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In Memoriam

In memoriam poem 


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12th February 2017

Lion Nigel Barnes
Lions Club of Wareham

It is with regret we announce the death of Charter Member Lion Nigel Barnes after 46 years with the Club.

Nigel's funeral will take place at 2:30 pm on Friday, 17th February at Lady St Mary Church, Church Street, Wareham BH20 4ND.

David Malkin

12th January 2017

Lion Vanda Small MJF
Lions Club of Ringwood and Fordingbridge

The Lions Club of Ringwood and Fordingbridge regret to announce the passing to higher service of Lion Vanda Small on Thursday 12th January 2017.

Vanda’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 1st of February at:
St. Mary’s Church, Ringwood Road, Bransgore, BH23 8JJ at 10:30am followed by interment in the churchyard.

Brian would like to invite all to join him at The Old Vicarage, Lyndhurst Road, Hinton, Christchurch BH23 7DR for refreshments after the church service where he will have the chance to speak to you all personally.

Vanda will be sadly missed by her fellow Lions.

Address for cards or messages

Vanda loved flowers so please send floral tributes, if you wish, or donations to Naomi House Hospice for Children to:
Colin Hayley & Tapper Funeral Service
51 – 53 Old Milton Road
New Milton
BH25 6DJ
01425 629000

Yorky Tuke

1st December 2016

Lion John Nike OBE
Lions Club of Wokingham

Sorry no details

Ron Twining

14th November 2016

Lion Stuart Thompson
Lions Club of Romsey and Waterside

The Lions Club of Romsey regret to announce the passing to higher service of Lion Stuart Thompson on the 14th of November 2016.

The funeral is being held at the East Chapel, Southampton Crematorium, Bassett Green Road, Southampton SO16 3QB on Wednesday 30th November at 14:00 hrs.

David Laurie

13th November 2016

Lion Harry Purchase MJF
Lions Club of Windsor

Windsor Lions Club is deeply saddened to report the death of Lion Harry on Sunday 13th November aged 84 years – he served the club for over 41 years.

Harry received a Melvyn Jones Fellowship and undertook almost every official role in Windsor Lions including Club President on three occasions as well as working hard on both the Activities and Social Welfare committees for many years.

Harry was a unique, larger than life character, full of fun but with a sharp eye for business and always driven by the need to help others. He will be deeply missed.

John Jenkins
PR Director

9th October 2016

Lion Albert Whittle PDG
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown

It is with the greatest regret to inform you of the very sad news that PDG Albert died at 6:30am this morning.

Arrangements for funeral Friday 28th October
10:30 Bournemouth Crematorium - Family and Friends only.

12 Midday Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Albert. St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Ferndown BH22 9EU
If unable to park in church use Tesco’s car park off the Ringwood Road and walk through connecting alley.

After the service refreshments at the Dudsbury Golf Club, Ringwood Road, Ferndown BH22 8ST

Address for cards or messages

The Funeral Directors are:
Nicholas O’Hara
128 Station Road
West Moors
Dorset BH22 0JB

All donations to be sent to them. These will be used by the Wimborne & Ferndown Club to set
up a reserved “Albert Whittle” fund to be used to help the elderly of West Moors.

The Funeral Directors do not want donations to be made electronically.

Derick Smith

26th September 2016

Lion Margaret Hoare
Lions Club of IOW Sandown and Shanklin

It is with great sadness I have to report the passing of Lion Margaret Hoare. Margaret a member of Sandown and Shanklin Lions Club for many years, passed away peacefully in hospital at the age of 91, on Monday evening at 6:30pm and is now with her beloved husband Lion Joe Hoare.

Margaret was the mother of Lion Ann Twining, Zone 3G Chairman.

The Funeral will take place at St Pauls Church, Regent Street, Shanklin PO37 7AW at 12 noon on Wednesday 19th October This will be followed by refreshments at the Falcon pub, also in Regent street just across from the church, at about 1pm.The cremation will be held on the same day at 3pm at the I O W Crematorium.

Address for cards or messages

Donations to Hearing Dogs, care of William Hall, Funeral Directors, Winford Road, Newchurch, Sandown, IOW, PO36 0JX.

Ron Twining

5th September 2016

Lion Colin Winder
Lions Club of Weymouth and Portland

Weymouth and Portland Lions Club, sadly report the passing of Lion Colin in September 2016. He joined the club in January 1989 and amongst other club positions was President in 1995/6. He was a committed Lion who was active in the club to the very end. Our thoughts go out to his wife, Kathleen.

Colin’s funeral will be held at the Weymouth Crematorium, Quibo Lane, Weymouth DT4 0RR on Monday 26th September at 13:45

Norman Stagles

20th June 2016

Lion John Wilson MJF
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown

Wimborne & Ferndown Lions Club sadly report the passing of Lion John Wilson (75) in June 2016.

He joined the Club in May 1971 and amongst other Club positions, was President in 1977/8 and 1999/2000.

He was a committed Lion who continued to support the Club up to the final end.

The Funeral will take place at 12:30 p.m. on the 6th July at the
Bournemouth Crematorium
Strouden Avenue
Bournemouth BH8 9HX

This will be followed by a gathering at
39 Lone Pine Drive
Ferndown BH22 8LP

Address for cards or messages

The family have requested ‘no flowers’ but donations can be sent to ‘Macmillan Caring Locally’, via the undertakers:
A E Jolliffe & Son
17 Victoria Road
Ferndown BH22 9HT

Godwin Micallef
District Secretary

11th June 2016

Lion Ken Hillebrandt
Lions Club of Woodley and Earley

Sorry no details

1st June 2016

Lion William Garrick
Lions Club of Guernsey

Sorry no details

25th May 2016

Lion Ivor Dugdale-Jenkins
Lions Club of Swanwick

It is with sadness I am writing to inform you that Ivor Dugdale Jenkins has died.

Carmel Fitall

1st April 2016

Lion Douglas Bowring
Lions Club of Dorchester and District

Sorry no details

Ron Twining

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