In Memoriam
13th March 2009
Lion Gina Manfield
Lions Club of Cosham
Although Gina was only a Lion for 5 years, joining Cosham Lions in 2004, she had been involved with Lions for many years. Her late husband Roy was twice President of Fareham dying in post in 2001. Throughout all these years both as a wife and as a Lion, Gina could always be relied on to be there to help with all activities (burger van, tombola stalls, fetes, youth exchange, social events etc). There will be many annual events that will never be quite the same. Gina not only supported the Club but also the District & the MD attending many Conventions. Gina was a true friend to everyone and she will be sadly missed by all who knew her.
13th March 2009
Lion Paul Lucas
Lions Club of Westbury
It is with great sadness and a sense of personal loss that we report the death of Paul, a man with a generosity of spirit that shone like a light on all that he did, a great friend to all he met and a man who gave willingly and freely of his time and effort in the service and support of others always with humility and humour.
Paul never sought recognition or reward for all that he did for his community but he will long be remembered for it.
8th March 2009
Lion Peter Ridley
Lions Club of Guernsey
The Lions Club of Guernsey with great sadness, reports the death of a former President, Lion Peter Ridley at the age of 62. Owing to a long illness bravely borne had been granted privileged status but still managed to assist at the club's major fund raising events. Lion Peter had also held the offices of Treasurer and Fundraising committee chairman. His scrutiny of the accounts and the treasurer of the day were eagerly awaited at the monthly meetings. He had been a member of the club for 29 years and his dry humour and willingness to support the club will be sadly missed. Our deepest sympathies go to his wife Jenny and his children at this very sad time for them all.
1st March 2009
Lion Pat Young
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown
Wimborne & Ferndown Lions Club regrets to report the passing to higher service of Lion Pat Young. In 2000, during his first stint as Mayor of Ferndown, Pat visited us to lend civic support to our Christmas food parcels and was so impressed that he joined us. Pat was a very supportive member despite the distractions of a second term as Mayor and becoming Branch President the Royal British Legion. Our Club will miss his ready wit and rich voice at our meetings and our condolences go to his widow Ros and their family.
23rd January 2009
Lion Alan Langley
Lions Club of Blandford and District
The Lions of Blandford Forum are sad to announce the passing of Lion Alan Langley. Lion Alan lived in Winterbourne Kingston and is survived by his wife Frances.