death in service of one of our Charter members. Gill Main passed away on 16th July after a second heart operation, leaving behind a brother, sister, son, daughter and grand-daughter.

She will be greatly missed by all her friends within Lions. Having lived a very full life in New Zealand and UK she settled in Fleet. In the nearly 30 years that she was first a Lioness and then a Lion she made her mark upon her community. Also as a very active member of Church on The Heath and the WI.

She was never afraid to speak her mind, but always with thought and consideration - sometimes somewhat mischievously!

Our thoughts are with all her friends and her family.

Alison Barker

20th June 2020

Lion Dave Petrie
Lions Club of Loddon Valley

It was with great sadness that Loddon Valley Lions received the news that their current Secretary, Lion Dave Petrie had passed to higher service. Lion Dave passed peacefully away in his sleep during the night of 19/20 June.

Lion Dave joined Loddon Valley Lions in 2003 and served as the Club's President in 2007-2008, having previously served the club with great sensitivity as its Welfare Chairman for two years. For a number of years, Lion Tail-twister Dave used his wry charms to extract fines from members for a multitude of obscure reasons and served as the Club's Liaison Officer with the Lions Community Store in Fleet for many years until his untimely death.

Prior to his retirement, Dave worked for the BBC at a number of its monitoring stations around the world, ending his career at the Caversham Monitoring Station. This experience led him to recount many interesting and amusing tales after Club Meetings.

Loddon Valley Lions send their sincere condolences to Lesley and all members of the family on their and our sad loss. Dave will be remembered with fondness and gratitude for his much valued service to Loddon Valley Lions.

John Goodchild

30th May 2020

Lion Wayne Madden PIP
Another District or unknown

Wayne Madden PIPLions Clubs International are deeply saddened to announce that Wayne Madden, our 2012-13 International President, passed away on the 30th of May 2020.

PIP Wayne and his wife Lion Linda attended District 105d Convention in 2019 as PDG Ken Staniforth's International Guests.

PIP Wayne presided over PDG Roger Munday's inauguration as 105d DG at the International Convention in Busan, Korea in 2012.

Our thoughts are with PIP Wayne's family.


25th May 2020

Lion Doreen Parfect
Lions Club of Woolmer Forest

Woolmer Forest Lions are sad to announce the passing of ex Lion Doreen Parfect on 25th May 2020.

Former Lion Doreen became a member of Woolmer Forest in 1999 and spent three years as President. She was a dedicated Lion who could always be relied on to go above and beyond.

Although she had not been able to remain a member in her last few years due to ill health she is fondly remembered and sadly missed.

Joanne Wilson

11th May 2020

Lion Bob Trant MJF
Lions Club of Maidenhead

Maidenhead Lions have lost a dedicated and long-standing member this week. Lion Bob joined in 1982 - a cheerful and committed member and worker both for Lions and other local charities. He was a sociable character, a keen cook, and much admired for his excellent Indian food. Bob was always immaculate and a detail man, much in demand for oil and gas rig pipe work design. He was even brought back after retirement, to help with the consequences of the 1988 Piper Alpha oil rig disaster.

Bob was a committed Lion, President twice (1987 and 1991), always a willing volunteer especially on the Lions train, and later in life running the Message in a Bottle scheme in Maidenhead with his usual infectious enthusiasm.

Maidenhead Lions are privileged to have had such a dedicated member as Bob, and our thoughts and thanks go out to his 3 children and 3 grandchildren at this difficult time.

John Slater
Maidenhead Lions Club

3rd May 2020

Lion Jack Talbot
Lions Club of Blandford and District

Blandford & District Lions Club is sad to announce the passing to higher service of Lion John (Jack) Talbot, husband of the late Wendy Talbot, on Sunday 3rd May at Castleman House Nursing Home Blandford.

Lion Jack would have completed 45 years of service with the Blandford Lions club this coming September and had just celebrated his 90th birthday in April.

In Lions he will be remembered for running the 100 club for 35 years; as Club Secretary for 10 years; and organising charity clay pigeon shooting events alongside Wendy, who died some 20 years ago, whose sudden passing was a dreadful blow to Jack, who never really recovered.

Jack served with the 20th Royal Corp of Signals and saw active service in Aden, before returning to Blandford camp and settling in Blandford with Wendy, who he met while in service.

Jack’s funeral will take place at Poole Crematorium on Friday 22nd May at 10:30am. Due to the current lock-down, unfortunately the service is only open to 10 mourners for which immediate family and friends have precedence. I will represent Blandford & District Lions Club. Please contact the Funeral Director if anyone else wishes to attend.

Address for cards or messages

Donations to Royal Signals Benevolent Fund, please. Cheques or Internet payment only please (no Cash).

Cards and messages to be directed through the Funeral Director:
Colin J Close Funeral Service, Peel Close, Blandford Forum, DT11 7JU
Tel 01258 453133

Tony Ives
President & Secretary

2nd May 2020

Lion Barry Holmes
Lions Club of Henley on Thames

I have to pass on the very sad news that we lost one of our members, Barry Holmes to this dreaded Covid-19 virus.

Barry died last night, 2 May 2020, in the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. He had been in there for over two weeks and his wife was expecting the worst based on the reports of his deteriorating condition.

Barry was our club president 2008-2009. He was a very “gentle” man who joined our club in 2002 and worked tirelessly to help the club to help our community. He will be very sadly missed by family and friends especially all his fellow Henley Lions.

Dave Murray

6th April 2020

Lion Helen Mitchell MJF
Lions Club of Swanwick

Swanwick Lions Club is sad to announce the passing to Higher Service of Lion Helen Mitchell MJF, the wife of Lion Fred Mitchell, on the evening of Monday 6th April.

Lion Helen had been an active member of Swanwick Lions for eighteen years, held numerous offices within the club and was Club President in 2017-18, She will be greatly missed by all the members of Swanwick Lions Club.

Helen's funeral will take place at Wessex Vale Crematorium Thursday 23rd April at 1:45 pm. Due to the current lock-down, unfortunately the service is only open to immediate family.

If you would have wished to attend the service, you can watch it online, full details are available at Donations can be made online here or sent care of the Funeral Directors in favour of UK Sepsis Trust.

Address for cards or messages

A H Freemantle
Funeral Directors
46 South Street
PO14 4DY

Ernie Howard

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