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7th March 2012

Lion Philip Daubeney
Lions Club of Jersey

Philip DaubeneyI regret to inform you that PID Lion Philip Daubeney passed away at 2 am this morning 7th March.

Philip's wife Rita was with him as he very peacefully left us.

Philip had been transferred from a private hospital to the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, very close to their home in Farnham.

Whilst on holiday in Burma, Philip was diagnosed with an acute Leukaemia which was already very advanced.

Details of Philip's funeral will be announced soon.

May he rest in peace.

Address for cards or messages

The funeral will be held on Monday 26th March at 2pm at the church of:

St. Thomas-on-The Bourne
Frensham Road

This will be followed by a family-only cremation and then a reception at Farnham Castle.

As the family have requested family flowers only, a number of people has asked whether there is a chosen charity for donations in Philip’s memory.

The family have discussed this and all agreed that they would very much like to have any donations designated to “The Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice”.

There will be a collection point at the service or donations can also go via the Funeral Directors:

Farnham Funeral Directors
100 Shortheath Road
Surrey GU9 8SE

Phil Nathan

20th February 2012

Lion John Wilson-Brown
Lions Club of Romsey and Waterside

Romsey Lions regret to record the passing of Lion John Wilson-Brown.

John was born in Dundee. His family hailed from the Isle of Skye and he was always proud of his Scottish origins. After leaving school aged 18 he immediately enlisted in the regular army but he went against family traditions and joined the Royal Corp of Signals instead of the Argyll and Southern Highlanders. He served in the Middle East and saw active service in Malaya.

On leaving the army John trained as a teacher and specialised in teaching boys with behavioural difficulties. At the end of his career he was head of Lupton House, a special boarding School in Devon.

John had a strong Christian faith and in 1992 he was licenced as a Lay Minister in the Anglican Church. At the time of his death he was a member of the ministry team at St. John’s Hythe.

John was first introduced to Lionism through the late Cyril Vithrane who fired everyone with his passion and enthusiasm. He spent six years as a member of South Chiltern club, followed by two with Thame. After a break working abroad he returned to Goring, Woodcote and District, where he served as secretary and president. It was there that his wife was ‘badged’ and the two of them went on to do sterling work together.

In 2008 a house move brought them to Romsey Lions where he was serving as secretary.
John’s death was due to a very aggressive form of cancer. It was very sudden and unexpected but he was fortunate to be nursed at Oakhaven Hospice, Lymington where he received much loving care. During his illness he was very touched that he was supported by Macmillan Care the organisation that he had nominated as his charity during his presidency.

John leaves a widow, Lion Jane, two children, two step-children and seven grandchildren.

The funeral will be on 29th February at St John the Baptist Church in Hythe at 1:15pm.

There will be a committal at the Crematorium, Bassett Green Road, Southampton at 2:45pm After this there will be a gathering at the family house.

Address for cards or messages

John's wife, Jane has asked for donations to be made in favour of Oakhaven Hospice Lymington to be sent to the funeral directors Diamond and Son 191-195 Long Lane Holbury SO45 2PD.

David Laurie
Acting Secretary

18th February 2012

Lion Colin France
Lions Club of Blackmore Vale

Details to follow...

Eric Nixon

17th January 2012

Lion Michael Rumfitt MJF
Lions Club of Jersey

The Lions Club of Jersey records with great sorrow the death of Past President Lion Mike Rumfitt (79).

Lion Mike was a Charter Member in 1963 and served as President in 1978/79. Mike had also served as Zone Chairman in 1980/81. A Jurat of Jersey’s Royal Court and a Lieutenant Bailiff (Jersey’s highest honorary office), Lion Mike played a very prominent role in the Island community and was, for almost 20 years, editor of the Island’s only daily newspaper, the Jersey Evening Post and inevitably, the founder editor of The Jersey Lion magazine.

The Club’s deepest sympathy goes to his wife Dorothy, his children Ian and Ailsa and grandchildren Sebastian and Isabel.

Peter Tabb

7th December 2011

Lion Elaine Davis
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown

Members regret to report the death of Lion ‘Dee’ Davis following a long illness, bravely borne.

Dee was a well respected member for 5 years and was on the Social Committee, having spent one year as its Chairman.

In spite of her illness, Dee continued to assist at club activities, including a recent event in August.

Her fellow Lions send their deep regrets to her Husband Baz and Daughter Jennifer.

Godwin Micallef

25th November 2011

Lion David Hatton MJF
Lions Club of Reading

Lion David Hatton - a member of Reading Lions for nearly 25 years - sadly passed away at the Sue Ryder Hospice on Friday 25 November 2011.

David had been a plumber and lived in Reading for all of his 68 years.

David was Reading Branch Lions President in 1997/98 and his main responsibility within the Branch was the cooking of the beefburgers at all the fund-raising events - only having to forego this involvement in recent years when his Parkinsons got a hold.

Always a true Lion through and through, David was ever more concerned with other people's requirements than his own. He is survived by his wife of 15 years, Janet, and his children, stepchildren and grandchildren.

All those who knew him mourn the loss of a wonderfully warm person, and a true gentleman.

Michael Day

24th October 2011

Lion Roy Fowler MJF
Lions Club of Portsmouth

Members regret to report the death of Lion Roy Fowler MJF, a member since 1971, who served as President in the Club's Silver Jubilee Year 1980-81.

In recognition of his service to the Club and community he was honoured with a Melvin Jones Fellowship.

Roy gave his all to Club activities, supported by his wife Beryl at all times. She and the family are in our thoughts.

Ken Newnham

23rd August 2011

Lion Alan Ketchell MJF
Lions Club of Swanwick

Members are sad to announce the passing of Lion Alan (77), a stalwart member of some thirty years.

Lion Alan, twice served his Club as President and was secretary for many years. He was honoured with a Melvin Jones Fellowship in 2007.

Lion Alan also served on cabinet as a district officer for many years and visited clubs in Canada and Australia. He was also known as a champion for the mentally handicapped and the disabled and was the driving force for our club's work for the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation.

Lion Alan will be greatly missed by all Lions in 105D and our sympathy goes to Irene and his family.

Address for cards or messages

The Funeral Service for Lion Alan will be held in St. Paul’s Church, Barnes Lane, Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO31 7BG on Thursday 1st September 2011 at 1:30pm.

Family flowers only.

Donation if you wish either to the MacMillan Cancer Support or the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

The funeral Directors are B. Matthews, 7 Middle Road, Park Gate, Southampton SO31 7GH

Barry Woolcott

10th August 2011

Lion Peter Homan
Lions Club of New Milton

Lion Peter (aged 72) had served many years and was very active in the club, having joined in 1999.

With connections in running the Age Concern minibuses in the town and caring for many senior citizens and organising trips, he was an ideal candidate to become a Lion.

Peter set up the Countryside Trailer Unit, taking people around the New Forest and Hampshire and looked after the Club’s minibus with pride.

Always to be relied upon, Peter was a hard worker for the community and the club over twelve years. A gentleman, well respected by his many friends. A true Lion and will be greatly missed by his family and all who knew him.

Our deepest sympathy goes to Peter's wife Pam, children and grandchildren.

Martin Stone

9th June 2011

Lion Tony Mundell
Lions Club of Reading

Reading lions are sad to report the passing of Lion Tony Mundell after a short illness.

He Joined the Club in 1988, was in turn President in 1991/92, Zone Chairman, then Region Chairman. Lion Tony was a very effective Fundraising Chairman and latterly our Press and Publicity Officer and will be sadly missed by all.

Our deepest sympathy goes to Yvonne and his family.

Peter Garlick

1st May 2011

Lion Reginald Munford
Lions Club of Gosport and Lee on Solent

Gosport & Lee on the Solent Lions are sad to report the death of Lion Reg, a member since 1989.

He was President for 2 years between 1992 and 1994.

Although unable to play an active role in recent years due to failing health he remained a loyal ambassador for the Lions.

Members extend their deepest sympathies to his family.

Carole Gratton

30th April 2011

Lion John Howorth
Lions Club of Christchurch

With great sadness the President and members report the passing of Lion John, a member for 42 years.

John served on many committees and always took an active part in serving the community, he was President of the Club 1988 – 1989.

In his working life he was a Master Mariner, ships Captain and always attended Lions meetings all over the world.

John was a Freeman of the City of London and Chairman of “The Mission for Seamen” in Southampton. Our deepest sympathy to his wife Margaret and family.

Burial will take place at St Marks Church, Highcliffe at 2.30pm on Tuesday 17th May 2011. The family have requested no flowers.

Address for cards or messages

If you wish to make a donation to “The Mission for Seamen”, please send to:
A.V. Ridout
Funeral Directors
414 Lymington Road
Highcliffe BH23 5HE

George Jeremiah

27th April 2011

Lion Harry Ovens MJF
Lions Club of Windsor

It is with considerable sadness that the members of the Lions Club of Windsor report the death of Lion Harry. He joined Lions in 1966 and was elected President for the year 1972/3. A man of great energy and integrity. He was, until his retirement, chair of the welfare committee. No matter what hour of the day, Harry would be there serving the needs of the local community. Members send their love, affection, and sympathy to Joan and family at this sad time.

Harry Purchase

25th April 2011

Lion Iris Gough
Lions Club of Bracknell Forest

Bracknell Lions Club is sad to report the death on 25th April of the club secretary Lion Iris Gough after a long illness. Lion Iris had been a Lion for over 30 years most of it in her beloved South Africa. She joined Bracknell when she came back home to England to live near her family in August 2007. She had a wealth of stories to be told of her time as a Lion in South Africa and the major projects her club undertook at regular intervals.

Despite her mobility problems, Iris was a force to be reckoned with in fundraising or generally getting money from anyone who unwittingly headed towards her perched on her mobility scooter when she was in full salesman mode. Iris had been destined to be managing the tombola stall at the District Convention in Windsor this year but she had to pull out because of her continued ill health.

A truly caring Lion who will be greatly missed

Mike Hendy

24th April 2011

Lion Marion Williams
Lions Club of Burnham

The members regret to announce that Lion Marion, Charter Member, has lost her battle with Lymphoma.
She was an active member to the end organising our first Deaf Awareness event this year.
She will be sorely missed and our sympathies go out to her daughter Alison and son Tim.

Peter Garlick

6th April 2011

Lion Geoff Saunders
Lions Club of Swanage

Members report with very great sadness the death of Lion Geoff a Member since 1970.
He served as President in 1990-91,2001-02 and was the Club's Welfare Chairman for many years.

Lion Geoff was a most enthusiastic Club Member who was very involved in all the fundraising and social events organised by the Club and will be greatly missed as a Lion, a friend and all those who were fortunate enough to know him.

Our deepest sympathies are extended to all members of Lion Geoff's family.

Michael Joyner

19th March 2011

Lion David White
Lions Club of Goring, Woodcote and District

I sadly have to report a third death in our Club this Lionistic year, that of Lion David White.

He died on Saturday morning 19 march. It was quite sudden. He had a minor car accident on the way to a Lions fundraising event three weeks before, only to be subsequently diagnosed with two inoperable brain tumours.

He leaves a wife Susan, children and grandchildren.

Sally Bergmann
Club Almoner

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