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20th October 2013

Lion Sydney Longson
Lions Club of Jersey

The Lions Club of Jersey records with sorrow the death of Past District Governor Lion Sydney Longson.

Lion Sydney was a Charter Member at the Club’s formation in November 1963, was elected President for 1965/66 and served as District Governor for District 105D in 1983/84.

Lion Sydney was an architect, and the development of Maison des Landes Hotel for People with Disabilities, a Lions Club of Jersey project since 1965, which is now in the Club’s ownership, owes much to his expertise and will be a lasting legacy to him.

In addition to a wide range of Club offices, Lion Sydney was also the Club’s archivist and a long-serving member and chairman of the Constitution and Membership committee until his final illness prevented him participating this year.

It is a tribute to his inspirational skills and powers of persuasion that the Jersey Club has had 50 different presidents in it's 50 years.

Peter Garlick
Newsletter Editor

12th October 2013

Lion Alan McIntyre
Lions Club of Slough

It is with deep regret and sorrow that we announce the passing away to higher service of our long serving member and Past President Lion Alan McIntyre.

Lion Alan served the local community with pride and dedication for over 30 years through the Lions Club of Slough.

Address for cards or messages

Arrangements for Lion Alan McIntyre from Slough Lions Club 105d as follows:

Monday 18th November 2013
Slough Crematorium, Stoke Road, Slough SL2 5AX at 1pm

followed by a Thanksgiving and Celebration of his Life at:
Trinity United Reformed Church, 106 Windsor Road, Slough, SL1 2JA at 2pm.

Buffet and Refreshments following service.

The Church is on the crossroads of Windsor Rd and Chalvey Rd.
As the Church Car Park is also used for Office Staff - Free Parking for the
Church Service will be available in Slough Bowls Club, Chalvey Road, Slough
(100yds from the Church).

Lynden McIntyre

7th October 2013

Lion Jim Corrall
Lions Club of Henley on Thames

The Lions Club of Henley-on-Thames is very sad to report the passing of Lion Jim Corrall MJF.

Jim had been a staunch member of the club for 35 years and was our president 1984-1985. He served as chair of our Community Services Committee for many years during which time he was instrumental in introducing the drug awareness and life skills packs into every school in Henley and the surrounding area.

Lion Jim had been town mayor and was the chairman of the Henley Talking Newspaper for 21 years. He served on the management committee of the Henley Over 60's Day Centre and had been very active as a member of the town’s Community Services Committee for many years.

Jim was a widower who is survived by his only son, Martin. Lion Jim will be sadly missed
not only by the club but by the entire town of Henley.

Address for cards or messages

There will be a Committal Service in the Reading Crematorium, All Hallows Road, Reading RG4 5LP at 10:45 am on Friday 25th of October 2013 followed by a Memorial Service at Christ Church United Reformed Church, Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames RG9 1AG at 12 noon.

No flowers please but donations to the Sue Ryder Foundation would be welcome c/o Tomalin & Son, Funeral Directors, 38 Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames RG9 1AG.
Tel. 01491 573370

Dave Murray

20th September 2013

Lion Ian Imray MBE
Lions Club of Fleet

The Lions Club of Fleet regret to announce that Lion Ian Imray MJF has passed to higher service following recent long periods in hospital with heart and bronchial problems.

Our sympathy goes to Ian's wife Joy and sons, Neville and Robin and their wives and children.

There will be a Service for Ian at 1pm on Wednesday 9th October at St Joseph's Church, Queens Road, Aldershot GU11 3JB followed by a cremation for close family and a Wake at 3:30pm at Bourne Court.

Tom Sayers

11th August 2013

Lion Don Cooper
Lions Club of Fleet

Fleet Lions regret to announce the passing of Don Cooper, who was a member from May 1991 until the end of June this year with a brief break in-between.

Don held various positions within the club, preferring to serve on our Community Service committee. He may be best remembered for arranging our Carol Concert over many years and organising holidays for senior citizens.

Our condolences to Don's family.

Tom Sayers

31st July 2013

Lion William Palmer
Lions Club of Pangbourne, Theale and District

Pangbourne, Theale and District are saddened to report the loss of Lion William (Bill) Palmer who passed to higher service last week.

His funeral will be at the Reading Crematorium, All Hallows Road, Caversham, Reading RG4 5LP at 11:30 on the 16th August.

Val Oakley

28th June 2013

Lion Jenny Stallard
Lions Club of Eastleigh

Members are sad to report the sudden death of Lion Jenny. Although only a member of the club for two years, having transferred from the Guernsey Club where she had been an active member navigating others around the island and taking part in their activities, she brought her own special individuality to the club’s meetings and became involved in most events.

Although very actively involved with Lions she still found time to help in the local ‘Age Concern’ shop. She will be sadly missed and our members’ thoughts are with her family, especially her daughter Kate and son James.

Chris Shehan

30th May 2013

Lion Harry Greenslade
Lions Club of Meon Valley

Lion Harry Greenslade was well-known in the Meon Valley community and sadly passed away at the end of May.

After a long naval career, Harry lived for many years in Shirrell Heath and was one of our longest-standing members with almost 40 years service. He relinquished membership recently due to ill-health, but in his time had served as Club Treasurer, managed the 200 Club, run the Teddy-Bear Stall at local events, driven the minibus and been a regular collector on the Christmas Float. We shall miss him.

Ian Adams
Publicity Officer

29th May 2013

Lion John Bastable
Lions Club of Newbury

It is with deep regret the Lions Club of Newbury reports the passing to Higher Service of Lion John Bastable.

John joined the Club in 1979 and quickly persuaded the members it would be a good idea to purchase a large caravan, site it in a holiday park in Selsey and thus provide ready holidays for families in need. This is a tradition the Club continues today.

John was to remain our ‘Caravan Officer’ for 30 years and he will be sorely missed by all those who had the pleasure to know him; however his lasting legacy to those in need in Newbury lives on.

Lion John's funeral will be held on Friday 14th June at 2:15pm at the West Berkshire Crematorium, RG19 4LD.

This will be followed by a Buffet Lunch at the Berkshire Arms, RG7 5UX which is 500m along the A4 turning left from the Crematorium and heading towards Reading.

Address for cards or messages

No flowers, please, but any donations to the RSPB and sent to Geoffrey Church and Co, 48 Bishopwood Road, Tadley RG26 4HD with reference John Bastable.

David Merchant
DG Elect

8th May 2013

Lion Ian Birch
Lions Club of Yateley and District

It is with great regret that I have to inform you that PDG Ian Birch MJF died yesterday (8th), apparently following a fall.

Ian joined Yateley Lions over 25 years ago and became a very active member, becoming President in 1989. He went on to become District Governor in 1994/1995. He continued to remain an active member at Club, District and Multiple District level before ill health forced him to become virtually house-bound.

The funeral, subject to a death certificate being issued in time, will be held at Easthampstead Crematorium, Easthampstead Park, South Road, Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 3DW on Tuesday 28th May at 11:15am and afterwards at The Casa Hotel, Handford Lane, Yateley GU46 6BT.

Ian Puttock

21st April 2013

Lion Grant Turner
Lions Club of Winchester

My father Grant Turner was a life-long member of the Winchester Lions Club (now closed).

He raised money by putting on his famous Variety shows at the Winchester Guildhall.

Sadly, at the age of 85, he passed away on Sunday 21st of April 2013. Lions meant the world to him.

Thank you, Yours Sincerely, his daughter, Linsey.

Linsey Macdougall

17th April 2013

Lion John Johnson
Lions Club of Jersey

The Lions Club of Jersey records with regret the death of Past President Lion John (Johnnie) Johnson.

Lion Johnnie joined the Lions Club of Jersey in 1964 and became President in 1974/75. He held most Club offices and for many years was honorary treasurer of the Trustees of Maison des Landes Hotel for people with disabilities, a major Jersey Lions Club project since the mid-1960s.

A robust debater, Lion Johnnie held strong views and was never fearful of expressing them and his contribution and the value of his long experience will be greatly missed.

The Club’s deepest sympathy goes to his wife Jacqui, children Michael and Sarah and their families.

The funeral takes place at Gouray Church, Gorey, Jersey at 1:15 pm Thursday 25 April.

Peter Tabb

8th April 2013

Lion Marion Swayne
Lions Club of Meon Valley

Marion joined our club in October 1999, having previously been a member of a Lions Club in Australia.

Marion was an active and respected member of the club, bringing her experience to bear in fundraising and welfare matters. Despite recent ill-health, she retained a close interest and continued to raise funds for the Meon Valley Lions Supporters Club.

She will be sadly missed and our deepest sympathy go to her family and partner Gerald.

Ian Adams
Publicity Officer

5th April 2013

Lion Vivian Morris
Lions Club of Henley on Thames

Members are very sad to report the passing of Lion Vivian Morris MJF, our last surviving charter member.

Lion Vivian was among the group who founded our club in 1971 and was a staunch worker and supporter of all of the club's activities until he had to withdraw due to his struggle with Parkinson's disease.

He remained a Privileged Lion until the day of his passing. He was twice club president including taking on the office during our 25th year.

He joins his wife Heulwen in higher service and our thoughts and prayers are with his son Antony, his daughter Nicola and their families.

Address for cards or messages

Family cremation at Reading Crematorium on Thursday, 18 April 2013 at 12:00pm followed by a memorial service at Christ Church, 46 Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1AG, at 1:00pm.

No flowers. Donations to: Henley Lions Club c/o Tomalin & Son, 38 Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1AG

Dave Murray

3rd April 2013

Lion Alan Brown
Lions Club of Newbury

Members are deeply saddened by the loss of Lion Alan Brown MJF, the sole remaining Charter Member of the Club.

Alan will always be remembered as a much valued Lion who provided support and advice to both the new and the more experienced Lions. His words of wisdom, coupled with an extensive knowledge of the town and the early days of Lionism within the area, will be sorely missed.

Alan's funeral will take place on Tuesday 16th April at 12 noon at the West Berkshire Crematorium in Thatcham RG19 4LD

David Merchant
DG Elect

7th March 2013

Lion Malcolm Alderson
Lions Club of Bridport

Bridport Lions are sad to announce the passing of Lion Malcolm who died in his sleep.

He had been a Lion for nearly nine years. He will be missed by the Club and his brother, sister-in-law and niece.

Our deepest sympathy to his family.

Cathy Layflurrie

25th February 2013

Lion Chris Micallef
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown

Members are sad to report the passing to Higher Service of Lion Chris after a long illness.

Joining us from Bournemouth Club in early 2011, Chris soon became a well loved and popular member serving on both the Welfare Committee and as the club’s Tail Twister and will be much missed.

Chris had a love of photography and her skills with her camera were an asset to both the Club and District.

Our thoughts are with her family at this very sad time.

Address for cards or messages

The Funeral will be on Thursday 7th March 2013 at 2:15pm at St. Mary The Virgin in West Moors, Dorset BH22 0JF. This will be followed by a Burial at West Moors Cemetery and afterwards there will be a reception at the St. Leonards Hotel, Ringwood BH24 2NP.

Family Flowers only please.

Donations can be made to Cancer Research UK, via the undertakers:-
Wayflynn Funeral Services, 16 Victoria Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9HZ Tel : 01202 861861

Derick Smith

18th February 2013

Lion Doreen Norton
Lions Club of Crofton

As a Club, and as individual members, we will miss you enormously Doreen.

You were a very active member of Fareham Lions and Crofton Lions, holding many roles within Lionism including President, Vice President, Secretary and Zone Chair. You also thoroughly enjoyed being Sergeant at Arms and brought much joy and laughter along with this role.

You contributed to community life in many other ways, particularly for many years as a volunteer classroom assistant in one of our village schools.

You were ever cheerful, helpful and considerate, both as friend and fellow Lion, and this showed in your initial role as Almoner within our Club.

We realise how with great fortitude and courage you battled with more than one illness in recent years. You will be sorely missed by all members along with many within our wider community.

Lion Doreen passed away peacefully on Monday evening, the 18th February 2013, at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth having lost her fight with Cancer.

A service will be held at Holy Rood Church, Gosport Road, Stubbington PO14 2AS at 12:15pm on Wednesday 27th February and will be followed immediately by a Reception at “The Crofton”, Crofton Lane, Hill Head, Fareham PO14 3QF.

There will be a private committal ceremony at the Portchester Crematorium. Family flowers.

Address for cards or messages

Donations to Cancer Research and any messages may be left at:

Frances Bond

2nd February 2013

Lion David Armsdon
Lions Club of Pangbourne, Theale and District

David was a Lion for over 30 years and was President on more than one occasion.

Part of Dave`s working life was spent with THRIVE where he worked locally to use gardening as a social and therapeutic aid to help people under disability - this was one of the loves of his life.

Mike Wilson

1st February 2013

Lion Colin McCoy
Lions Club of Waterlooville

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