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LCI Universal login system

All Lions Clubs International digital applications are moving to a universal login system. This will be called your Lion Account. Beginning on the 27th of March 2019, you’ll be asked to use a new username and password that will give you access to:

MyLion portal


The new Log-in screen looks like this

lci welcome

If you haven't already created an account, you will need to register

lci registerComplete the form with your Lions Member ID and date of birth (note month first). Enter your email address or Mobile number as provided to your club when you joined (or subsequently updated, of course). Enter a password and write it down - you will forget it! Don't use a password that you use for banking etc.

Once logged in

Depending on which link (above) you used, you will see one of the following pages:

MyLion Portal

Click on one of the drop-down menus below the Lions logo or the link top left to return to your Lion account (Portal).


Training PowerPoint

Download and view this updated training PowerPoint, with training notes. 

Apart from showing you how to register and log-in to your MyLion account, it explains in detail how to complete your reports.

Icon HowToReport.pptx