In Memoriam
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1st March 2010
Lion Joseph Byers
Lions Club of Bournemouth and Christchurch
18th December 2009
Lion Joe Hemming
Lions Club of Wimborne and Ferndown
It is with regret members report the passing of Lion Joe after a long illness, bravely borne. A member for almost 18 years Lion Joe held various posts whilst with Maidenhead Club including President and also serving as a District Officer. Upon relocating to Dorset he joined Wimborne & Ferndown and took on the post of Secretary and only his illness prevented him taking over as President. He will be sadly missed and our thoughts are with his wife, Barbara, at this very sad time.
Derick Smith
6th November 2009
Lion Les Ricketts
Lions Club of Poole
The Lions Club of Poole is sad to report the death of Lion Les. A member of our club since 1982, Lion Les was a tireless worker for those in need in our community. We remember with gratitude his commitment to, amongst other things, our Spring Fayre, Easter Egg Raffle and to raising funds for a greenhouse for Fourways Community Centre. He never held back in his efforts for the club, even to the extent of suffering a broken ankle in a ‘friendly' cricket match against Wimborne and Ferndown Lions Club. We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife, Pat, and to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
1st November 2009
Lion Brian Cooper
Lions Club of Wokingham
Lion Brian joined Watford Lions in 1987 transferring to Wokingham in 1988.
He was Fund Raising Chairman (1989-1990) and Greeter for many years until 2006.
His joviality will be missed by his fellow Lions. Our condolences go to his wife Lily.
Funeral: Sat 14th at 11.15am at Easthampstead Park Cemetary & Crematorium
Contact: Lion Patrick Allen, Wokingham Lions Club for other details
1st October 2009
Lion Martin John Pickard
Lions Club of Pangbourne, Theale and District
Funeral arrangements as follows:
Service 2.30pm, Tuesday 13th Oct at St. Barnabas Church, Emmer Green, Reading RG4 8RA followed by family only cremation.
Family flowers only but donations in aid of SSAFA and South Chilterns Lions Club, along with any card to his wife Ann, to the funeral directors, A.B.Walker & Sons, Reading tel: 0118 957 3650
Derick Smith
18th September 2009
Lion Bryan Taylor
Lions Club of Wareham
TAYLOR; Bryan Ralph (60)
It is with great sadness that on behalf of our President that I inform you that Lion Bryan Taylor passed away to higher authority on Friday 18th September 2009 after a long cancer illness. Lion Bryan had served 18 years as a Lion and was club President in the year 1994/5 and again in 2007/8. He will be greatly missed by all of us. Our thoughts are with his wife Heather and their family.
Mark Bartlett
10th August 2009
Lion David Hursltone
Lions Club of Poole
It is with great sadness the club reports the death of former member, Lion David HURLSTONE MJF. He joined the club in 1981 and was a highly valued and respected member for 16 years, until he moved away from our area. His work with local schools in bringing them the Tacade programme was highly appreciated. He developed the systems to support our Swimarathon, now in it's 32nd year, and did the groundwork to establish our Spring Fayre.
His award of a Melvin Jones Fellowship was a mark not only of the club's appreciation for his contributions, but also showed the affection and respect he won from all. Our condolences go to his son and daughter.
Robert Maguire
20th July 2009
Lion Terry Tidd
Lions Club of Petersfield
Petersfield Lions Club regrets to report the passing of Charter Member Lion Terry Tidd at the age of 87. Terry, who served two terms as President, spent his early years in Lions as a fund raising specialist. Later he served as club PRO and youth officer, with a particular interest in the Youth Award Scheme. Many Lions in District 105D knew Terry through the annual SpecTrek with which he was involved from its beginning in 1982.
Terry's drive and enthusiasm remained constant throughout his 37 year Lions career and he will be greatly missed by his fellow members. The club sends it's condolences to Terry's wife Audrey and his family.
14th July 2009
Lion Bill Barter
Lions Club of Southampton Solent
I must pass on sad news that many of you may already be aware of, and that is the passing of Lion Bill Barter. As many of you know Bill had been a long time member and supporter of the Solent Lions Club and although we had not seen as much of him as we would like to have done his passing to higher service will be a loss to all those who new him.
Laurence Hardy
12th July 2009
Lion Stuart Le Ruez-Lane
Lions Club of Jersey
28th June 2009
Lion Tim Arblaster
Lions Club of Southampton Solent
It is my sad duty to inform you that Lion Tim passed to higher service on 28 june 2009 following a long battle against cancer. Any donations to Marie Curie Cancer Care.
Please do not contact family, any queries to me.
Jim Godden
21st May 2009
Lion Brian Wilson
Lions Club of Swanwick
The Lions Club of Swanwick. With deep regret the Club reports the death of Lion Brian. Serving as Secretary for the last seven years he was a dedicated and respected Lion with a wealth of knowledge. Lion Brian joined what was then the Rhodesian Salisbury Club in 1965 serving in Rhodesia and South Africa. In 2000 Lion Brian a Melvin Jones Fellow transferred from The Lions Club of St Croix, Port Elizabeth South Africa to The Lions Club of Swanwick where he served as Tailtwister and Lion Tamer becoming Secretary in 2002.
The members extend their deepest sympathy to his wife Mary and the family
10th May 2009
Lion Samantha Stevens
Lions Club of Goring, Woodcote and District
Lion Samantha (Sam) STEVENS 1973-2009
With heartbreaking sadness, Lion President Chris Stevens & Tova report the death of Sam, a daughter of wonderful qualities and a person of tenatious spirit and caring capacity.
Lion Sam was the youngest Lion President in Britain & Ireland in 1999 and has been an active member of the club thoughout her years in Lions.
Sam's charitable works were not restricted to Lions, she was also supporting African charities in Uganda and Kenya. In July she was going to Uganda to start building a school and in September she was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro for another charity.
1st May 2009
Lion Deryck Wyatt
Lions Club of Woolmer Forest
10th April 2009
Lion Ken Clarke
Lions Club of Poole
1st April 2009
Lion Douglas Begg
Lions Club of Jersey
The Lions Club of Jersey reports with sadness the death of Charter Member Past President Lion Douglas Begg at the age of 83. Lion Douglas had been ill for some time and yet despite his increasing frailty continued to attend dinner meetings in the car of his devoted daughter Heather.
Lion Douglas was president of the Jersey Club in 1968/69 and was many years the Club's Medic-Alert officer, earning many awards for his dedication and achievements in attracting new users. He was also a major fund-raiser for the Jersey Lions' own team in the annual Swimarathon which since 1972 has raised more than £2,500.000.
It was appropriate that the Club of which he was a founder should seek to reward him with a Life Membership, only the second the Club has awarded in its 46 years. Sadly he died before the award could be made.
19th March 2009
Lion David Gibson
Lions Club of Blackmore Vale
It is with great sadness that we report that Lion David passed away. His son Andrew, felt that the last treatment of chemotherapy was too much for his father, and he seemed to fade away from that moment on. Although prepared for this, it is a great loss to the family any donations should be sent to Leukaemia Research.